Suyai, modelo de negocio sostenible basados en la producción de casacas rellenas de fibra PET reciclado, bajo un enfoque de metodologías ágiles
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo propone una solución de negocio que nace de la problemática de
contaminación ambiental a causa de una mala gestión de los residuos plásticos PET.
La reutilización de residuos plásticos PET a nivel mundial y particularmente en Perú,
son mínimos ya que son pocas las industrias que emplean estematerial reciclado como
insumo en sus productos para darle una segunda vida útil. Por otro lado, en los últimos años
se evidencia una creciente tendencia en algunos grupos de consumidores que prefieren y
valoran más los productos y a empresas que poseen responsabilidad social y ambiental, esto
debido a que las personas son más conscientes del impacto que genera la contaminación
sobre el planeta.
Nuestra propuesta de solución, Suyai, genera un valor ambiental que se basa
fundamentalmente en la reducción del impacto negativo que generan los residuos plásticos
PET en el ambiente al darle un segundo uso como material de relleno de casacas térmicas.
Por otro lado, el valor social radica en el apoyo a poblaciones vulnerables al friaje en el sur
andino peruano y promover la formalización y pago justo a los recicladores de nuestros
principales proveedores de fibra. Por otra parte, se tiene que la comercialización se realiza
principalmente a través de nuestro canal digital, Showroom y modulo rodante. Nuestras
casacas Suyai están dirigidas a jóvenes y adultos entre 25 y 55 años, de los sectores
socioeconómicos B y C, y que prefieren realizar una compra en aquellas empresas de
productos o servicios que generan un impacto positivo en el ambiente y en la sociedad.
El proyecto de negocio con apalancamiento financiero, presenta un VAN de S/
331,910.04 y una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) de 123.35%, con un periodo de recuperación
de 1.68 años equivalente a un año con nueve meses aproximadamente y mediante la
simulación de Montecarlo se muestra que el nivel de riesgo para conseguir un VAN menor a
S/. 200,000 es el 0.05%, por lo tanto, el negocio es viable y rentable.
This work proposes a business solution aiming at mitigating the environmental pollution issues caused by badly managed PET plastic waste, which is poorly reused worldwide, mainly in Peru, since very few industries use recycled PET plastic waste as raw materials providing a second-life use. Furthermore, in the latest years there has been an increasing trend in some consumer groups who prefer and appreciate more socially and environmentally responsible products and companies; this is due to the fact that people are more aware of how pollution affects the planet. Our solution Suyai generates an environmental value based on the reduction of the negative impact caused by PET plastic waste in the environment by providing a second-life use as filling material of thermal jackets. Besides, the social value lies in the support to populations who are vulnerable to “friaje” (extreme cold weather) in the Peruvian Andean South and promotes the formalization and fair payment to the recyclers of our main fiber suppliers. Additionally, the commercialization is done mainly through our digital channel, showroom and mobile unit. Our Suyai jackets are aimed at youngsters and adults within the ages of 25 to 55, who belong to the B-C socio-economic sectors and prefer to purchase in those companies that offer products or services creating a positive impact on the environment and the society. The business project with financial leverage, holds an NPV of S/331,910.04 and an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 123.35% with a recovery plan of 1.68 years equivalent to one year nine months approximately and when using a Monte Carlo simulation, it shows that the risk to get an NPV lower than S/.200,000 is 0.05%; hence, the business is both feasible and profitable.
This work proposes a business solution aiming at mitigating the environmental pollution issues caused by badly managed PET plastic waste, which is poorly reused worldwide, mainly in Peru, since very few industries use recycled PET plastic waste as raw materials providing a second-life use. Furthermore, in the latest years there has been an increasing trend in some consumer groups who prefer and appreciate more socially and environmentally responsible products and companies; this is due to the fact that people are more aware of how pollution affects the planet. Our solution Suyai generates an environmental value based on the reduction of the negative impact caused by PET plastic waste in the environment by providing a second-life use as filling material of thermal jackets. Besides, the social value lies in the support to populations who are vulnerable to “friaje” (extreme cold weather) in the Peruvian Andean South and promotes the formalization and fair payment to the recyclers of our main fiber suppliers. Additionally, the commercialization is done mainly through our digital channel, showroom and mobile unit. Our Suyai jackets are aimed at youngsters and adults within the ages of 25 to 55, who belong to the B-C socio-economic sectors and prefer to purchase in those companies that offer products or services creating a positive impact on the environment and the society. The business project with financial leverage, holds an NPV of S/331,910.04 and an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 123.35% with a recovery plan of 1.68 years equivalent to one year nine months approximately and when using a Monte Carlo simulation, it shows that the risk to get an NPV lower than S/.200,000 is 0.05%; hence, the business is both feasible and profitable.
Plan de negocios, Plásticos--Reciclaje, Plásticos--Industria y comercio--Perú, Economía ambiental, Desarrollo sostenible--Empresas, Producción--Administración
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