Planeamiento estratégico del sector agrícola de exportación de Piura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El sector agro exportador del Perú tiene un gran potencial, es así que en los
últimos años éste ha tenido un crecimiento muy marcado, en esa misma línea el sector agro
exportador de la región Piura ha sido uno de los principales motores que ha tenido este sector,
el crecimiento vertiginoso de su producción de uva de mesa ha sobrepasado los índices de
producción de la región Ica, que hasta ese momento era el mayor productor de uva de mesa
del Perú. El mango y banano orgánico también han mejorado sus índices de exportación, con
referencia al año 2015, tan es así que Perú ha relegado a Brasil del puesto cuarto como
exportador mundial de mango. Este crecimiento ha sido importante, pero es necesario cubrir
algunas deficiencias que el sector agro exportador de la región Piura tiene para continuar con
su vertiginoso crecimiento, como es el incremento en la utilización de la tecnología y la
investigación, el mejoramiento de la infraestructura portuaria, así como ampliación del
aeropuerto, la asociatividad de los productores y la inversión en infraestructura hidráulica, no
solo para los cultivos, sino también para el buen desarrollo de toda la cadena exportadora. Se
ha identificado también que la principal amenaza a este sector son los fenómenos climáticos
como El Niño y La Niña, que según su intensidad pueden eliminar y desterrar cualquier
intención de producción y exportación, pudiendo dejar en ruinas al sector. He allí la
importancia de plantear objetivos de largo plazo al 2027 que logren afianzar y desarrollar aún
más este sector y lograr aprovechar la fuerte demanda de alimentos frescos, inocuos y de
calidad que exige el mercado internacional y lograr que la región Piura se vea beneficiada
con ella. En ese sentido se ha elaborado este plan estratégico para que las autoridades del
Gobierno Regional Piura lo apliquen en beneficio del desarrollo de la agro exportación
The agro export sector of Peru has a great potential, so in recent years it has had a very marked growth, along the same lines the agro export sector of the Piura region has been one of the main drivers of this sector, the rapid growth of its table grape production has exceeded production rates in the Ica region, which until then was Peru's largest table grape producer. Mango and organic bananas have also improved their export rates, with reference to 2015, so that is how Peru has relegated Brazil to the fourth position as a world exporter of mango. This growth has been important, but it is necessary to cover some deficiencies that the agro-export sector of the Piura region has to continue with its rapid growth, such as increased use of technology and research, improvement of port infrastructure, as well as expansion of the airport, the associativity of producers and investment in hydraulic infrastructure, not only for crops, but also for the good development of the entire export chain. It has also been identified that the main threat to this sector are climatic phenomena such as El Niño and La Niña, which according to their intensity can eliminate and banish any intention of production and export, and can ruin the sector. This is why it is important to set long-term goals for 2027 that will strengthen and further develop this sector and to take advantage of the strong demand for fresh, safe and quality food that exists in the internationa l market and make the Piura region benefit with her. In this sense, this strategic plan has been elaborated so that the authorities of the Gobierno Regional Piura apply it for the benefit of agro export development
The agro export sector of Peru has a great potential, so in recent years it has had a very marked growth, along the same lines the agro export sector of the Piura region has been one of the main drivers of this sector, the rapid growth of its table grape production has exceeded production rates in the Ica region, which until then was Peru's largest table grape producer. Mango and organic bananas have also improved their export rates, with reference to 2015, so that is how Peru has relegated Brazil to the fourth position as a world exporter of mango. This growth has been important, but it is necessary to cover some deficiencies that the agro-export sector of the Piura region has to continue with its rapid growth, such as increased use of technology and research, improvement of port infrastructure, as well as expansion of the airport, the associativity of producers and investment in hydraulic infrastructure, not only for crops, but also for the good development of the entire export chain. It has also been identified that the main threat to this sector are climatic phenomena such as El Niño and La Niña, which according to their intensity can eliminate and banish any intention of production and export, and can ruin the sector. This is why it is important to set long-term goals for 2027 that will strengthen and further develop this sector and to take advantage of the strong demand for fresh, safe and quality food that exists in the internationa l market and make the Piura region benefit with her. In this sense, this strategic plan has been elaborated so that the authorities of the Gobierno Regional Piura apply it for the benefit of agro export development
Exportación agrícola -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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