KUSKA YACHACHINAKUSUNCHIS – “Tú me enseñas lo que sabes, yo te enseño lo que sé” La comunicación y la revaloración de los saberes ancestrales de comunidades altoandinas de la región del Cusco en la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres y Cambio Climático
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las comunidades oriundas del Perú tienen en su carga cultural saberes ancestrales que
adquirieron en su experiencia con su entorno a lo largo de los años; por ejemplo, el
conocimiento de indicadores climáticos naturales. Sin embargo, estas se ven amenazadas por
el desarrollo constante de las ciudades y el incremento de la contaminación ambiental.
De igual manera, muchas comunidades se encuentran en situación de vulnerabilidad frente al
Cambio Climático. Por ello, existen diferentes iniciativas y proyectos que buscan fomentar una
cultura de prevención dentro de las mismas. Alcanzar dicho objetivo implica el uso de procesos
de comunicación que logren el cambio de actitudes, percepciones y prácticas de las personas a
través de la presentación de información técnica sobre el tema, que muchas veces no es familiar
para los pobladores. Pero ¿qué pasa si se toma en cuenta los conocimientos de los comuneros?
Se crearía un espacio de intercambio y diálogo de conocimientos.
En la región del Cusco se ejecutaron proyectos en cuyas actividades se pueden identificar
características del diálogo de conocimientos, el reconocimiento de las prácticas ancestrales y la
apropiación de una cultura de prevención dentro de las comunidades participantes. Para lograr
ello, los procesos de comunicación tuvieron que tener características propias de la
comunicación para el desarrollo que les permita a los pobladores y especialistas del proyecto
llegar a un consenso en favor de la implementación de estrategias de la gestión del riesgo de
desastres afines a la comunidad.
The native communities of Peru have in their cultural load ancestral knowledge that they acquired in their experience with their environment over the years; for example, knowledge of natural climatic indicators. However, these are threatened by the constant development of cities and the increase in environmental pollution. Similarly, many communities are in a situation of vulnerability to Climate Change. Therefore, there are different initiatives and projects that seek to promote a culture of prevention within them. Achieving this objective implies the use of communication processes that achieve the change of attitudes, perceptions and practices of the people through the presentation of technical information on the subject, which is often not familiar to the inhabitants. But what happens if the knowledge of the community members is taken into account? A space for the exchange and dialogue of knowledge would be created. In the Cusco region, projects were carried out in whose activities characteristics of the dialogue of knowledge, the recognition of ancestral practices and the appropriation of a culture of prevention within the participating communities can be identified. To achieve this, the communication processes had to have characteristics of communication for development that allow the residents and specialists of the project to reach a consensus in favor of the implementation of disaster risk management strategies related to the community.
The native communities of Peru have in their cultural load ancestral knowledge that they acquired in their experience with their environment over the years; for example, knowledge of natural climatic indicators. However, these are threatened by the constant development of cities and the increase in environmental pollution. Similarly, many communities are in a situation of vulnerability to Climate Change. Therefore, there are different initiatives and projects that seek to promote a culture of prevention within them. Achieving this objective implies the use of communication processes that achieve the change of attitudes, perceptions and practices of the people through the presentation of technical information on the subject, which is often not familiar to the inhabitants. But what happens if the knowledge of the community members is taken into account? A space for the exchange and dialogue of knowledge would be created. In the Cusco region, projects were carried out in whose activities characteristics of the dialogue of knowledge, the recognition of ancestral practices and the appropriation of a culture of prevention within the participating communities can be identified. To achieve this, the communication processes had to have characteristics of communication for development that allow the residents and specialists of the project to reach a consensus in favor of the implementation of disaster risk management strategies related to the community.
Gestión de emergencias--Perú, Conocimiento ecológico tradicional--Perú--Cuzco, Mujeres y el medio ambiente--Perú--Cuzco, Comunicación para el desarrollo
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