Índice de progreso social de la provincia de Gran Chimú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo medir el progreso de la provincia de Gran
Chimú mediante el desarrollo de líneas de base e indicadores, asegurando comparabilidad.
Más que profundizar en métricas económicas, el Social Progress Index está enfocado en tres
dimensiones: necesidades humanas, fundamentos del bienestar y oportunidades en 12
componentes, con esto se garantiza un mejor nivel de vida de los habitantes como
instrumento de gestión de las políticas públicas. La investigación tiene un diseño descriptivo
simple, su finalidad es la descripción de los procesos actividades objetos y personas. El
tamaño de la muestra a la cual se aplicó el Índice de Progreso Social es de 277 jefes de
familia por vivienda, de las cuales 135 están ubicadas en la Zona 1 considerando el distrito de
Cascas, 53 viviendas ubicadas en la Zona 2 considerando el distrito de Lucma, 62 viviendas
ubicadas en la Zona 3 considerando el distrito de Marmot-Compin y 27 viviendas ubicadas
en la Zona 4 considerando el distrito de Sayapullo; esta zonificación fue basada
principalmente en la densidad poblacional de la provincia.
Los resultados de la medición de la Provincia de Gran Chimú dio como resultado un
IPS de 22.62, que lo ubica en un nivel de progreso social extremo bajo. El análisis identificó
que ni la provincia y ninguno de sus cuatro distritos han logrado satisfacer las necesidades
básicas humanas en ninguno de sus componentes. Se identificaron las brechas más
importantes en los componentes de vivienda, salud y bienestar, acceso al conocimiento
básicos y derechos personales que alcanzaron los mínimos puntajes. Se analizó también
según sus distritos, siendo el distrito de Lucma el que menos contribuye con el desarrollo del
Índice de Progreso Social de la provincia. Se recomienda a las autoridades utilizar este
estudio con la finalidad de efectuar los programas de desarrollo necesario que conlleven a un
mejoramiento del nivel de vida de los pobladores de cada uno de los distritos de la provincia
de Gran Chimú.
This investigation has as aim measure the progress of the province of Great Chimú by means of the development of base lines and indicators, assuring comparability. More that to penetrate in metric economic, the Social Progress Index is focused in three dimensions: human needs, foundations of the well-being and opportunities in 12 components, with this a better standard of living of the inhabitants is guaranteed as instrument of management of the public policies. The investigation has a descriptive simple design, its purpose is the description of the processes activities objects and persons. The size of the sample to which there was applied the Index of Social Progress belongs 277 family chiefs for housing, of which 135 are located in the Zone 1 considering the district of You Crack, 53 housings located in the Zone 2 considering Lucma's district, 62 housings located in the Zone 3 considering 4 to be Marmot-Compin's district and 27 housings located in the Zone considering Sayapullo's district; this zoning was based principally on the population density of the province. The results of the measurement of the Province of Great Chimú it gave like proved an IPS of 22.62, which it locates in a level of social progress low end. The analysis identified that not even the province and any of its four districts have managed to satisfy the basic human needs in none of its components. The most important gaps were identified in the components of housing, health and well-being, I access to the knowledge basic and personal rights that reached the minimums scores. It was analyzed also according to its districts, being Lucma's district the one that less it contributes with the development of the Index of Social Progress of the province. One recommends to the authorities to use this study with the purpose of effecting the programs of necessary development that they carry to an improvement of the standard of living of the settlers of each one of the districts of the province of Great Chimú.
This investigation has as aim measure the progress of the province of Great Chimú by means of the development of base lines and indicators, assuring comparability. More that to penetrate in metric economic, the Social Progress Index is focused in three dimensions: human needs, foundations of the well-being and opportunities in 12 components, with this a better standard of living of the inhabitants is guaranteed as instrument of management of the public policies. The investigation has a descriptive simple design, its purpose is the description of the processes activities objects and persons. The size of the sample to which there was applied the Index of Social Progress belongs 277 family chiefs for housing, of which 135 are located in the Zone 1 considering the district of You Crack, 53 housings located in the Zone 2 considering Lucma's district, 62 housings located in the Zone 3 considering 4 to be Marmot-Compin's district and 27 housings located in the Zone considering Sayapullo's district; this zoning was based principally on the population density of the province. The results of the measurement of the Province of Great Chimú it gave like proved an IPS of 22.62, which it locates in a level of social progress low end. The analysis identified that not even the province and any of its four districts have managed to satisfy the basic human needs in none of its components. The most important gaps were identified in the components of housing, health and well-being, I access to the knowledge basic and personal rights that reached the minimums scores. It was analyzed also according to its districts, being Lucma's district the one that less it contributes with the development of the Index of Social Progress of the province. One recommends to the authorities to use this study with the purpose of effecting the programs of necessary development that they carry to an improvement of the standard of living of the settlers of each one of the districts of the province of Great Chimú.
Indicadores sociales--Perú--Gran Chimú (Trujillo : Provincia), Indicadores económicos--Perú--Gran Chimú (Trujillo : Provincia), Investigación cuantitativa
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