Modelo prolab: Propuesta de aplicativo móvil con enfoque integral para la orientación vocacional de jóvenes
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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De acuerdo a Educación al Futuro (2015), en nuestro país más del 70 % de estudiantes
no saben qué carrera elegir al terminar sus estudios secundarios. Esta situación trae como
consecuencia una alta tasa de deserción en los estudios superiores que asciende a 170,000
estudiantes, por cada año, provenientes del sector público y privado. En este contexto, las
causas principales son la falta de orientación vocacional y la ausencia de una adecuada
planificación financiera.
Por esta razón, se hizo uso de diversas metodologías ágiles como Design Thinking y
Lean Startup con el objetivo de hallar una solución a esta problemática y que tuvo como
resultado a Vocativo. Este aplicativo móvil de orientación vocacional con enfoque integral
está dirigido a jóvenes que tienen la intención de llevar estudios superiores. Además,
pretende atacar de raíz las dos principales causas de deserción en estudios superiores.
Dicho lo anterior, en primer lugar, se enfoca en brindar una adecuada orientación
vocacional para los estudiantes, basada en evaluaciones psicológicas, información
segmentada y asesoría profesional. En segundo lugar, se centra en dotar a los padres de los
estudiantes la información y las herramientas necesarias para lograr una adecuada
planificación financiera, puesto que son ellos quienes están en la capacidad de solventar
económicamente los estudios de sus hijos
En base a lo descrito, Vocativo se presenta como una solución innovadora al no existir
actualmente en el mercado una alternativa de orientación vocacional integral. Por un lado,
contribuye a la sostenibilidad social al influir positivamente en el futuro académico de los
jóvenes y su devenir laboral. Por otro lado, la aplicación tiene carácter exponencial, debido al
creciente interés de los jóvenes por seguir estudios superiores, realidad que se extiende a
distintas regiones del país. Por último, cuenta con un modelo de negocios que le ayuda a
generar gran valor y, por ende, permite su sostenibilidad financiera.
According to Educación al Futuro (2015), in our country at least 70% of students do not know which career path to choose when they finish high school. This situation results in an elevated dropout rate in higher education that amounts to 170,000 students annually including students from public and private sectors. In this context, the main causes are the lack of vocational orientation and the absence of adequate financial planning. For this reason, various agile methodologies such as Design Thinking and Lean Startup were used to find a solution to this problem and as a result Vocativo was developed. This vocational counseling mobile application with a comprehensive approach aimed at young people who intend to undergo higher education. In addition, it aims to solve the two main causes of higher education desertion. First, it focuses on providing adequate vocational orientation for students, based on psychological evaluations, segmented information and professional counseling. Second, it focuses on providing useful information and tools to the students' parents in order to ensure an adequate financial planning, since they are the ones who cover their children's tuitions fees. Based on the above, Vocativo is presented as an innovative solution since currently there is no alternative of a career orientation app on the market. On the one hand, it contributes to social sustainability by positively influencing the academic future of young people and their future work. On the other hand, the application is exponential in nature, due to the growing interest of young people in pursuing higher education, a reality that extends to different regions of the country. Finally, it has a business model that helps it generate great value and, therefore, enables its financial sustainability.
According to Educación al Futuro (2015), in our country at least 70% of students do not know which career path to choose when they finish high school. This situation results in an elevated dropout rate in higher education that amounts to 170,000 students annually including students from public and private sectors. In this context, the main causes are the lack of vocational orientation and the absence of adequate financial planning. For this reason, various agile methodologies such as Design Thinking and Lean Startup were used to find a solution to this problem and as a result Vocativo was developed. This vocational counseling mobile application with a comprehensive approach aimed at young people who intend to undergo higher education. In addition, it aims to solve the two main causes of higher education desertion. First, it focuses on providing adequate vocational orientation for students, based on psychological evaluations, segmented information and professional counseling. Second, it focuses on providing useful information and tools to the students' parents in order to ensure an adequate financial planning, since they are the ones who cover their children's tuitions fees. Based on the above, Vocativo is presented as an innovative solution since currently there is no alternative of a career orientation app on the market. On the one hand, it contributes to social sustainability by positively influencing the academic future of young people and their future work. On the other hand, the application is exponential in nature, due to the growing interest of young people in pursuing higher education, a reality that extends to different regions of the country. Finally, it has a business model that helps it generate great value and, therefore, enables its financial sustainability.
Educación superior--Perú, Innovaciones tecnológicas, Evaluación vocacional, Aplicaciones--Dispositivos móviles
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