Análisis sobre las políticas en el proceso de inclusión de los estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales en las instituciones educativas en la ciudad de Camaná, Arequipa, 2017
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación trata acerca del proceso de inclusión de los estudiantes con
necesidades educativas especiales en las instituciones educativas en la ciudad de
Camaná, Arequipa.
La educación promueve la vida en comunidad y la participación; la escuela
inclusiva es un espacio en el cual se buscan innovaciones para fortalecer el
sentido propio de la pertenencia, buscando incentivar una mayor participación de
forma activa de todos aquellos miembros que la componen, al interior de la
organización educativa. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo central conocer las
medidas consideradas por la implementación del Servicio de Apoyo y
Asesoramiento de las Necesidades Educativas Especiales, para lo cual se realiza
un análisis de las estrategias aplicadas en las políticas que adoptan directores y
docentes a fin de fortalecer el programa de Inclusión Educativa en la provincia de
La metodología que se utilizó en la investigación es el enfoque cualitativo en donde
se indaga la comprensión e interpretación de la realidad, su metodología es
flexible y susceptible de modificación de acuerdo a los resultados que se vayan
Con la investigación se logró analizar las estrategias aplicadas por el equipo
SAANEE en su interacción con los actores de la comunidad educativa para
observar los logros obtenidos en la práctica de la inclusión educativa.
The research deals with the process of inclusion of students with special educational needs in educational institutions in the city of Camaná, Arequipa. Education promotes community life and participation; Inclusive school is a space of openness, which encourages the sense of belonging, the active participation of all its members, in institutional life. This study had as main objective to know the measures considered in the implementation of the Service of Support and Advice of the Special Educational Needs, for which an analysis of the strategies applied in the policies adopted by directors and teachers in order to strengthen the program Of Educational Inclusion in the province of Camaná. The methodology used in the research is the qualitative approach in which the understanding and interpretation of reality is investigated, its methodology is flexible and susceptible of modification according to the results that are being achieved. With this research, it was possible to analyze the strategies applied by the SAANEE team in its interaction with the actors of the educational community to observe the achievements obtained in the practice of educational inclusion.
The research deals with the process of inclusion of students with special educational needs in educational institutions in the city of Camaná, Arequipa. Education promotes community life and participation; Inclusive school is a space of openness, which encourages the sense of belonging, the active participation of all its members, in institutional life. This study had as main objective to know the measures considered in the implementation of the Service of Support and Advice of the Special Educational Needs, for which an analysis of the strategies applied in the policies adopted by directors and teachers in order to strengthen the program Of Educational Inclusion in the province of Camaná. The methodology used in the research is the qualitative approach in which the understanding and interpretation of reality is investigated, its methodology is flexible and susceptible of modification according to the results that are being achieved. With this research, it was possible to analyze the strategies applied by the SAANEE team in its interaction with the actors of the educational community to observe the achievements obtained in the practice of educational inclusion.
Educación inclusiva---Perú--Arequipa, Integración social--política educativa--Perú, Personal docente
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