¿Contribuye el Programa JUNTOS a la inclusión social de la población awajun?
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Programa Nacional de Apoyo Directo a los Más Pobres - JUNTOS es un programa
de transferencia monetaria condicionada, cuya finalidad es contribuir al desarrollo
humano y al desarrollo de capacidades de las generaciones futuras, orientando su
accionar a romper la transferencia intergeneracional de la pobreza mediante la
promoción del acceso a servicios de calidad en educación, salud, nutrición e
identidad bajo un enfoque de restitución de derechos básicos. En Amazonas, en
concreto en el caso de la población indígena awajun de las provincias de
Condorcanqui y Bagua, el programa inicia su implementación el 2007 a través de la
Unidad Territorial Amazonas – Condorcanqui.
Se ha podido constatar que el Programa JUNTOS, de índole nacional, ha ido
adaptando sus estrategias a la diversidad de las realidades locales en el marco de
sus procesos de mejora, respondiendo permanentemente con nuevas directivas a las
dificultades encontradas en el proceso de su implementación. No obstante, el
incremento del acceso a los servicios de los sectores sociales por parte de la
población y la sostenibilidad de éste no dependen únicamente del programa en sí,
sino también de la calidad y pertinencia de los servicios que se brindan por parte de
los sectores.
Y es ahí donde, aspectos inherentes al sistema de gestión del Programa JUNTOS
como también de los sectores sociales vinculados han conllevado a que no se haya
logrado aprovechar el potencial del Programa JUNTOS para promover la generación
de sinergias y contribuir con las metas de todos los involucrados y por ende con una
mayor inclusión social de la población awajun, y que son: la conceptualización de
enfoques universalistas que no son contextualizadas al nivel local, estilos gerenciales
jerárquicos y limitaciones en la articulación interinstitucional e intersectorial, así como
con las organizaciones indígenas.
La adscripción del Programa JUNTOS al MIDIS en el 2012, después de la creación
de este último en el 2011, y últimas y recientes estrategias y enfoques adoptados por
el sector social en materia del enfoque intercultural y diferencial y la Estrategia de
Acción Social con Sostenibilidad, diseñada para la Amazonía, son prometedoras
para que el Programa JUNTOS, un programa en sí de gestión centralizada y con
poca autonomía de adecuación a nivel de las unidades territoriales, pueda contribuir
en dicho marco a la inclusión social de la población awajun, a una inclusión social
que respete las concepciones de los pueblos indígenas en cuanto a salud, educación
y en general de vida. No obstante, es necesario que todas las instancias
involucradas adopten al menos el enfoque intercultural, de caso contrario, el
Programa JUNTOS solo no va a lograr sus objetivos y generar el impacto esperado.
Es necesario tener en cuenta que, considerando la diversidad sociocultural en el
país, no sólo debe manejarse una concepción general vinculada a la de los derechos
humanos cuando se habla de inclusión social, sino que también debe hacerse
explícita la vinculación con los derechos colectivos de los pueblos indígenas. Sólo
entonces, se contribuirá a una real inclusión social de la población indígena en el
marco de la construcción de un Perú intercultural.
The National Program of Direct Support to the Poorest - JUNTOS is a conditional cash transfer program, whose purpose is to contribute to human development and the development of capacities of future generations, directing its action to break the intergenerational transfer of poverty through the promotion of access to quality services in education, health, nutrition and identity under a basic rights restitution approach. In Amazonas, specifically in the case of the awajun population, who lives in 4 the provinces of Condorcanqui and Bagua, the program begins its implementation in 2007 through the Territorial Unit Amazonas - Condorcanqui. Within this research, the program is analyzed in terms of its conception and its implementation strategies, focusing on its capacity of adaptation to the socio-cultural reality of the awajun population, as well as on the articulation with the local political and social sectors, in particular the health and education sectors, the local government and other social programs, which is required to generate synergies and contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the program and thus to the social inclusion of the awajun population. And it is there where aspects inherent of the management system of JUNTOS as of the social linked sectors, have not made it possible to take advantage of the potential of the Program JUNTOS to promote the generation of synergies and to contribute with the goals of all the involved ones and for instance with a major social inclusion of the awajun population, which are: the conceptualization of universalist approaches that are not contextualized to the local level, hierarchic management styles and limitations in the interinstitutional and intersectorial articulation, as well as with the indigenous organizations. The assignment of JUNTOS to MIDIS, the Ministry of development and social inclusion, in 2012, after its creation in 2011, and the latest strategies and approaches adopted by the social sector, as the intercultural and differential approach and the Social Action Strategy with Sustainability, designed for the amazon region, are considered very promising for the JUNTOS Program, a centrally managed program with limited autonomy at the level of its territorial units, to make it able to ensure its contribution to the social inclusion of the awajun population, in terms of a social inclusion that respects indigenous peoples' conceptions of health, education and general living conceptions. Nevertheless, it is necessary that all the involved instances adopt, at least, the intercultural approach, otherwise, the Program JUNTOS alone is not going to achieve its aims and generate the awaited impact. It is necessary to consider the socio-cultural diversity in the country when speaking about social inclusion, and not only consider it linked to a general conception of human rights, but also make explicit the collective rights of the indigenous population from the country. Policies and social programs designed under these principles would contribute to a real social inclusion within the construction of an intercultural Peru.
The National Program of Direct Support to the Poorest - JUNTOS is a conditional cash transfer program, whose purpose is to contribute to human development and the development of capacities of future generations, directing its action to break the intergenerational transfer of poverty through the promotion of access to quality services in education, health, nutrition and identity under a basic rights restitution approach. In Amazonas, specifically in the case of the awajun population, who lives in 4 the provinces of Condorcanqui and Bagua, the program begins its implementation in 2007 through the Territorial Unit Amazonas - Condorcanqui. Within this research, the program is analyzed in terms of its conception and its implementation strategies, focusing on its capacity of adaptation to the socio-cultural reality of the awajun population, as well as on the articulation with the local political and social sectors, in particular the health and education sectors, the local government and other social programs, which is required to generate synergies and contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the program and thus to the social inclusion of the awajun population. And it is there where aspects inherent of the management system of JUNTOS as of the social linked sectors, have not made it possible to take advantage of the potential of the Program JUNTOS to promote the generation of synergies and to contribute with the goals of all the involved ones and for instance with a major social inclusion of the awajun population, which are: the conceptualization of universalist approaches that are not contextualized to the local level, hierarchic management styles and limitations in the interinstitutional and intersectorial articulation, as well as with the indigenous organizations. The assignment of JUNTOS to MIDIS, the Ministry of development and social inclusion, in 2012, after its creation in 2011, and the latest strategies and approaches adopted by the social sector, as the intercultural and differential approach and the Social Action Strategy with Sustainability, designed for the amazon region, are considered very promising for the JUNTOS Program, a centrally managed program with limited autonomy at the level of its territorial units, to make it able to ensure its contribution to the social inclusion of the awajun population, in terms of a social inclusion that respects indigenous peoples' conceptions of health, education and general living conceptions. Nevertheless, it is necessary that all the involved instances adopt, at least, the intercultural approach, otherwise, the Program JUNTOS alone is not going to achieve its aims and generate the awaited impact. It is necessary to consider the socio-cultural diversity in the country when speaking about social inclusion, and not only consider it linked to a general conception of human rights, but also make explicit the collective rights of the indigenous population from the country. Policies and social programs designed under these principles would contribute to a real social inclusion within the construction of an intercultural Peru.
Programa JUNTOS (Perú), Programas sociales--Perú--Amazonas, Grupos étnicos--Pobreza--Perú--Amazonas
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