Calidad en las municipalidades del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El desarrollo de esta investigación tiene como objetivo identificar el nivel de
cumplimiento de los factores de la Gestión de la Calidad Total (GCT) en las municipalidades
provinciales y distritales del Perú. Para lograr esto se diseñó un estudio de alcance descriptivo
y enfoque cuantitativo, con el cual se mide a la calidad a través de los siguientes nueve
factores, propuestos por Benzaquen (2013): (a) alta gerencia, (b) planeamiento de la calidad,
(c) auditoría y evaluación de la calidad, (d) diseño del producto, (e) gestión de la calidad del
proveedor, (f) control y mejoramiento del proceso, (g) educación y entrenamiento, (h)
círculos de calidad y (i) enfoque hacia la satisfacción del cliente.
A partir de una población de 1,838 municipalidades que hay en el Perú, integrada por
195 provinciales y 1,643 distritales se seleccionó una muestra probabilística y aleatoria, con
un grado de error estadístico del 10%. En estas instituciones se encuestó a una persona que
tuviese conocimiento sobre la gestión de la calidad dentro de la organización, que en la
mayoría de los casos fue el responsable de imagen institucional, el gerente administrativo o el
gerente municipal. Los datos fueron recopilados utilizando el instrumento Gestión de la
Calidad Total y analizados con el software estadístico SPSS versión 22.
La información recopilada permite concluir que el cumplimiento de los factores de la
calidad es bajo, con valores que oscilan entre una media de 3.39 para el factor Círculos de
Calidad y 3.83 para el factor Alta Gerencia, en una escala del Likert del 1.0 al 5.0. Los
resultados evidencian que el nivel de calidad difiere entre las distintas municipalidades,
encontrándose como favorable la búsqueda del éxito de la municipalidad a largo plazo lo cual
debe continuarse, pero lo que predomina es que no se brinda educación ni entrenamiento al
personal en aspectos específicos a la calidad, no se hace una planificación para el diseño de
los productos o servicios y tampoco se utiliza la herramienta del benchmarking, entre otros
This research is aimed to identify the level of compliance of the Total Quality Management (TQM) factors in the provincial and district municipalities of Peru. The study was designed with a quantitative and descriptive scope, focusing on measure quality through the following nine factors, which were proposed by Benzaquen (2013): (a) senior management, (b) quality planning (c) audit and quality assessment, (d) product design, (e) suppliers quality management, (f) process control and improvement, (g) education and training, (h) quality circles and (i) focus on customer satisfaction. There is a population of 1,838 municipalities in Peru, from which a probabilistic and random sample was selected, with a statistical error of 10%. In these institutions, researches addressed the questions to the person responsible for corporate image, to administrative manager or municipal manager. Data was collected using a questionnaire known as Total Quality Management, and then analyzed with statistical software SPSS version 22. The information collected allows to conclude that compliance with the factors of the quality is low, with values ranging from an average of 3.39 for the factor of quality circles and 3.83 for senior management factor, on a scale of the Likert from 1.0 to 5.0. The results shows that the level of quality differs between the different municipalities, finding how favorable the success of the municipalities in the long term is which should be continued, but what prevails is that municipalities do not provide education or training to staff in specific aspects of quality, there is not planning in the design of the products or services and they don’t use the benchmarking tool, among other aspects.
This research is aimed to identify the level of compliance of the Total Quality Management (TQM) factors in the provincial and district municipalities of Peru. The study was designed with a quantitative and descriptive scope, focusing on measure quality through the following nine factors, which were proposed by Benzaquen (2013): (a) senior management, (b) quality planning (c) audit and quality assessment, (d) product design, (e) suppliers quality management, (f) process control and improvement, (g) education and training, (h) quality circles and (i) focus on customer satisfaction. There is a population of 1,838 municipalities in Peru, from which a probabilistic and random sample was selected, with a statistical error of 10%. In these institutions, researches addressed the questions to the person responsible for corporate image, to administrative manager or municipal manager. Data was collected using a questionnaire known as Total Quality Management, and then analyzed with statistical software SPSS version 22. The information collected allows to conclude that compliance with the factors of the quality is low, with values ranging from an average of 3.39 for the factor of quality circles and 3.83 for senior management factor, on a scale of the Likert from 1.0 to 5.0. The results shows that the level of quality differs between the different municipalities, finding how favorable the success of the municipalities in the long term is which should be continued, but what prevails is that municipalities do not provide education or training to staff in specific aspects of quality, there is not planning in the design of the products or services and they don’t use the benchmarking tool, among other aspects.
Municipios--Perú, Investigación cuantitativa, Calidad total
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