Informe jurídico sobre Sentencia de Vista contenida en la Resolución N° 11 del 04 de abril de 2016 correspondiente al Expediente N° 9737-2011
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente informe se analizan los desaciertos y/o vicios de la Sentencia de Vista contenida en la Resolución N° 11 del 04 de abril de 2016, correspondiente al Expediente N° 9737-2011 expedida por la Segunda Sala Civil Comercial de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima. Esta Sentencia establece que el silencio del ejecutante en un proceso obligación de dar suma de dinero tramitado en la vía ejecutiva, implica una aceptación tácita de los argumentos causales presentados por el ejecutado.
Esta interpretación contraviene los principios fundamentales del proceso de ejecución civil peruano y distorsiona su naturaleza. La Sala pretende justificar su decisión argumentando que la ley sustantiva (artículo 19.2° de la Ley de Títulos Valores) permite al ejecutado oponer defensas causales durante la ejecución, obviando su obligación de realizar un rechazo liminar conforme al artículo 690-
D, sin reflexionar adecuadamente sobre las consecuencias de sus decisiones. En ese contexto, la Sala intenta utilizar la presunción legal simple establecida en el artículo 442.2° para justificar su decisión y, de este modo, sustituir su actividad probatoria, aspecto que será analizado detalladamente en la presente.
This report analyzes the errors and/or flaws in the Judgment of Appeals contained in Resolution No. 11 dated April 4, 2016, related to Case No. 9737-2011 issued by the Second Civil Commercial Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Lima. This judgment establishes that the silence of the plaintiff in a sum of money obligation execution process implies tacit acceptance of the causal arguments presented by the defendant. This interpretation contravenes the fundamental principles of the Peruvian civil execution process and distorts its nature. The Court attempts to justify its decision by arguing that substantive law (Article 19.2 of the Securities Law) allows the defendant to raise causal defenses during execution, disregarding its obligation to summarily reject under Article 690-D, without adequately reflecting on the consequences of its decisions. In this context, the Court seeks to use the simple legal presumption established in Article 442.2 to justify its decision and thereby replace its probative activity, a matter that will be thoroughly examined in this report.
This report analyzes the errors and/or flaws in the Judgment of Appeals contained in Resolution No. 11 dated April 4, 2016, related to Case No. 9737-2011 issued by the Second Civil Commercial Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Lima. This judgment establishes that the silence of the plaintiff in a sum of money obligation execution process implies tacit acceptance of the causal arguments presented by the defendant. This interpretation contravenes the fundamental principles of the Peruvian civil execution process and distorts its nature. The Court attempts to justify its decision by arguing that substantive law (Article 19.2 of the Securities Law) allows the defendant to raise causal defenses during execution, disregarding its obligation to summarily reject under Article 690-D, without adequately reflecting on the consequences of its decisions. In this context, the Court seeks to use the simple legal presumption established in Article 442.2 to justify its decision and thereby replace its probative activity, a matter that will be thoroughly examined in this report.
Sentencias--Perú, Ejecución (Derecho civil)--Perú, Títulos valores--Legislación--Perú, Acción y defensa (Derecho)--Perú
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