lnforme Jurídico sobre Resolución N° 0102-2014/CEB-INDECOPI del Expediente N° 0284-2013/CEB
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Mediante eI presente informe jurídico se anaIiza el Expediente N° 0284-2013/CEB INDECOPl, relacionado a la denuncia impuesta por Aba Singer & CIA S.A.C contra Ia
MunicipaIidad MetropoIitana de Lima, por la supuesta imposición de una barrera
burocrática iIegal y carente de razonabiIidad.
El informe identifica y analiza dos problemas jurídicos que fueron abordados por los
órganos resolutivos. El primero, se basa de determinar la legaIidad de la medida
cuestionada; y, el segundo, en determinar la razonabiIidad de la medida cuestionada.
Como base al presente análisis, se desarrollan consideraciones preIiminares que
debemos tener en cuenta como el marco normativo sobre el cual se analizarán los
problemas jurídicos, la definición de las barreras burocráticas con la finalidad de
identificar el tipo de barrera cuestionada y, por último, la metodoIogía apIicabIe al
procedimiento de eIiminación de barreras burocráticas.
Finalmente, al finalizar la revisión del presente informe jurídico podremos tener un claro
entendimiento sobre la definición y naturaleza de las barreras burocráticas, sobre los
derechos que fundamentan la necesidad de un procedimiento administrativo que tenga
por finalidad identificar y disponer la eIiminación de las barreras burocráticas, sobre el
procedimiento adecuado para identificar su legaIidad y/o razonabiIidad, sobre los
efectos que generan las decisiones de los órganos resolutivos al identificar una barrera
burocrática carente de legaIidad y/o razonabiIidad, habiendo resuelto con ello los
problemas jurídicos identificados.
This paper analyzes the File N° 0284-2013/CEB-INDECOPI, related to the complaint filed by Aba Singer & CIA S.A.C against the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima, for the alleged imposition of an illegaIand unreasonable bureaucratic barrier. The report identifies and analyzes two legaI problems that were analyzed by the resolution bodies. The first is based on determining the legality of the challenged measure; and the second is based on determining the reasonableness of the challenged measure. As a basis for the present analysis, preliminary considerations are developed that must be taken into account, such as the normative framework on which the legaI problems will be analyzed, the definition of bureaucratic barriers in order to identify the type of barrier in question and, finally, the methodology applicable to the procedure for the elimination of bureaucratic barriers. Finally, at the end of the review of this paper we will have a clear understanding of the definition and nature of bureaucratic barriers, of the rights that support the need for an administrative procedure to identify and provine for the elimination of bureaucratic barriers, of the appropriate procedure to identify their legality and/or reasonableness, of the effects generated by the decisions of the resolution bodies when identifying a bureaucratic barrier lacking legality and/or reasonableness, having thus solved the legaI problems identified.
This paper analyzes the File N° 0284-2013/CEB-INDECOPI, related to the complaint filed by Aba Singer & CIA S.A.C against the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima, for the alleged imposition of an illegaIand unreasonable bureaucratic barrier. The report identifies and analyzes two legaI problems that were analyzed by the resolution bodies. The first is based on determining the legality of the challenged measure; and the second is based on determining the reasonableness of the challenged measure. As a basis for the present analysis, preliminary considerations are developed that must be taken into account, such as the normative framework on which the legaI problems will be analyzed, the definition of bureaucratic barriers in order to identify the type of barrier in question and, finally, the methodology applicable to the procedure for the elimination of bureaucratic barriers. Finally, at the end of the review of this paper we will have a clear understanding of the definition and nature of bureaucratic barriers, of the rights that support the need for an administrative procedure to identify and provine for the elimination of bureaucratic barriers, of the appropriate procedure to identify their legality and/or reasonableness, of the effects generated by the decisions of the resolution bodies when identifying a bureaucratic barrier lacking legality and/or reasonableness, having thus solved the legaI problems identified.
Administración pública--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Burocracia--Perú, Derecho administrativo--Jurisprudencia--Perú
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