Análisis de los Factores que influyen en la ejecución del Programa Articulado Nutricional que se implementa a través de la Microred de salud Cochabamba, provincia de Chota, región Cajamarca, 2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Es una investigación es de tipo cualitativo, no probabilístico, su objetivo principal
conocer los factores que influyen en la implementación del Programa Articulado
Nutricional que se ejecuta a través de la Microred de Salud Cochabamba,
provincia de Chota, región Cajamarca; analiza conocimientos, prácticas
nutricionales infantiles y percepción de los padres de familia sobre el programa, y
las competencias del personal de Salud, proponiendo así acciones que mejoren
la ejecución del Programa
La Microred de Salud Cochabamba, implementa el programa hace 9 años en la
zona de estudio; sin embargo, aún se evidencia una alta prevalencia de problemas
nutricionales de la primera infancia, como son la desnutrición (33%) y anemia
Los hallazgos del estudio, nos muestran la existencia de prácticas inadecuadas
por parte de los padres de familia en alimentación infantil, a pesar de las
actividades educativas y consejerías desarrolladas por los profesionales de la
salud encargados del Programa Articulado Nutricional durante el control de
crecimiento y desarrollo de los niños y niñas.
Además, el estudio de investigación refleja existencia de limitaciones en
conocimientos nutricionales e inadecuadas prácticas para las evaluaciones
nutricionales y consejerías, de parte los responsables que ejecutan las actividades
del Programa Articulado Nutricional; situación que hace sinergia con el deterioro
encontrado de algunos equipos, que se emplean en las evaluaciones
antropométricas, reflejando resultados fortuitos en los indicadores.
Con dichos hallazgos se propone acciones para mejorar la ejecución del
Programa Articulado Nutricional con mayor involucramiento de la Dirección
Subregional de Salud Chota, con el único propósito de favorecer a la población
infantil y contribuir en la mejora de atenciones en cada IPRESS o establecimiento
de salud de la Microred de Salud Cochabamba.
The research is qualitative, not probabilistic; its main objective is to know the factors that influence the implementation of the Nutritional Articulated Program that is executed through the Cochabamba Health Micro Network, province of Chota, Cajamarca region, it analyzes the knowledge and practices of child nutrition transmitted, parents perception of the program and the competences of health personnel, and proposes improvement measures that strengthen the implementation of the Program. The Cochabamba Health Micro Network implemented the program 9 years ago in the study area; however, there is still a high prevalence of nutritional problems in early childhood, such as malnutrition (33%) and anemia (19%). The findings of the study show us the existence of inadequate practices by parents in infant feeding, despite the educational activities and counseling developed by health professionals, in charge of the Nutritional Articulation Program during growth control and development of children. In addition, the research reflects the existence of limitations in nutritional knowledge and inadequate practices for nutritional evaluations and counseling of the health personnel that implements the Nutritional Articulated Program; situation that makes synergy with the deterioration found in some equipment, which are used in the anthropometric evaluations, reflecting fortuitous results in the indicators. With these findings, actions are proposed to improve the development of the activities of the Nutritional Articulated Program from the Subregional Health Directorate Chota, in order to favor the child population and contribute to the improvement of care in each IPRESS or health establishment of the Cochabamba Health Microred.
The research is qualitative, not probabilistic; its main objective is to know the factors that influence the implementation of the Nutritional Articulated Program that is executed through the Cochabamba Health Micro Network, province of Chota, Cajamarca region, it analyzes the knowledge and practices of child nutrition transmitted, parents perception of the program and the competences of health personnel, and proposes improvement measures that strengthen the implementation of the Program. The Cochabamba Health Micro Network implemented the program 9 years ago in the study area; however, there is still a high prevalence of nutritional problems in early childhood, such as malnutrition (33%) and anemia (19%). The findings of the study show us the existence of inadequate practices by parents in infant feeding, despite the educational activities and counseling developed by health professionals, in charge of the Nutritional Articulation Program during growth control and development of children. In addition, the research reflects the existence of limitations in nutritional knowledge and inadequate practices for nutritional evaluations and counseling of the health personnel that implements the Nutritional Articulated Program; situation that makes synergy with the deterioration found in some equipment, which are used in the anthropometric evaluations, reflecting fortuitous results in the indicators. With these findings, actions are proposed to improve the development of the activities of the Nutritional Articulated Program from the Subregional Health Directorate Chota, in order to favor the child population and contribute to the improvement of care in each IPRESS or health establishment of the Cochabamba Health Microred.
Política nutricional--Perú--Análisis, Política nutricional--Perú--Cajamarca, Desnutrición infantil, Salud pública--Perú
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