Calidad en las empresas del sector transporte terrestre interprovincial de pasajeros en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la actualidad, la calidad del sector transporte terrestre interprovincial de pasajeros
en el Perú no está muy desarrollada lo cual limita el crecimiento y desarrollo del sector;
prueba de ello es la cantidad, cada vez más creciente, de accidentes de tránsito, incluso con
pérdidas de vidas humanas, que indican la deficiente calidad del servicio.
Por consiguiente, la presente tesis, basada en la investigación del sector transporte
terrestre de pasajeros es de suma relevancia, porque generó el conocimiento objetivo de los
principales problemas que aquejan a estas empresas, haciendo uso adecuado de herramientas
de la investigación cuantitativa, que nos permitieron emitir recomendaciones para impulsar
un desarrollo sostenible y un enfoque integral que ayude al desarrollo de este sector en los
siguientes años.
Estas recomendaciones emitidas, no serían posibles sin la aplicación correcta de la
Administración Total de la Calidad (TQM, por siglas en inglés), que viene a ser un conjunto
de valores y actitudes que hay que adoptar y poner en práctica como un nuevo modo de vida
empresarial y de organización, comprometiendo el liderazgo de la alta dirección, el
entrenamiento de los trabajadores, así como, reconocimientos y recompensas. Asimismo,
también de suma importancia es utilización de la norma ISO, enfocada siempre al cliente, el
análisis interno AMOFHIT indicó la situación del sector transporte terrestre de pasajeros,
permitiendo tener una visión global del sector.
Se infirió por la muestra que no es un sector que cuente con sistemas de gestión de
calidad (13.7% de la muestra contaba con ISO 9000), sin embargo se observó factores con
promedios relevantes como auditoría y evaluación de la calidad, y otros por mejorar como
educación y entrenamiento.
Currently, the quality of the transport of passengers sector in Perú is not very developed limiting the growth and development of the sector; proof of this is the growing amount of traffic accidents, even with the loss of human life, indicating the poor quality of the transport service. Therefore, this thesis, based on the research of the passenger transport sector is of utmost importance, because it generated objective knowledge of the main problems affecting these enterprises, making appropriate use of quantitative research tools, that allowed us to formulate recommendations for promoting sustainable development and develop a comprehensive approach that will help the development of this sector in the next years. These recommendations issued, would not be possible without the correct application of the Total quality management (TQM), which is a set of values and attitudes that have to be adopted and put into practice as a new mode of organization and business life, comprising the leadership of senior management, the training of workers, as well as honors and rewards. Another important aspect is the use of ISO, always focused on the customer, the AMOFHIT internal analysis indicated the status of the transportation of passengers sector allowing us to have a global vision of the sector. According to the sample, it is concluded that this is not a sector that has systems of quality management (13.7% of the sample has ISO 9000), however we observed some factors with relevant averages, such as audit and evaluation of quality, and others that need to be improved, such as education and training.
Currently, the quality of the transport of passengers sector in Perú is not very developed limiting the growth and development of the sector; proof of this is the growing amount of traffic accidents, even with the loss of human life, indicating the poor quality of the transport service. Therefore, this thesis, based on the research of the passenger transport sector is of utmost importance, because it generated objective knowledge of the main problems affecting these enterprises, making appropriate use of quantitative research tools, that allowed us to formulate recommendations for promoting sustainable development and develop a comprehensive approach that will help the development of this sector in the next years. These recommendations issued, would not be possible without the correct application of the Total quality management (TQM), which is a set of values and attitudes that have to be adopted and put into practice as a new mode of organization and business life, comprising the leadership of senior management, the training of workers, as well as honors and rewards. Another important aspect is the use of ISO, always focused on the customer, the AMOFHIT internal analysis indicated the status of the transportation of passengers sector allowing us to have a global vision of the sector. According to the sample, it is concluded that this is not a sector that has systems of quality management (13.7% of the sample has ISO 9000), however we observed some factors with relevant averages, such as audit and evaluation of quality, and others that need to be improved, such as education and training.
Transporte terrestre--Perú, Calidad total, Investigación cuantitativa
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