Planeamiento estratégico para conservas de pescado del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente trabajo se elabora el Planeamiento Estratégico de Conservas de Pescado
en el Perú. El plan estratégico es el resultado de un exhaustivo análisis de los factores
externos e internos de la industria de conservas de pescado. Ello permitió identificar cuáles
eran las principales oportunidades, amenazas, fortalezas y debilidades de la industria.
Asimismo, a partir de la elaboración de diferentes matrices, se pudieron establecer las
estrategias principales para cumplir con los objetivos a largo plazo y sus correspondientes
objetivos a corto plazo, con la finalidad de poder alcanzar la visión trazada. La industria de
conservas de pescado es atractiva y competitiva; su crecimiento ha sido sostenido, incluso por
encima del crecimiento económico del país. Las estrategias propuestas en el planeamiento
estratégico se centran en el apalancamiento del diseño y desarrollo de conservas de pescado
sostenibles de alto valor (i. e., alta calidad, innovación y tecnología) como ventaja
competitiva y punto de diferenciación versus sus principales competidores de la región
Andina (i. e., Colombia, Chile, Venezuela, Ecuador y Bolivia). Todo ello apunta al
crecimiento de forma innovadora, sostenible y rentable de las industrias de pescados
envasados, con la visión de llegar a ser el primer país productor más importante de conservas
de pescado de la región
In the present work the Strategic Planning of Canned Fish in Peru is elaborated. The strategic plan is the result of a thorough analysis of the external and internal factors of the fish canning industry, which identified the main opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses of the industry. Also, from the development of different matrices, it was possible to establish the main strategies to meet the long-term objectives and their corresponding short-term objectives, in order to reach the outlined vision. The fish canning industry is an attractive and competitive industry, whose growth has been sustained and above the economic growth of the country. Strategies proposed in strategic planning focus on leveraging the design and development of high value (ie, high quality, innovative, and technological) sustainable fish preserves as a competitive advantage and point of differentiation versus their main competitors in the Andean region ( Ie, Colombia, Chile, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia) in order to grow in an innovative, sustainable and profitable way in the packaged fish products industries, with the vision of becoming the first the region
In the present work the Strategic Planning of Canned Fish in Peru is elaborated. The strategic plan is the result of a thorough analysis of the external and internal factors of the fish canning industry, which identified the main opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses of the industry. Also, from the development of different matrices, it was possible to establish the main strategies to meet the long-term objectives and their corresponding short-term objectives, in order to reach the outlined vision. The fish canning industry is an attractive and competitive industry, whose growth has been sustained and above the economic growth of the country. Strategies proposed in strategic planning focus on leveraging the design and development of high value (ie, high quality, innovative, and technological) sustainable fish preserves as a competitive advantage and point of differentiation versus their main competitors in the Andean region ( Ie, Colombia, Chile, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia) in order to grow in an innovative, sustainable and profitable way in the packaged fish products industries, with the vision of becoming the first the region
Productos pesqueros -- Perú, Planificación estratégica