Informe jurídico sobre la Actos de competencia desleal en la modalidad de infracción al principio de adecuación social, a propósito del análisis de la Resolución No. 107-2019/CCD-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Por medio del presente informe buscamos analizar los hechos planteados y evaluados en
la Resolución No. 107-2019/CCD-INDECOPI, emitida por la Comisión de Fiscalización
de Competencia Desleal del Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la
Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (en adelante, el INDECOPI), en aplicación de lo
establecido en el Decreto Legislativo No. 1044 – Ley de Represión de Competencia
Desleal (en adelante, LRCD). En tal resolución se determinó la comisión de un acto
infractor al principio de adecuación social, recogido en el artículo 18 de la referida norma,
por la difusión de un anuncio publicitario por parte de Saga Falabella S.A. y Circus Grey
Perú S.A.C. que contendría elementos inducirían la comisión de actos de discriminación
por motivos de raza hacia las personas afrodescendientes. En ese sentido, en las líneas
subsiguientes evaluaremos los hechos materia de controversia, los argumentos de defensa
presentados por ambas empresas, y si el análisis realizado por la Comisión de
Fiscalización de Competencia Desleal del INDECOPI (en adelante, la Comisión o CCD)
fue adecuado y si efectivamente se configuró un acto de competencia desleal, sancionable
por nuestro ordenamiento.
By means of this report we seek to analyze the facts presented and evaluated in Resolution No. 107-2019/CCD-INDECOPI, issued by the Commission on Unfair Competition of the National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (hereinafter, INDECOPI, for its acronym in Spanish), in application of the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 1044 - Unfair Competition Law (hereinafter, LRCD, for its acronym in Spanish). In such resolution, it was determined that Saga Falabella S.A. and Circus Grey Perú S.A.C. had committed an act in violation of the principle of social adequacy, as set forth in Article 18 of the aforementioned law, due to the dissemination of an advertisement containing elements that would induce the commission of acts of discrimination on the grounds of race towards Afro-descendants. In this sense, in the following lines we will evaluate the facts of the controversy, the defense arguments presented by both companies, and whether the analysis carried out by Commission on Unfair Competition of INDECOPI (hereinafter, the Commission or CCD, for its acronym in Spanish) was adequate and whether an act of unfair competition, punishable by our legal system, was indeed committed.
By means of this report we seek to analyze the facts presented and evaluated in Resolution No. 107-2019/CCD-INDECOPI, issued by the Commission on Unfair Competition of the National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (hereinafter, INDECOPI, for its acronym in Spanish), in application of the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 1044 - Unfair Competition Law (hereinafter, LRCD, for its acronym in Spanish). In such resolution, it was determined that Saga Falabella S.A. and Circus Grey Perú S.A.C. had committed an act in violation of the principle of social adequacy, as set forth in Article 18 of the aforementioned law, due to the dissemination of an advertisement containing elements that would induce the commission of acts of discrimination on the grounds of race towards Afro-descendants. In this sense, in the following lines we will evaluate the facts of the controversy, the defense arguments presented by both companies, and whether the analysis carried out by Commission on Unfair Competition of INDECOPI (hereinafter, the Commission or CCD, for its acronym in Spanish) was adequate and whether an act of unfair competition, punishable by our legal system, was indeed committed.
Libre competencia, Publicidad comercial, Competencia económica desleal, Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (Perú)