Planeamiento estratégico para la industria farmacéutica en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo es un plan estratégico para establecer los lineamientos principales
para el desarrollo de la industria farmacéutica peruana.
Actualmente la industria farmacéutica peruana es una de las primeras en crecimiento
de Latinoamérica, rentable pero con ciertos aspectos a mejorar: la coordinación y
organización de actividades de sus participantes; (b) la capacidad de producción para atender
la demanda de medicamentos; (c) la legislación de medicamentos poco flexible; (d) la
carencia en investigación y desarrollo; (e) la asignación limitada de recursos para la salud por
parte del Estado.
Se hizo una minuciosa revisión de la industria y del sector tomando como base la
siguiente información: (a) proyecciones de crecimiento de mercado farmacéutico peruano; (b)
estadísticas de IMS Health y Business Monitor International, BMI; (c) tasa de crecimiento de
la población; (d) PBI; (e) cifras de la inversión privada y del Estado entre otras.
Estos datos nos permitieron establecer matrices de evaluación, posición y
planeamiento que determinaron las principales estrategias a seguir. El resultado de estas
estrategias será ubicar a la Industria Farmacéutica Peruana en el 2018 como líder del mercado
de medicamentos en el Perú.
Finalmente se elaboró un tablero de control balanceado, que permitirá realizar el
seguimiento del cumplimiento de los objetivos de corto plazo.
The present document is a strategic plan to establish the main guidelines for the development of the Peruvian pharmaceutical industry. Currently the Peruvian pharmaceutical industry is one of the firsts in Latin American in growing, profitable but with some areas for improvement: (a) the coordination and organization of activities of the participants; (b) the production capacity to meet the demand for drugs; (c) the lack of flexibility of the drug laws; (d) the lack in research and development, (e) limited allocation of health resources by the state. It was made a detail review of the industry and the sector based on the following information: (a) projections of Peruvian pharmaceutical market growth, (b) statistics of IMS Health and Business Monitor International, BMI, (c) growth rate the population (d) GDP, (e) private investment figures and the State among others. These data allowed us to establish evaluation, position and planning matrices, which determined major strategies to follow. The result of these strategies will be to locate in the 2018 the Peruvian Pharmaceutical Industry as the leader in the drug Peruvian market. Finally we developed a balanced scorecard, which will allow us to make the tracking of short-term objectives.
The present document is a strategic plan to establish the main guidelines for the development of the Peruvian pharmaceutical industry. Currently the Peruvian pharmaceutical industry is one of the firsts in Latin American in growing, profitable but with some areas for improvement: (a) the coordination and organization of activities of the participants; (b) the production capacity to meet the demand for drugs; (c) the lack of flexibility of the drug laws; (d) the lack in research and development, (e) limited allocation of health resources by the state. It was made a detail review of the industry and the sector based on the following information: (a) projections of Peruvian pharmaceutical market growth, (b) statistics of IMS Health and Business Monitor International, BMI, (c) growth rate the population (d) GDP, (e) private investment figures and the State among others. These data allowed us to establish evaluation, position and planning matrices, which determined major strategies to follow. The result of these strategies will be to locate in the 2018 the Peruvian Pharmaceutical Industry as the leader in the drug Peruvian market. Finally we developed a balanced scorecard, which will allow us to make the tracking of short-term objectives.
Industria farmacéutica--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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