Calidad en el servicio del trade marketing a las bodegas de Lima Metropolitana, en el sector de consumo masivo para el rubro de chocolatería
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la actualidad la calidad de los servicios resulta un punto importante en las
organizaciones. En el Perú no existen estudios previos referentes a la calidad del
servicio en el sector de consumo masivo (canal tradicional) y rubro de chocolates. Por
tal motivo, la presente investigación busca determinar la calidad del servicio que el
trade marketing brinda a las bodegas en el proceso de compra. Para ello se aplicó el
modelo SERVQUAL en el sector en Lima Metropolitana, ello mediante una encuesta de
22 preguntas con puntuaciones, la cual permitió identificar la brecha entre las
percepciones y expectativas de los clientes respecto a la calidad de servicio, esto sobre
una muestra poblacional de 387 bodegueros según una cuota por distrito.
A partir de un análisis correlacional se buscó establecer la relación que existe
entre las variables independientes (dimensiones) y la dependiente (calidad de servicios),
y mediante un análisis de regresión se buscó explicar el comportamiento de la calidad
del servicio mediante las dimensiones del modelo SERVQUAL. Los resultados de este
estudio comprueban que las dimensiones del modelo SERVQUAL (variables
independientes) explican en su totalidad la calidad del servicio que el trade marketing
brinda a los bodegueros de manera cuantitativa.
Se concluye que, existe una importante brecha en las cinco dimensiones del
modelo, siendo la “Tangibilidad” la de mayor brecha y “Fiabilidad” la de menor brecha.
En general, los bodegueros esperan más de lo que hoy les brinda el trade
marketing para atender sus necesidades. Como hallazgos adicionales se identificó que la
percepción de la calidad es diferente tanto a nivel de género como por edades.
Finalmente, se establece contribuciones y recomendaciones tanto teóricas como
prácticas para que las empresas del sector reorienten sus estrategias y puedan disminuir
las brechas encontradas.
Currently, the quality of services is an important point in organizations. In Peru there are no previous studies regarding the quality of the service in the mass consumption sector (traditional channel) and the chocolate sector. For this reason, this research seeks to determine the quality of service that trade marketing provides to wineries in the purchasing process. For this, the SERVQUAL model was applied in the sector in Metropolitan Lima, through a survey of 22 questions with scores, it was possible to identify the gap between the perceptions and expectations of customers regarding the quality of service, this on a population sample of 387 winemakers according to a quota per district. From a correlational analysis we sought to establish the relationship between the independent variables (dimensions) and the dependent one (quality of services), and through a regression analysis we sought to explain the behavior of the quality of service through the dimensions of the model SERVQUAL. The results of this study prove that the dimensions of the SERVQUAL model (independent variables) fully explain the quality of the service that trade marketing provides to winemakers in a quantitative way. It is concluded that there is an important gap in the five dimensions of the model, with “Tangibility” the one with the greatest gap and “Reliability” the one with the smallest gap. In general, winemakers expect more than what trade marketing offers them today to meet their needs. As additional findings, it was identified that the perception of quality is different both at the level of gender and by age. Finally, theoretical and practical contributions and recommendations are established so that companies in the sector reorient their strategies and can reduce the gaps found.
Currently, the quality of services is an important point in organizations. In Peru there are no previous studies regarding the quality of the service in the mass consumption sector (traditional channel) and the chocolate sector. For this reason, this research seeks to determine the quality of service that trade marketing provides to wineries in the purchasing process. For this, the SERVQUAL model was applied in the sector in Metropolitan Lima, through a survey of 22 questions with scores, it was possible to identify the gap between the perceptions and expectations of customers regarding the quality of service, this on a population sample of 387 winemakers according to a quota per district. From a correlational analysis we sought to establish the relationship between the independent variables (dimensions) and the dependent one (quality of services), and through a regression analysis we sought to explain the behavior of the quality of service through the dimensions of the model SERVQUAL. The results of this study prove that the dimensions of the SERVQUAL model (independent variables) fully explain the quality of the service that trade marketing provides to winemakers in a quantitative way. It is concluded that there is an important gap in the five dimensions of the model, with “Tangibility” the one with the greatest gap and “Reliability” the one with the smallest gap. In general, winemakers expect more than what trade marketing offers them today to meet their needs. As additional findings, it was identified that the perception of quality is different both at the level of gender and by age. Finally, theoretical and practical contributions and recommendations are established so that companies in the sector reorient their strategies and can reduce the gaps found.
Bodegas--Servicios al cliente, Chocolate--Comercialización--Lima Metropolitana, Calidad del servicio al cliente
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