Modelo Prolab: LuminCare, una propuesta sostenible para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas que se exponen a la radiación solar en la ciudad de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El cáncer de piel en el Perú es uno de los cánceres más frecuentes que se registran, esto
atribuido a múltiples factores, como la posición geográfica del Perú, la cual influye en la
cantidad radiación solar que recibe, el otro factor a considerar es la poca cultura de protección
de la piel.
En el presente trabajo se propone brindar un producto de protección solar (crema bloqueadora
y gel bloqueador), que sea económicamente accesible en función al segmento al cual van a
fin de lograr que el alcance sea amplio, y brindar campañas sensibilizadoras mediante medios
digitales (B2C) o in situ (B2B) a fin de fomentar la toma de conciencia en la población sobre
el cuidado de la piel mediante el uso de protectores solares.
Esta dualidad de solución nace de la identificación y empatizar con los usuarios que no
pueden acceder a una solución de bloqueador solar que les sea de uso agradable y
económicamente accesible.
Para validar la propuesta de solución se realizó un producto mínimo viable y se realizaron las
respectivas pruebas y encuestas de aceptación de este, validando de esta manera la hipótesis
de deseabilidad del producto mínimo viable.
Skin cancer in Peru is one of the most common types of cancer recorded, this is due to various factors, among which we can highlight the geographical position of Peru, which influences the amount of solar radiation it receives and another important factor is the poor culture of skin protection. This work proposes to provide a sun protection product (sunscreen cream and sunscreen gel) that is economically accessible within the range of the corresponding segment (in order to achieve a broad reach), and to provide awareness campaigns through digital media (B2C) or on-site (B2B) in order to raise awareness among the population about the use of sunscreens and skin care. This duality of solution arises from identifying and empathizing with users who cannot access a sunscreen solution that is pleasant and economically accessible for them to use. To validate the solution proposal, a minimum viable product was created and the respective tests and acceptance surveys were carried out, thus validating the desirability hypothesis of the minimum viable product.
Skin cancer in Peru is one of the most common types of cancer recorded, this is due to various factors, among which we can highlight the geographical position of Peru, which influences the amount of solar radiation it receives and another important factor is the poor culture of skin protection. This work proposes to provide a sun protection product (sunscreen cream and sunscreen gel) that is economically accessible within the range of the corresponding segment (in order to achieve a broad reach), and to provide awareness campaigns through digital media (B2C) or on-site (B2B) in order to raise awareness among the population about the use of sunscreens and skin care. This duality of solution arises from identifying and empathizing with users who cannot access a sunscreen solution that is pleasant and economically accessible for them to use. To validate the solution proposal, a minimum viable product was created and the respective tests and acceptance surveys were carried out, thus validating the desirability hypothesis of the minimum viable product.
Cáncer--Perú--Aspectos sociales, Cosméticos--Industria y comercio--Perú