Afrontamiento y locus de control en pacientes en tratamiento de hemodiálisis
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La enfermedad renal crónica terminal es considerada como una fuente generadora de
estrés debido al deterioro continuo y constante. Por ello, la forma como el individuo afronta la
situación y la motivación que tiene para seguir el tratamiento es una fuente de interés de
investigación. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo conocer la relación entre las estrategias de
afrontamiento y el locus de control de la salud en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica terminal
que se encuentran recibiendo tratamiento de hemodiálisis. La población estudiada se conformó
por 80 pacientes provenientes de dos hospitales de Lima Metropolitana, a quienes se les aplicó el
Cuestionario de Estilos de Afrontamiento COPE (Carver, Scheier & Weintraub, 1989) y la Escala
Multidimensional de Locus de Control (Wallston, Wallston & Devellis, 1978). Se hallaron
correlación inversa y pequeña entre afrontamiento activo con locus de control otros poderosos y
una correlación inversa y mediana con locus de control de casualidad. Respecto al locus de control
interno, este se correlaciona de manera directa y leve con búsqueda de razones emocionales y
búsqueda de razones instrumentales. Además, la negación se correlaciona de manera directa y
mediana con el locus de control otros poderosos y de manera directa y leve con el locus de control
de casualidad.
End-stage renal disease is considered a source of stress due to continuous and constant deterioration. Therefore, the way the individual faces the situation and the motivation to follow the treatment is a source of research interest. The present study aims to know the relationship between coping strategies and the locus of health control in patients with chronic terminal kidney disease who are receiving hemodialysis treatment. The sample is conformed of 80 patients from two hospitals in Lima Metropolitana who have been applied the Coping Styles Questionnaire COPE (Carver, Scheier & Weintraub, 1989) and the Multidimensional Locus Control Scale developed (Wallston, Wallston & Devellis, 1978). There was an inverse and small correlation between active coping with other powerful locus of control and an inverse and medium correlation with locus of control of chance. Regarding the internal locus of control, it correlates directly and mildly with searching for emotional reasons and searching for instrumental reasons. In addition, negation correlates directly and median with the locus of control other powerful and directly and mildly with locus of control of chance.
End-stage renal disease is considered a source of stress due to continuous and constant deterioration. Therefore, the way the individual faces the situation and the motivation to follow the treatment is a source of research interest. The present study aims to know the relationship between coping strategies and the locus of health control in patients with chronic terminal kidney disease who are receiving hemodialysis treatment. The sample is conformed of 80 patients from two hospitals in Lima Metropolitana who have been applied the Coping Styles Questionnaire COPE (Carver, Scheier & Weintraub, 1989) and the Multidimensional Locus Control Scale developed (Wallston, Wallston & Devellis, 1978). There was an inverse and small correlation between active coping with other powerful locus of control and an inverse and medium correlation with locus of control of chance. Regarding the internal locus of control, it correlates directly and mildly with searching for emotional reasons and searching for instrumental reasons. In addition, negation correlates directly and median with the locus of control other powerful and directly and mildly with locus of control of chance.
Adaptación (Psicología)--Perú--Lima--Investigaciones, Control (Psicología), Insuficiencia renal crónica
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