Informe jurídico de la Resolución N°1908-2022-SUNAFIL/ILM
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Resolución N°1908-2022-SUNAFIL/ILM vulnera el debido proceso de la
empresa inspeccionada al determinar el incumplimiento de la normativa de
seguridad y salud en el trabajo en materia de condiciones de seguridad e imputar
el tipo legal el numeral 10 del artículo 28 de la RLGIT calificada como muy grave
por la conducta infractora, debido a que, configura un supuesto de falta de
valoración de los medios probatorios conforme al numeral 1.2 del artículo IV del
Título Preliminar de la LPAG.
Así mismo, sobre dicha falta de valoración probatoria se desprende una conducta
transgresora al Principio de competencia conforme al artículo 50 y 249 del TUO
de la LPAG cuando SUNAFIL determina que la vigencia de la Resolución
Gerencial de INDECI que culmina en el acto administrativo del Certificado ITSE
corresponde al momento de la inspección, a pesar de que, conforme a nuestro
ordenamiento jurídico carece de facultad para determinar si un acto realizado por
otra entidad administrativa concurre efectos jurídicos.
Además, existe una indebida motivación, pues parte de supuestos de hecho
inexistentes a partir de lo alegado por las partes y el propio inspector mediante
el acta de infracción conforme al numeral 1.2 y 1.11 del artículo IV del Título
Preliminar del TUO de la LPAG.
En consecuencia, dichas circunstancias generaron consecuencias jurídicas
además de la sanción impuesta al inspeccionado una situación de hecho
problemática para nuestro ordenamiento jurídico vinculado a la seguridad
jurídica del inspeccionado sobre el sistema jurídico en materia inspectiva.
Administrative Resolution N°1908-2022-SUNAFIL/ILM violates the due process of the inspected company when it determines the non-compliance of the safety and health at work regulations regarding safety conditions and imputes the legal type section 10 of Article 28 of the Regulations of the General Law of Labor Inspection qualified as very serious for the infringing conduct, because it configures an assumption of lack of evaluation of the evidentiary means according to numeral 1.2 of Article IV of the Preliminary Title of the General Administrative Process Law. Likewise, the lack of evaluation of the evidentiary means implies a violation of the Principle of competence according to Articles 50 and 249 of the General Administrative Process Law when SUNAFIL determines that the validity of the Management Resolution of INDECI that culminates in the administrative act of the Technical Safety Inspection of Buildings Certificate corresponds to the moment of the inspection, despite the fact that, according to our legal system, it lacks the power to determine whether an act carried out by another administrative entity has legal effects. Moreover, there is an improper motivation, since it is based on non-existent factual assumptions from the allegations made by the parties and the inspector himself in the infraction report in accordance with paragraphs 1.2 and 1.11 of Article IV of the Preliminary Title of the General Administrative Process Law. Consequently, such circumstances generated legal consequences in addition to the sanction imposed on the inspected party, a problematic factual situation for our legal system linked to the legal certainty of the inspected party on the legal system in inspection matters.
Administrative Resolution N°1908-2022-SUNAFIL/ILM violates the due process of the inspected company when it determines the non-compliance of the safety and health at work regulations regarding safety conditions and imputes the legal type section 10 of Article 28 of the Regulations of the General Law of Labor Inspection qualified as very serious for the infringing conduct, because it configures an assumption of lack of evaluation of the evidentiary means according to numeral 1.2 of Article IV of the Preliminary Title of the General Administrative Process Law. Likewise, the lack of evaluation of the evidentiary means implies a violation of the Principle of competence according to Articles 50 and 249 of the General Administrative Process Law when SUNAFIL determines that the validity of the Management Resolution of INDECI that culminates in the administrative act of the Technical Safety Inspection of Buildings Certificate corresponds to the moment of the inspection, despite the fact that, according to our legal system, it lacks the power to determine whether an act carried out by another administrative entity has legal effects. Moreover, there is an improper motivation, since it is based on non-existent factual assumptions from the allegations made by the parties and the inspector himself in the infraction report in accordance with paragraphs 1.2 and 1.11 of Article IV of the Preliminary Title of the General Administrative Process Law. Consequently, such circumstances generated legal consequences in addition to the sanction imposed on the inspected party, a problematic factual situation for our legal system linked to the legal certainty of the inspected party on the legal system in inspection matters.
Accidentes de trabajo, Sanciones administrativas, Seguridad industrial, Perú. Superintendencia Nacional de Fiscalización Laboral, Inspección de trabajo
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