Un análisis al Programa PAÍS desde el enfoque de capacidades colectivas generadas en tambos de Apurímac
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación toma como referencia el enfoque de desarrollo humano postulado por
Amartya Sen para revisar su aplicación en el ámbito rural peruano, considerando los alcances y
limitaciones de la influencia de lo individual y lo colectivo. De forma particular, aborda el
concepto y la aplicación de las capacidades colectivas conceptualizadas y caracterizadas por
Ibrahim para analizar la implementación de los tambos, plataformas de servicios públicos el
zonas altoandinas, del Programa PAIS en la región Apurímac del Perú y como éstos han
contribuido a la expansión de capacidades de los adultos jóvenes. De esta manera, mediante el
análisis comprensivo de la aplicación del programa, comprendemos cómo el programa logra
influir en la expansión de libertades y capacidades colectivas, identificando cambios en los
usuarios, destacando la importancia de la colectividad en contextos rurales, así como
precisando la participación de los diversos actores involucrados en la toma de decisiones
individuales y colectivas, bajo la hipótesis de que las intervenciones del Estado a través de
programas como PAIS pueden ser catalizadores para el desarrollo humano en los colectivos
rurales de zonas altoandinas.
Nuestra investigación se enmarca en la línea de investigación sobre desarrollo rural bajo la
comprensión y análisis de una política pública para la inclusión social.
This research utilizes the human development approach postulated by Amartya Sen as a framework to critically assess its application in rural areas of Peru. We focus on the extent and constraints of the influence between the individual and the collective, with an emphasis. Specifically, we address the concept and application of collective capabilities as conceptualized and delineated by Ibrahim to our analysis centers on the implementation of the PAIS Program’s “tambos”, public service platforms in high Andean areas, in the Apurímac region of Peru and their role in enhancing the capabilities of young individuals. Our primary goal is to examine how the program impacts the expansion of freedoms and collective capabilities, identifying changes in its users. We also aim to highlight and underscore the significance of collectivity in rural context and active involvement in decision-making processes. We hypothesize that governmental interventions, exemplified by programs like PAIS, can serve as catalyze for human development within rural collectives in hight Andean areas. Our investigation is framed within the line of research on rural development under the understanding and analysis of a public policy for social inclusion.
This research utilizes the human development approach postulated by Amartya Sen as a framework to critically assess its application in rural areas of Peru. We focus on the extent and constraints of the influence between the individual and the collective, with an emphasis. Specifically, we address the concept and application of collective capabilities as conceptualized and delineated by Ibrahim to our analysis centers on the implementation of the PAIS Program’s “tambos”, public service platforms in high Andean areas, in the Apurímac region of Peru and their role in enhancing the capabilities of young individuals. Our primary goal is to examine how the program impacts the expansion of freedoms and collective capabilities, identifying changes in its users. We also aim to highlight and underscore the significance of collectivity in rural context and active involvement in decision-making processes. We hypothesize that governmental interventions, exemplified by programs like PAIS, can serve as catalyze for human development within rural collectives in hight Andean areas. Our investigation is framed within the line of research on rural development under the understanding and analysis of a public policy for social inclusion.
Enfoque basado en las capacidades (Ciencias sociales), Desarrollo rural--Perú--Apurímac, Adultos jóvenes--Perú--Apurímac, Políticas públicas--Perú
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