La influencia de la responsabilidad social empresarial en el comportamiento de compra de los consumidores de detergentes, hombres entre 25 y 30 años, en la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana y Callao
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE) se ha convertido en un tema de
importancia a nivel internacional. No obstante, en el Perú, no se cuenta con muchos estudios
que permitan conocer su impacto en el consumidor. Esta investigación busca determinar la
influencia que tiene la RSE en el comportamiento de compra de los hombres con edad entre
25 y 30 años, en Lima Metropolitana y Callao. La metodología utilizada fue la de los
modelos de elección discreta (MED). Se trata de un estudio experimental sobre detergentes
con diferentes niveles de competencias corporativas (CC) y acciones de RSE, que fuerza a los
sujetos de la investigación a tomar decisiones de compra, y cuantifica su disposición a pagar.
El experimento se llevó a cabo utilizando una muestra por conveniencia compuesta
por 132 consumidores del perfil mencionado. Los resultados de la investigación brindan
evidencia empírica de que existe una relación positiva entre la RSE y el comportamiento de
compra de la muestra. Además, se encontró que el efecto de la RSE, en su conjunto, es
superior al de las CC, ya que muestra incluso mayor disposición a pagar.
Esta tesis es una ampliación del alcance de la investigación doctoral del profesor
Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman, La Influencia de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en
el Comportamiento de Compra de los Consumidores Peruanos (Marquina, 2009). Esta tesis
de maestría busca validar si la relación identificada originalmente por el profesor Marquina
también se presenta en la categoría de detergentes para el segmento de hombres entre 25 y 30
años, tal como el autor lo sugiere en sus recomendaciones finales. Con la autorización del
autor, se ha utilizado parte de su tesis, particularmente en lo que se refiere a la revisión de la
literatura y a la metodología.
Corporate Social Responsibility has become an issue of international importance, but in Peru there are not many studies that provide information on its impact over consumer’s decisions. This research seeks to determine the influence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the purchase behavior of men between 25 and 30 years old. The methodology used was based on discrete choice models (DEM), so this is an experimental study on detergents with different levels of corporate competencies (CC) and CSR actions, forcing the research subjects to make purchase decisions, quantifying their willingness to pay. The experiment was conducted using a sample of 132 consumers, selected by convenience, but fitting in the mentioned profile. The research results provide empirical evidence that there is a positive relationship between CSR and purchase behavior, it was also found that the effect of CSR, as a whole, is higher than the CC, showing even greater willingness to pay This thesis is an extension of the scope of the doctoral research done by Professor Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman, titled "The influence of corporate social responsibility on buying behavior of consumers Peruvians" (Marquina, 2009). This Master's thesis seeks to validate whether the relationship originally identified by Professor Marquina also comes in the category of detergents for the segment of men between 25 and 30 years, as the author suggested in his final recommendations. With permission of the author, parts of his original document have been used, particularly in regard to the literature review and methodology.
Corporate Social Responsibility has become an issue of international importance, but in Peru there are not many studies that provide information on its impact over consumer’s decisions. This research seeks to determine the influence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the purchase behavior of men between 25 and 30 years old. The methodology used was based on discrete choice models (DEM), so this is an experimental study on detergents with different levels of corporate competencies (CC) and CSR actions, forcing the research subjects to make purchase decisions, quantifying their willingness to pay. The experiment was conducted using a sample of 132 consumers, selected by convenience, but fitting in the mentioned profile. The research results provide empirical evidence that there is a positive relationship between CSR and purchase behavior, it was also found that the effect of CSR, as a whole, is higher than the CC, showing even greater willingness to pay This thesis is an extension of the scope of the doctoral research done by Professor Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman, titled "The influence of corporate social responsibility on buying behavior of consumers Peruvians" (Marquina, 2009). This Master's thesis seeks to validate whether the relationship originally identified by Professor Marquina also comes in the category of detergents for the segment of men between 25 and 30 years, as the author suggested in his final recommendations. With permission of the author, parts of his original document have been used, particularly in regard to the literature review and methodology.
Responsabilidad social de las empresas, Comportamiento del consumidor, Investigación cuantitativa
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