Calidad en las empresas peruanas subsector: educación inicial privada en la provincia del Cusco
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación recolectó información acerca de los niveles de
cumplimiento de los nueve factores de la Administración de Calidad Total (TQM según sus
siglas en inglés) en el Subsector: Educación Inicial Privada en la Provincia del Cusco. Para
este propósito, se realizó un análisis de cuatro sistemas de gestión de calidad aplicados en el
mundo que incluyó el modelo de la Administración de la calidad total (TQM). El instrumento
utilizado para la recolección de datos fue el Cuestionario TQM de Jorge B. Benzaquen De
Las Casas, que fue aplicado a 94 directores o dueños de instituciones educativas de nivel
inicial privada de la Provincia del Cusco, y el cual comprendió ocho preguntas generales y 35
afirmaciones en una escala de Likert de cinco puntos que comprendieron los factores: alta
gerencia, planeamiento de la calidad, auditoría y evaluación de la calidad, diseño del
producto, gestión de la calidad del proveedor, control y mejoramiento del proceso, educación
y entrenamiento, círculos de la calidad y enfoque hacia la satisfacción del cliente. El diseño
de la presente investigación tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, un alcance descriptivo (sin
hipótesis), y un diseño transeccional como parte de su metodología de estudio. Los resultados
obtenidos arrojaron niveles medios y altos de cumplimiento (91%) lo que significó que las
instituciones educativas encuestadas aplican los factores TQM, pero de manera empírica, a la
vez es necesario mencionar que la muestra obtenida considera instituciones educativas con
menos de 150 alumnos, por lo que la percepción al desarrollar el cuestionario es subjetiva en
sus apreciaciones sobre el Subsector.
This research collected information on levels of compliance with the nine factors of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the Subsector: Private Early Childhood Education in the province of Cusco. For this purpose, an analysis of four quality management systems applied in the world that included the model of Total Quality Management (TQM) was performed. The instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire TQM George B. Benzaquén De Las Casas, which was applied to 94 directors or owners of private educational institutions of initial level of the province of Cusco, and which comprised eight general questions and 35 statements on a scale of five points Likert understood factors: top management, quality planning, audit and evaluation of the quality, product design, quality management vendor, process control and improvement, education and training circles of quality and focus on customer satisfaction. The design of this study was a quantitative approach, descriptive (without assumption) scope, and transactional design as part of their study methodology. The results threw means higher compliance (91%), which meant that educational institutions surveyed apply the TQM factors, but empirically, while it should be mentioned that the sample considered educational institutions with fewer than 150 students, so that the perception in developing the questionnaire is subjective in its assessment of the Subsector.
This research collected information on levels of compliance with the nine factors of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the Subsector: Private Early Childhood Education in the province of Cusco. For this purpose, an analysis of four quality management systems applied in the world that included the model of Total Quality Management (TQM) was performed. The instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire TQM George B. Benzaquén De Las Casas, which was applied to 94 directors or owners of private educational institutions of initial level of the province of Cusco, and which comprised eight general questions and 35 statements on a scale of five points Likert understood factors: top management, quality planning, audit and evaluation of the quality, product design, quality management vendor, process control and improvement, education and training circles of quality and focus on customer satisfaction. The design of this study was a quantitative approach, descriptive (without assumption) scope, and transactional design as part of their study methodology. The results threw means higher compliance (91%), which meant that educational institutions surveyed apply the TQM factors, but empirically, while it should be mentioned that the sample considered educational institutions with fewer than 150 students, so that the perception in developing the questionnaire is subjective in its assessment of the Subsector.
Educación preescolar--Perú--Cuzco, Investigación cuantitativa, Calidad total
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