El saber a enseñar de la proporcionalidad vista en una colección de cuadernos de trabajo de primaria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo construir una organización
praxeológica de la proporcionalidad a partir de un estudio epistemológico y ecológico,
para así determinar, describir y caracterizar la presencia de la proporcionalidad en el
nivel primario. Este objetivo parte de la cuestión: ¿Cuál es la organización matemática
de la proporcionalidad, en los cuadernos de trabajo oficiales de matemática del nivel
de primaria? Para dar respuesta a esta pregunta, desarrollamos una investigación
cualitativa con enfoque bibliográfico tomando como referencia teórico y metodológico
la Teoría Antropológica de lo Didáctico, el cual emplea como unidad de análisis las
praxeologías. Iniciamos revisando los documentos curriculares oficiales e
identificamos la presencia de nuestro objeto de estudio desde tercero de primaria en
la competencia referido a resuelve problemas de regularidad, equivalencia y cambio.
Luego con los aspectos teóricos que nos proporciona el marco se analizaron los
cuadernos de trabajo y se identificaron 3 tipos de tareas, 13 tareas, 13 técnicas y
discursos tecnológicos que justifican nuestra Organización Matemática. Se privilegia
el tipo de tarea hallar el valor desconocido en una situación de proporcionalidad, las
tareas se presentan bajo el supuesto de ser proporcionales y se asume que se conoce
el concepto de magnitud. Además en la mayoría de las tareas es explícito el uso de la
tabla de proporcionalidad como ostensivo y en estas pequeñas flechas o líneas que
sugieren el tratamiento de la técnica desde una perspectiva de las relaciones internas
o externas. A su vez, estás relaciones ha permitido describir dos conceptos implícitos
de la proporcionalidad.
Finalmente, el identificar las praxeologías en los cuatro cuadernos de trabajo
analizado, ha permitido tener mayor amplitud para concluir que el desarrollo
secuencial de las tareas debe presentar un vínculo entre sus respectivas técnicas. Al
respecto, al culminar la investigación se propone Una organización Matemática
relacionado a una secuencia sobre la presentación tareas para nuestro objeto de
estudio en el nivel de primaria.
This research work aims to build a praxeological organization of proportionality from an epistemological and ecological study, in order to determine, describe and characterize the presence of proportionality at the primary level. This objective starts from the question: What is the mathematical organization of the unit, which contains the theme of proportionality, in the official mathematics workbooks at the elementary level? To answer this question, we developed a qualitative research with a bibliographic approach, taking as a theoretical and methodological reference the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic, which uses praxeologies as the unit of analysis. We began by reviewing the official curricular documents and we identified the presence of our object of study from the third year of primary school in the competence related to solving problems of regularity, equivalence and change. Then, with the theoretical aspects provided by the framework, the workbooks were analyzed and 3 types of tasks, 13 tasks, 13 techniques and technological discourses that justify our Mathematical Organization were identified. The type of task related to Finding the unknown term in a situation of proportionality is privileged, the tasks are presented under the assumption of being proportional and it is assumed that the concept of magnitude is known. Furthermore, in most of the tasks the use of the proportionality table as ostensive is explicit and in these small arrows or lines that suggest the treatment of the technique from a perspective of internal or external relationships. In turn, these relationships have allowed us to describe two implicit concepts of proportionality. Finally, identifying the praxeologies in the four analyzed workbooks has allowed us to have a greater scope to conclude that the sequential development of the tasks must present a link between their respective techniques. In this regard, at the end of the research, a mathematical organization related to a sequence on the presentation of tasks is proposed for our object of study at the primary level.
This research work aims to build a praxeological organization of proportionality from an epistemological and ecological study, in order to determine, describe and characterize the presence of proportionality at the primary level. This objective starts from the question: What is the mathematical organization of the unit, which contains the theme of proportionality, in the official mathematics workbooks at the elementary level? To answer this question, we developed a qualitative research with a bibliographic approach, taking as a theoretical and methodological reference the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic, which uses praxeologies as the unit of analysis. We began by reviewing the official curricular documents and we identified the presence of our object of study from the third year of primary school in the competence related to solving problems of regularity, equivalence and change. Then, with the theoretical aspects provided by the framework, the workbooks were analyzed and 3 types of tasks, 13 tasks, 13 techniques and technological discourses that justify our Mathematical Organization were identified. The type of task related to Finding the unknown term in a situation of proportionality is privileged, the tasks are presented under the assumption of being proportional and it is assumed that the concept of magnitude is known. Furthermore, in most of the tasks the use of the proportionality table as ostensive is explicit and in these small arrows or lines that suggest the treatment of the technique from a perspective of internal or external relationships. In turn, these relationships have allowed us to describe two implicit concepts of proportionality. Finally, identifying the praxeologies in the four analyzed workbooks has allowed us to have a greater scope to conclude that the sequential development of the tasks must present a link between their respective techniques. In this regard, at the end of the research, a mathematical organization related to a sequence on the presentation of tasks is proposed for our object of study at the primary level.
Matemáticas--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Educación primaria--Investigaciones, Matemáticas--Didáctica
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