Creación de valor compartido en las empresas comercializadoras de café en sitios especializados en Bogotá
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Este estudio se centró en el diagnóstico del concepto de valor compartido con enfoque
en ecoeficiencia de cuatro empresas dedicadas a la comercialización de cafés de origen en la
ciudad de Bogotá por medio del análisis de procesos, gestión de insumos y exsumos. La
muestra utilizada se realizó con conveniencia o muestreo no probabilístico; el instrumento
utilizado para la investigación, fue una encuesta denominada “Descripción del concepto de
valor compartido en las empresas del sector Cafetero Colombiano en Colombia entre el Año
2010 y 2016”.
Respecto a la administración ecoeficiente de los insumos, se analizó los indicadores de
ecoeficiencia de agua, energía y papel, así como del manejo eficiente de los residuos y
procesos de mejora continua. Así mismo se preguntó a los cuatro cafés de origen si en la
aplicación de prácticas de gestión ecoeficiente estaban valorados los temas de reducción de
costos, aumento de productividad, mejoras en las relaciones con comunidad y mejoras de
innovación, de lo cual se pudo concluir que el 50% tienen beneficios en reducción de costos,
mejora en las relaciones de la comunidad y mejoras en innovación seguido con un 25% en
aumento de la productividad y ninguno mide el impacto de sus acciones en lo relativo a
reducción de riesgos y multas.
El total del agua consumida se da en m3 del cual se evidencia un incrementó total del
consumo en un 10% para los años 2015 y 2016, impulsado principalmente por la empresa
uno, que tuvo un incremento del 18% en el año 2016 respecto al año inmediatamente
anterior, sin embargo la empresa tres disminuyó en el último año un 40% gracias a su política
de meta de reducción de agua fijada en el año 2015. En cuanto al uso de la energía consumida
(dada en kwh), se observa una disminución total en kwh del 6% en el 2016 respecto al año
inmediatamente anterior, esto marcada por la empresa tres que tuvo una reducción del 32%;
las demás empresas analizadas no presentan variaciones significativas. En el análisis del
consumo de papel, se evidencia una disminución del 6% en el año 2016 respecto al año
anterior, en la que todas las empresas analizadas contribuyen para esta disminución.
Se concluye que aunque las empresa cuentan con una visión, misión y código de ética,
estos no están enmarcadas en el enfoque de ecoeficiencia que se esperaría; se contrastaron las
variables del año 2015 respecto al 2016 basados en los resultados por promedio de la muestra
objeto del estudio. En resumen, para los años 2015 y 2016 las empresas de la muestra
realizaron en mayor medida prácticas ecoeficientes relacionadas al agua, energía y papel,
observando en menor medida prácticas en la gestión ecoeficiente de salidas o exsumos.
This study focuses on the concept of value-sharing with a focus on eco-efficiency of four companies dedicated to the marketing of coffee in Bogota by means of process analysis, input management and exsumos. The sample used was done with convenience or nonprobabilistic sampling; The instrument used for the research was a survey named "Description of the concept of shared value in the companies of the Colombian coffee sector in Colombia between the Year 2010 and 2016." Regarding the eco-efficient management of inputs, the indicators of water, energy and paper eco-efficiency, as well as the efficient management of waste and continuous improvement processes were analyzed. It was also asked to the four heads of origin if the issues of cost reduction, productivity increase, improvements in relations with the community and improvements in innovation were valued in the application of eco-efficient management practices, from which it could be concluded that 50% have cost reduction benefits, improved community relations and improvements in innovation followed with 25% increased productivity and none measures the impact of their actions in reducing risks and fines. The total of the water consumed is given in m3, which shows a total increase of consumption by 10% for the years 2015 and 2016, driven mainly by the company one, which had an increase of 18% in the year 2016 compared to the year However, the company three declined in the last year by 40% thanks to its goal of water reduction target set in 2015. In terms of the use of energy consumed (given in kwh), there is a decrease Total in kwh of 6% in 2016 over the immediately previous year, this marked by the company three that had a reduction of 32%; The other companies analyzed do not show significant variations. In the analysis of paper consumption, there is a 6% decrease in the year 2016 compared to the previous year, in which all the companies analyzed contribute to this decrease. It is concluded that although the companies have a vision, mission and code of ethics, these are not framed in the eco-efficiency approach that would be expected; We compared the variables of year 2015 with respect to 2016 based on the results by average of the sample object of the study. In summary, for the years 2015 and 2016 the companies of the sample carried out more eco-efficient practices related to water, energy and paper, observing to a lesser extent practices in the ecoefficient management of exits or exsumos
This study focuses on the concept of value-sharing with a focus on eco-efficiency of four companies dedicated to the marketing of coffee in Bogota by means of process analysis, input management and exsumos. The sample used was done with convenience or nonprobabilistic sampling; The instrument used for the research was a survey named "Description of the concept of shared value in the companies of the Colombian coffee sector in Colombia between the Year 2010 and 2016." Regarding the eco-efficient management of inputs, the indicators of water, energy and paper eco-efficiency, as well as the efficient management of waste and continuous improvement processes were analyzed. It was also asked to the four heads of origin if the issues of cost reduction, productivity increase, improvements in relations with the community and improvements in innovation were valued in the application of eco-efficient management practices, from which it could be concluded that 50% have cost reduction benefits, improved community relations and improvements in innovation followed with 25% increased productivity and none measures the impact of their actions in reducing risks and fines. The total of the water consumed is given in m3, which shows a total increase of consumption by 10% for the years 2015 and 2016, driven mainly by the company one, which had an increase of 18% in the year 2016 compared to the year However, the company three declined in the last year by 40% thanks to its goal of water reduction target set in 2015. In terms of the use of energy consumed (given in kwh), there is a decrease Total in kwh of 6% in 2016 over the immediately previous year, this marked by the company three that had a reduction of 32%; The other companies analyzed do not show significant variations. In the analysis of paper consumption, there is a 6% decrease in the year 2016 compared to the previous year, in which all the companies analyzed contribute to this decrease. It is concluded that although the companies have a vision, mission and code of ethics, these are not framed in the eco-efficiency approach that would be expected; We compared the variables of year 2015 with respect to 2016 based on the results by average of the sample object of the study. In summary, for the years 2015 and 2016 the companies of the sample carried out more eco-efficient practices related to water, energy and paper, observing to a lesser extent practices in the ecoefficient management of exits or exsumos
Valor--Finanzas--Colombia--Bogotá, Responsabilidad social de las empresas--Colombia--Bogotá, Investigación cuantitativa