Informe sobre la Resolución N°3390-2023/SPC-INDECOPI (Expediente N° 510-2022/CC2)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El informe jurídico aborda la aplicación del silencio administrativo negativo en la
emisión de la Resolución Final N° 3390-2023/SPC-INDECOPI por parte de la
Sala Especializada en Protección al Consumidor, en ausencia de un
pronunciamiento de primera instancia previo. Se evalúa si la mencionada
resolución se ajusta al marco normativo vigente del ordenamiento jurídico
peruano, con especial atención al Código de Protección y Defensa del
Consumidor y al Texto Único Ordenado de la Ley N° 27444 - Ley del
Procedimiento Administrativo General.
El análisis considera el impacto de la figura jurídica del silencio administrativo
negativo en el principio de legalidad, que exige que los actos administrativos
estén en concordancia con las leyes; y en el derecho a la pluralidad de
instancias, que mediante el cual los administrados puedan apelar decisiones
ante una instancia superior. Se concluye que la Sala tiene el deber de
pronunciarse sobre la naturaleza del procedimiento administrativo sancionador
de iniciativa de parte en materia de consumo. Ello con el objetivo de otorgar
seguridad jurídica tanto en la protección de los derechos de los consumidores
como de los proveedores frente al uso del silencio administrativo negativo.
Adicionalmente, el informe subraya la relevancia de que los proveedores no
deben brindar información que como consecuencia induzca a error en la
denominación de los productos destinados al consumo de mascotas. Este
aspecto es fundamental para salvaguardar la salud de los animales.
The legal report examines the application of negative administrative silence in the Final Resolution No. 3390-2023/SPC-INDECOPI by the Specialized Chamber for Consumer Protection of INDECOPI, in the absence of a prior first-instance ruling. The report assesses whether the resolution in question complies with the prevailing regulatory framework within the Peruvian legal system, with particular emphasis on the Consumer Protection and Defense Code and the Consolidated Text of Law No. 27444, Law of General Administrative Procedure. The analysis considers the impact of the legal figure of negative administrative silence on the principle of legality, which requires that administrative acts align with the law, and on the right to a plurality of instances, which ensures that administrative decisions can be appealed before a higher authority. It concludes that the Specialized Chamber for Consumer Protection is obligated to issue a ruling regarding the nature of sanctioning administrative procedures initiated by private parties in the realm of consumer protection. This is to ensure legal certainty in both protecting consumer rights and safeguarding providers against the application of negative administrative silence. Additionally, the report underscores the importance of avoiding the provision of misleading information in the labeling of products intended for pet consumption. This aspect is crucial for safeguarding animal health.
The legal report examines the application of negative administrative silence in the Final Resolution No. 3390-2023/SPC-INDECOPI by the Specialized Chamber for Consumer Protection of INDECOPI, in the absence of a prior first-instance ruling. The report assesses whether the resolution in question complies with the prevailing regulatory framework within the Peruvian legal system, with particular emphasis on the Consumer Protection and Defense Code and the Consolidated Text of Law No. 27444, Law of General Administrative Procedure. The analysis considers the impact of the legal figure of negative administrative silence on the principle of legality, which requires that administrative acts align with the law, and on the right to a plurality of instances, which ensures that administrative decisions can be appealed before a higher authority. It concludes that the Specialized Chamber for Consumer Protection is obligated to issue a ruling regarding the nature of sanctioning administrative procedures initiated by private parties in the realm of consumer protection. This is to ensure legal certainty in both protecting consumer rights and safeguarding providers against the application of negative administrative silence. Additionally, the report underscores the importance of avoiding the provision of misleading information in the labeling of products intended for pet consumption. This aspect is crucial for safeguarding animal health.
Protección del consumidor--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho administrativo--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho administrativo--Legislación--Perú, Responsabilidad contractual--Jurisprudencia--Perú