Influencia del uso de la plataforma edu 2.0 en el logro de capacidades emprendedoras en estudiantes de computación de educación básica regular y educación técnico-productiva de Lima Metropolitana, 2015
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue analizar la influencia de una
plataforma virtual de aprendizaje en el logro de capacidades emprendedoras en
dos instituciones educativas públicas, una de ellas de Educación Básica Regular
(EBR) y la otra de Educación Técnico-Productiva (ETP) de Lima Metropolitana.
Para este análisis se consideraron estudiantes matriculados en el curso de
Computación del quinto grado de secundaria y los del nivel básico de un Centro de
Educación Técnico-Productiva, diseñándose en la Plataforma EDU 2.0 un curso en
donde se desarrollaron lecciones y actividades planificadas a través de la
enseñanza b-learning, cuyo propósito fue el logro de capacidades emprendedoras.
El enfoque de la investigación fue cuantitativo, de nivel explicativo y de tipo
aplicada, seleccionándose el diseño experimental de clase cuasiexperimental. Se
utilizó como técnica de recojo de información la encuesta y como instrumento se
aplicó un cuestionario para medir la capacidad emprendedora en ambas
Instituciones Educativas a los grupos control y experimental, antes y después de la
aplicación de la plataforma virtual de aprendizaje; posteriormente, se analizaron las
puntuaciones para ver los logros de la aplicación.
Los resultados confirmaron la hipótesis general al encontrarse diferencias
significativas en los grupos control y experimental debido a la aplicación de la
plataforma virtual de aprendizaje y sus herramientas; es decir, se logró desarrollar
las capacidades emprendedoras en estudiantes de Computación de EBR y ETP.
Asimismo, se confirmaron las hipótesis específicas a excepción de la dimensión
relacional en EBR, hallándose diferencias significativas en nueve de las diez
hipótesis planteadas, al mostrar un incremento en las dimensiones relacional,
motivacional, innovadora, humanista y simbólica, después de la aplicación de la
Plataforma EDU 2.0.
The main objective of this research was to analyze the influence of a virtual learning platform to achieve entrepreneurial skills in two public educational institutions, one of Basic Education (EBR) and the other of Technical-Productive Education (ETP) in Lima. For this analysis, students are enrolled in the course of computing in the fifth year of secondary school and the basic level of a Center for Technical-Productive it was designed a EDU 2.0 Platform where lessons and activities was designed and planned by developed b-learning education, whose purpose was the achievement of entrepreneurial skills. The focus of the research was quantitative, explanatory level, applied type and experimental design. It was used as a technique for information gathering the survey and as instrument, the questionnaire. It was applied to measure entrepreneurship in both educational intitutions as well as control and experimental groups, before and after the application of virtual learning platform; then scores were analyzed to see the achievements of the application. The results confirmed the general hypothesis finding significant differences in the control and experimental groups due to the implementation of the virtual learning platform and tools; that is, it was developped entrepreneurial skills in students in EBR and ETP computing. In the same way, the specific hypotheses were confirmed except for the relational dimension in EBR, we found significant differences in nine of the ten hypotheses, showing an increase in relational, motivational, innovative, humanistic and symbolic dimensions, after application of the EDU 2.0 platform.
The main objective of this research was to analyze the influence of a virtual learning platform to achieve entrepreneurial skills in two public educational institutions, one of Basic Education (EBR) and the other of Technical-Productive Education (ETP) in Lima. For this analysis, students are enrolled in the course of computing in the fifth year of secondary school and the basic level of a Center for Technical-Productive it was designed a EDU 2.0 Platform where lessons and activities was designed and planned by developed b-learning education, whose purpose was the achievement of entrepreneurial skills. The focus of the research was quantitative, explanatory level, applied type and experimental design. It was used as a technique for information gathering the survey and as instrument, the questionnaire. It was applied to measure entrepreneurship in both educational intitutions as well as control and experimental groups, before and after the application of virtual learning platform; then scores were analyzed to see the achievements of the application. The results confirmed the general hypothesis finding significant differences in the control and experimental groups due to the implementation of the virtual learning platform and tools; that is, it was developped entrepreneurial skills in students in EBR and ETP computing. In the same way, the specific hypotheses were confirmed except for the relational dimension in EBR, we found significant differences in nine of the ten hypotheses, showing an increase in relational, motivational, innovative, humanistic and symbolic dimensions, after application of the EDU 2.0 platform.
Tecnología educativa., Enseñanza con ayuda de computadoras, Educación virtual.
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