Business consulting: Caja Arequipa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito de Arequipa, conocida como Caja Arequipa, es
una institución financiera peruana especializada en microfinanzas. Se constituyó como
asociación sin fines de lucro por Resolución Municipal No 1529 del 15 de julio de 1985 al
amparo del Decreto Ley No 23039 y su único accionista es el Municipio Provincial de
Arequipa. Nace con el propósito de ofrecer servicios financieros a una parte de la población
que no era atendida por la banca convencional, contribuyendo así a promover la inclusión
financiera para pequeños y microempresarios en el país. El objetivo de la presente consultoría
fue identificar el problema principal que no permite que la gestión de la gerencia de Productos
Pasivos tenga mayor rentabilidad a raíz de pérdida de saldos o falta de captación de los mismos.
Se emplearon diversas metodologías y herramientas para identificar el problema
principal, el cual se identifica como " las pérdidas económicas a la que la institución estaría
expuesta ". Además, se realizaron a cabo reuniones con la clave personal de la institución, lo
que permitió identificar la causa raíz: " Procesos operativos y manuales los cuales inducen al
error, además de generar pérdida de tiempo de los equipos involucrados en el proceso, falta de
agilidad y demoras en la atención y adicionalmente en la falta de trazabilidad para la
prospección de nuevos negocios y control de casos no exitosos y poco análisis de información
y uso de data analytics ".
La consultoría se centró en proponer un plan de solución para el problema identificado, y la
alternativa más adecuada es la implementación de una plataforma que automatiza las
aprobaciones de tasas para montos especiales de los depósitos a plazo, a la cual llamamos
NEVOS. Para implementar esta alternativa, se prevé una inversión total de S/80,000, con una
tasa de retorno de inversión del 241.25% y un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) de S/5,387,560.01
por lo que se recomienda la ejecución e implementación del proyecto propuesto.
Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito de Arequipa, known as Caja Arequipa, is a Peruvian financial institution specialized in microfinance. It was established as a non-profit association by Municipal Resolution No. 1529 of July 15, 1985 under Decree Law No. 23039 and its sole shareholder is the Provincial Municipality of Arequipa. Caja Arequipa was created with the purpose of offering financial services to a part of the population that was not served by conventional banking, thus contributing to promoting financial inclusion for small and micro entrepreneurs in the country. The objective of this consultancy was to identify the main problem that does not allow the management of Passive Products to have greater profitability as a result of loss of balances or lack of collection thereof. Various methodologies and tools were used to identify the main problem, which is identified as "the economic losses to which the institution would be exposed." In addition, meetings were held with the institution's personal code, which made it possible to identify the root cause: "Operational and manual processes which lead to error, in addition to generating loss of time for the teams involved in the process, lack of agility and delays in attention and additionally in the lack of traceability for the prospecting of new businesses and control of unsuccessful cases and little analysis of information and use of data analytics." The consultancy focused on proposing a solution plan for the identified problem, and the most appropriate alternative is the implementation of a platform that automates rate approvals for special amounts of term deposits, which we call NEVOS. To implement this alternative, a total investment of S/80,000 is expected, with an investment return rate of 241.25% and a Net Present Value (NPV) of S/5,387,560.01, therefore the execution and implementation of the proposed project is recommended.
Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito de Arequipa, known as Caja Arequipa, is a Peruvian financial institution specialized in microfinance. It was established as a non-profit association by Municipal Resolution No. 1529 of July 15, 1985 under Decree Law No. 23039 and its sole shareholder is the Provincial Municipality of Arequipa. Caja Arequipa was created with the purpose of offering financial services to a part of the population that was not served by conventional banking, thus contributing to promoting financial inclusion for small and micro entrepreneurs in the country. The objective of this consultancy was to identify the main problem that does not allow the management of Passive Products to have greater profitability as a result of loss of balances or lack of collection thereof. Various methodologies and tools were used to identify the main problem, which is identified as "the economic losses to which the institution would be exposed." In addition, meetings were held with the institution's personal code, which made it possible to identify the root cause: "Operational and manual processes which lead to error, in addition to generating loss of time for the teams involved in the process, lack of agility and delays in attention and additionally in the lack of traceability for the prospecting of new businesses and control of unsuccessful cases and little analysis of information and use of data analytics." The consultancy focused on proposing a solution plan for the identified problem, and the most appropriate alternative is the implementation of a platform that automates rate approvals for special amounts of term deposits, which we call NEVOS. To implement this alternative, a total investment of S/80,000 is expected, with an investment return rate of 241.25% and a Net Present Value (NPV) of S/5,387,560.01, therefore the execution and implementation of the proposed project is recommended.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Cajas municipales--Perú--Arequipa
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