Consultoría de negocios caja municipal de ahorro y crédito Huancayo S.A
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Caja Huancayo S.A. es una empresa municipal dedicada a la intermediación
financiera, inicia actividades el año 1988 en la ciudad de Huancayo con el fin de brindar
acceso a los servicios financieros a los pobladores de esta localidad; desde su fundación está
constantemente ampliando su cobertura, incursionando en nuevos mercados a nivel nacional
a través de la apertura de agencias, de esta manera consigue establecer puntos de atención en
todos los departamentos del Perú. El grupo de consultoría de negocios realizó un análisis de
la situación de la institución, enfocándose en el core de negocio “Otorgamiento de Créditos”;
en conjunto con el Sub Gerente de Negocios de la empresa se identificaron las principales
problemáticas que el área de negocios enfrenta en el día a día, siendo la baja productividad de
los asesores de negocios en el otorgamiento de créditos el principal problema abordado en la
Para la identificación de las causas que generan este problema, se realizaron encuestas
y entrevistas a los asesores de negocios y administradores de agencias quienes son los que
componen la red comercial de la empresa. Posteriormente, se presentaron las propuestas de
solución agrupándolas bajo tres enfoques; el enfoque tecnológico con un sistema integrado de
gestión para el asesor, el enfoque de procesos con una propuesta de mejora y rediseño de
procesos existentes, y finalmente el enfoque de personas donde se potencia la capacitación y
motivación hacia los colaboradores de la organización. En tal sentido, se tiene como
propuesta de solución la implementación del proyecto Sistema Integrado de Gestión
Comercial que engloba los enfoques tecnológicos, procesos y personas; y cuya ejecución
permitirá potenciar la labor de los asesores de negocios generando impactos positivos en la
productividad de los mismos. El proyecto tiene un costo de S/ 1’115,000 el cual de acuerdo a
las proyecciones realizadas genera un rendimiento de 17.9% y permite una recuperación de la
inversión payback en 44 meses.
Caja Huancayo S.A. is a municipal company dedicated to financial intermediation. It began its activities in 1988 in the city of Huancayo with the purpose of providing access to financial services to the inhabitants of this town; since its foundation it has constantly expanded its coverage, entering new markets nationwide through the opening of agencies, thus establishing points of attention in all the departments of Peru. The business consulting group conducted an analysis of the institution's situation, focusing on the business core "Credit granting"; together with the company's Deputy Business Manager, they identified the main problems that the business area faces on a daily basis, being the low productivity of business advisors in the granting of loans the main problem addressed in the research. In order to identify the causes of this problem, surveys and interviews were conducted with business advisors and agency managers who make up the company's commercial network. Subsequently, the solution proposals were presented, grouping them under three approaches: the technological approach with an integrated management system for the advisor, the process approach with a proposal for improvement and redesign of existing processes, and finally the people approach, where training and motivation of the organization's collaborators is promoted. In this sense, the solution proposal is the implementation of the Integrated Commercial Management System project, which encompasses technological approaches, processes and people, and whose implementation will enhance the work of business advisors, generating positive impacts on their productivity. The project has a cost of S/ 1'115,000 which according to projections generates a return of 17.9% and allows for a payback of the investment in 44 months.
Caja Huancayo S.A. is a municipal company dedicated to financial intermediation. It began its activities in 1988 in the city of Huancayo with the purpose of providing access to financial services to the inhabitants of this town; since its foundation it has constantly expanded its coverage, entering new markets nationwide through the opening of agencies, thus establishing points of attention in all the departments of Peru. The business consulting group conducted an analysis of the institution's situation, focusing on the business core "Credit granting"; together with the company's Deputy Business Manager, they identified the main problems that the business area faces on a daily basis, being the low productivity of business advisors in the granting of loans the main problem addressed in the research. In order to identify the causes of this problem, surveys and interviews were conducted with business advisors and agency managers who make up the company's commercial network. Subsequently, the solution proposals were presented, grouping them under three approaches: the technological approach with an integrated management system for the advisor, the process approach with a proposal for improvement and redesign of existing processes, and finally the people approach, where training and motivation of the organization's collaborators is promoted. In this sense, the solution proposal is the implementation of the Integrated Commercial Management System project, which encompasses technological approaches, processes and people, and whose implementation will enhance the work of business advisors, generating positive impacts on their productivity. The project has a cost of S/ 1'115,000 which according to projections generates a return of 17.9% and allows for a payback of the investment in 44 months.
Consultores de empresas, Cajas municipales--Crédito--Perú