Modelo prolab: Checkifood, aplicación móvil que ayuda al régimen alimenticio con machine learning
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Este informe resume los hallazgos de varios estudios sobre la repercusión de
costumbres alimenticias inadecuadas, particularmente las dietas estrictas, en los niveles de
agua y músculo en el cuerpo, el problema social relevante es la incidencia elevada de
obesidad y sobrepeso en la comunidad peruana, incluyendo a los individuos entre 18 y 45
años. Los estudios revelan que cuando las personas abandonan las restricciones dietéticas, sus
hábitos alimenticios cambian y el cuerpo lo compensa utilizando grasas para sustentarse
(Hernández & Vargas, 2022). La incidencia de obesidad y sobrepeso es una preocupación
mundial que ha llevado a un crecimiento de la prevalencia de morbilidades como diabetes,
afecciones cardiovasculares e insuficiencia renal, particularmente en Perú donde el 70% de la
población se encuentra en esta categoría (Hernández & Vargas, 2022). Al examinar los
puntos débiles de los usuarios, el informe identifica las horas de las comidas (desayuno,
almuerzo y cena) como las fuentes más importantes de frustración debido a la falta de
opciones nutritivas. A pesar de reconocer los riesgos para la salud asociados con la elección
de alimentos poco saludables, los usuarios a menudo optan por la conveniencia sobre la
nutrición. La propuesta consiste en el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil que utiliza machine
learning para detectar y analizar automáticamente los platos de comida a partir de fotografías.
Esta innovadora solución simplifica el proceso de seguimiento de la dieta y proporciona una
experiencia de usuario más fluida en comparación con las aplicaciones de la competencia que
requieren entrada manual de alimentos.
El modelo de negocio está diseñado para cubrir los requerimientos del público
objetivo que tienen predominantemente entre 18 y 45 años y buscan cambiar sus hábitos
alimenticios diarios. La aplicación está destinada a servir como una herramienta útil para
ayudar a los usuarios a alcanzar sus objetivos deseados, este aplicativo es innovador y
disruptivo porque combina tecnologías de vanguardia, experiencias de usuario simplificadas, personalización y un enfoque proactivo en salud preventiva, ofreciendo un recurso valioso
para ayudar a las personas a mejorar sus dietas y estilos de vida. El modelo de negocio de un
aplicativo enfocado en mejorar la dieta y llevar un control riguroso del régimen alimenticio
tendría un potencial de crecimiento exponencial en el Perú. Esto se debe a la combinación del
aumento en el uso de aplicaciones móviles y la prevalencia creciente de obesidad y sobrepeso
en el país.
Como menciona Soto (2020), utilizar aplicativos móviles ha experimentado un alza
notable en Perú, lo que indica una gran adopción de estas herramientas tecnológicas en
múltiples rubros, incluido el sector salud. Por otro lado, la obesidad y el sobrepeso son
considerados actualmente como problemas de salud pública en el Perú, como lo evidencia el
crecimiento en la incidencia de estas condiciones en la comunidad (INEI, 2020). El informe
señala que el proyecto tiene un valor económico significativo con un VAN de S/
3.980.520,22 soles, teniendo en cuenta una tasa de descuento del 10% y una TIR de 281,65%
a cinco años. El proyecto también tiene un valor social importante, ya que promueve estilos
de vida saludables y una producción y consumo responsables, al mismo tiempo que impacta
positivamente en el medio ambiente. El informe concluye con un VANS de S/4,258,764.47
Soles luego de analizar los beneficios y costos sociales del proyecto.
This report summarizes the findings of various studies on the impact of inappropriate eating habits, particularly strict diets, on the levels of water and muscle in the body, the relevant social problem is the high incidence of obesity and overweight in the Peruvian community, including to individuals between the ages of 18 and 45. Studies show that when people come off dietary restrictions, their eating habits change and the body compensates by using fats to sustain itself. The incidence of obesity and overweight is a global concern that has led to a growth in the prevalence of morbidities such as diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and kidney failure, particularly in Peru where 70% of the population falls into this category. By examining user pain points, the report identifies meal times (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) as the biggest sources of frustration due to a lack of nutritious options. Despite acknowledging the health risks associated with unhealthy food choices, users often opt for convenience over nutrition. The proposal consists of the development of a mobile application that uses machine learning to automatically detect and analyze food dishes from photographs. This innovative solution simplifies the diet tracking process and provides a smoother user experience compared to competing apps that require manual food entry. The business model is designed to meet the requirements of the target audience that is predominantly between 18 and 45 years old and seeks to change their daily eating habits. The application is intended to serve as a useful tool to help users achieve their desired goals, this application is innovative and disruptive because it combines cutting-edge technologies, simplified user experiences, personalization and a proactive approach in preventive health, offering a resource valuable in helping people improve their diets and lifestyles. The business model of an application focused on improving the diet and rigorously controlling the diet would have exponential growth potential in Peru. This is due to the combination of the increase in the use of mobile applications and the increasing prevalence of obesity and overweight in the country. As Soto (2020) mentions, using mobile applications has experienced a notable rise in Peru, which indicates a great adoption of these technological tools in multiple areas, including the health sector. On the other hand, obesity and overweight are currently considered public health problems in Peru, as evidenced by the growth in the incidence of these conditions in the community (INEI, 2020). The report indicates that the project has a significant economic value with a NPV of S/ 3,980,520.22 soles, taking into account a discount rate of 10% and an IRR of 281.65% over five years. The project also has an important social value, as it promotes healthy lifestyles and responsible production and consumption, while positively impacting the environment. The report concludes with a VANS of S/4,258,764.47 Soles after analyzing the benefits and social costs of the project.
This report summarizes the findings of various studies on the impact of inappropriate eating habits, particularly strict diets, on the levels of water and muscle in the body, the relevant social problem is the high incidence of obesity and overweight in the Peruvian community, including to individuals between the ages of 18 and 45. Studies show that when people come off dietary restrictions, their eating habits change and the body compensates by using fats to sustain itself. The incidence of obesity and overweight is a global concern that has led to a growth in the prevalence of morbidities such as diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and kidney failure, particularly in Peru where 70% of the population falls into this category. By examining user pain points, the report identifies meal times (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) as the biggest sources of frustration due to a lack of nutritious options. Despite acknowledging the health risks associated with unhealthy food choices, users often opt for convenience over nutrition. The proposal consists of the development of a mobile application that uses machine learning to automatically detect and analyze food dishes from photographs. This innovative solution simplifies the diet tracking process and provides a smoother user experience compared to competing apps that require manual food entry. The business model is designed to meet the requirements of the target audience that is predominantly between 18 and 45 years old and seeks to change their daily eating habits. The application is intended to serve as a useful tool to help users achieve their desired goals, this application is innovative and disruptive because it combines cutting-edge technologies, simplified user experiences, personalization and a proactive approach in preventive health, offering a resource valuable in helping people improve their diets and lifestyles. The business model of an application focused on improving the diet and rigorously controlling the diet would have exponential growth potential in Peru. This is due to the combination of the increase in the use of mobile applications and the increasing prevalence of obesity and overweight in the country. As Soto (2020) mentions, using mobile applications has experienced a notable rise in Peru, which indicates a great adoption of these technological tools in multiple areas, including the health sector. On the other hand, obesity and overweight are currently considered public health problems in Peru, as evidenced by the growth in the incidence of these conditions in the community (INEI, 2020). The report indicates that the project has a significant economic value with a NPV of S/ 3,980,520.22 soles, taking into account a discount rate of 10% and an IRR of 281.65% over five years. The project also has an important social value, as it promotes healthy lifestyles and responsible production and consumption, while positively impacting the environment. The report concludes with a VANS of S/4,258,764.47 Soles after analyzing the benefits and social costs of the project.
Hábitos alimenticios--Perú, Aplicaciones para móviles, Aprendizaje automático (Inteligencia artificial), Inteligencia artificial
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