Informe Jurídico sobre el caso arbitral recaído en el Laudo N° 382-2022-CEAR
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Laudo Arbitral del Caso N° 382-2022-CEAR involucra una disputa entre el
Consorcio Kaysun - Alldocube (el demandante), compuesto por dos empresas
chinas, y la Unidad Ejecutora 120: Programa Nacional de Dotación de Materiales
Educativos, adscrita al Ministerio de Educación del Perú (la demandada). La
controversia surge en el marco de un contrato suscrito conforme a la Ley de
Contrataciones del Estado para la adquisición de bienes en el marco del
programa “Aprendo en Casa”.
La controversia se centra en la capacidad de la Entidad para anular una
conformidad contractual previamente emitida y llevar a cabo una reexaminación
contractual basada en normas administrativas, culminando en la resolución del
contrato. La Entidad argumenta que tiene la facultad administrativa de emitir y
anular conformidades, apoyándose en la Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo
General, lo que le permite aplicar una "verificación posterior" a la ejecución del
En contraste, el Contratista sostiene que, una vez emitida la conformidad, la
Entidad no puede declararla nula mediante un acto administrativo debido a la
competencia exclusiva de la jurisdicción arbitral para pronunciarse sobre la
controversia. Según el Contratista, cualquier intento de dejar sin efecto la
conformidad debía ser presentado como una pretensión ante un Tribunal Arbitral.
El Tribunal Arbitral se dividió en su decisión, emitiendo un laudo por mayoría y
con un voto en minoría que se caracteriza por un diferente razonamiento
relacionado a las pretensiones presentadas por las partes. Las discrepancias
entre los árbitros incluyen aspectos competenciales, como si el Tribunal puede
declarar la nulidad de un acto administrativo o solo su ineficacia. Además, se
cuestiona si la jurisdicción arbitral es competente para declarar la nulidad de un
acto administrativo, o si esta competencia recae en la jurisdicción contenciosoadministrativa del Poder Judicial. Esta división refleja la complejidad del caso y
las dificultades en la interpretación de las normas aplicables.
The Arbitral Award in Case No. 382-2022-CEAR involves a dispute between the Kaysun - Alldocube Consortium (the claimant), composed of two Chinese companies, and Execution Unit 120: National Program for the Provision of Educational Materials, an institution under the Ministry of Education of Peru (the respondent). The controversy arises within the framework of a contract signed in accordance with the State Procurement Law for the acquisition of goods under the "Aprendo en Casa" program. The dispute centers on the Entity's ability to annul a previously issued contractual acceptance and conduct a contractual reexamination based on administrative norms, culminating in the termination of the contract. The Entity argues that it has the administrative authority to issue and annul acceptances, relying on the General Administrative Procedure Law, which allows it to apply a "subsequent verification" to the contract's execution. In contrast, the Contractor argues that once acceptance is issued, the Entity cannot annul it through an administrative act due to the exclusive competence of the arbitral jurisdiction to rule on the dispute. According to the Contractor, any attempt to annul the acceptance should be presented as a claim before an Arbitral Tribunal. The Arbitral Tribunal was divided in its decision, issuing an award by majority with a dissenting vote. The discrepancies among the arbitrators include jurisdictional issues, such as whether the Tribunal can declare the nullity of an administrative act or only its ineffectiveness. Additionally, it is questioned whether the arbitral jurisdiction is competent to declare the nullity of an administrative act or if this competence lies with the contentious-administrative jurisdiction of the Judiciary. This division reflects the complexity of the case and the difficulties in interpreting the applicable norms.
The Arbitral Award in Case No. 382-2022-CEAR involves a dispute between the Kaysun - Alldocube Consortium (the claimant), composed of two Chinese companies, and Execution Unit 120: National Program for the Provision of Educational Materials, an institution under the Ministry of Education of Peru (the respondent). The controversy arises within the framework of a contract signed in accordance with the State Procurement Law for the acquisition of goods under the "Aprendo en Casa" program. The dispute centers on the Entity's ability to annul a previously issued contractual acceptance and conduct a contractual reexamination based on administrative norms, culminating in the termination of the contract. The Entity argues that it has the administrative authority to issue and annul acceptances, relying on the General Administrative Procedure Law, which allows it to apply a "subsequent verification" to the contract's execution. In contrast, the Contractor argues that once acceptance is issued, the Entity cannot annul it through an administrative act due to the exclusive competence of the arbitral jurisdiction to rule on the dispute. According to the Contractor, any attempt to annul the acceptance should be presented as a claim before an Arbitral Tribunal. The Arbitral Tribunal was divided in its decision, issuing an award by majority with a dissenting vote. The discrepancies among the arbitrators include jurisdictional issues, such as whether the Tribunal can declare the nullity of an administrative act or only its ineffectiveness. Additionally, it is questioned whether the arbitral jurisdiction is competent to declare the nullity of an administrative act or if this competence lies with the contentious-administrative jurisdiction of the Judiciary. This division reflects the complexity of the case and the difficulties in interpreting the applicable norms.
Arbitraje y laudo--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Contratos públicos--Perú, Procedimiento administrativo--Legislación--Perú, Razonamiento legal
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