Geomecánica en la gestión de riesgos por caída de rocas en la minería a pequeña escala en vetas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La minería se ha constituido en una de las actividades económicas con un gran aporte en el
desarrollo del país, esta actividad para una mejor comprensión se la ha clasificado en estratos
según su nivel de producción, el presente estudio esta direccionado a la minería a pequeña
escala, la cual a su vez esta subdividida en: pequeña minería y minería artesanal, que a
diferencia de la mediana y la gran minería, mayormente no realiza inversiones considerables en
la seguridad y salud ocupacional de sus trabajadores, asimismo realiza poca o ninguna
inversión en áreas como la Geomecánica.
Según las estadísticas elaboradas por el Ministerio de Energía y Minas, relacionadas a la
ocurrencia de accidentes mortales en la minería peruana, específicamente en minería
subterránea, se observa que en los últimos años se ha producido una disminución de accidentes
por caída de rocas, sin embargo, aún se mantiene como la primera causa de muertes. Según el
modelo de causalidad sobre la causa de los accidentes, estos están relacionados a la falta de
control por programas y estándares inadecuados, inexistentes o incumplidos, lo cual se da en un
gran porcentaje en la minería a pequeña escala, que en su mayoría no cuenta con estándares y
Se requiere entonces mejorar las condiciones de trabajo, así como trabajar en el factor humano,
para lo cual se debe elaborar estándares, a partir del conocimiento del macizo rocoso, donde el
uso de la Geomecánica se hace necesario para una adecuada caracterización del macizo rocoso,
sin embargo uno de las partes poco accesibles por la minería a pequeña escala debido a sus
costos; es la estimación del estado tensional, por métodos instrumentales, pero el uso de
métodos alternativos como el de los taladros disparados y de fallas conjugadas pueden
reemplazar a dichos métodos lo cual sumado a un programa de entrenamiento adecuado del
personal, ayudara en la prevención de accidentes laborales por caída de rocas.
Mining has become one of the economic activities with a great contribution to the development of the country, this activity for a better understanding has been classified into strata according to its level of production, this study is aimed at small-scale mining , which in turn is subdivided into: small mining and artisanal mining, which unlike medium and large mining, mostly does not make considerable investments in the occupational health and safety of its workers, also makes little or no investment in areas like Geomechanics. According to the statistics prepared by the Ministry of Energy and Mines, related to the occurrence of fatal accidents in Peruvian mining, specifically in underground mining, it is observed that in recent years there has been a decrease in accidents due to rock falls, however, still remains the leading cause of death. According to the causality model on the cause of accidents, these are related to the lack of control by inadequate, non-existent or breached programs and standards, which occurs in a large percentage in small-scale mining, most of which are not. has standards and programs. It is therefore necessary to improve working conditions, as well as work on the human factor, for which standards must be developed, based on the knowledge of the rock mass, where the use of Geomechanics is necessary for an adequate characterization of the rock mass, however one of the parts not very accessible by small-scale mining due to its costs; It is the estimation of the tension state, by instrumental methods, but the use of alternative methods such as drills fired and conjugate failures can replace these methods which, added to an adequate training program, will help in the prevention of occupational accidents due to falls of rocks.
Mining has become one of the economic activities with a great contribution to the development of the country, this activity for a better understanding has been classified into strata according to its level of production, this study is aimed at small-scale mining , which in turn is subdivided into: small mining and artisanal mining, which unlike medium and large mining, mostly does not make considerable investments in the occupational health and safety of its workers, also makes little or no investment in areas like Geomechanics. According to the statistics prepared by the Ministry of Energy and Mines, related to the occurrence of fatal accidents in Peruvian mining, specifically in underground mining, it is observed that in recent years there has been a decrease in accidents due to rock falls, however, still remains the leading cause of death. According to the causality model on the cause of accidents, these are related to the lack of control by inadequate, non-existent or breached programs and standards, which occurs in a large percentage in small-scale mining, most of which are not. has standards and programs. It is therefore necessary to improve working conditions, as well as work on the human factor, for which standards must be developed, based on the knowledge of the rock mass, where the use of Geomechanics is necessary for an adequate characterization of the rock mass, however one of the parts not very accessible by small-scale mining due to its costs; It is the estimation of the tension state, by instrumental methods, but the use of alternative methods such as drills fired and conjugate failures can replace these methods which, added to an adequate training program, will help in the prevention of occupational accidents due to falls of rocks.
Geomecánica, Gestión del riesgo, Desprendimientos de rocas, Minería--Perú