Gobierno corporativo y responsabilidad social en la empresa Río Blanco Copper S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente trabajo de investigación se efectúa un profundo análisis sobre las
políticas y el comportamiento, desde la perspectiva de gobierno corporativo y
responsabilidad social empresarial, del último titular del proyecto Río Blanco, el
consorcio Xiamen Zijin Tongguan Investment Development Corporation, desde el año
de adquisición 2007 hasta el año 2019. Este artículo busca contribuir con la estrategia
corporativa y de responsabilidad social en el sector minero del Perú a través del caso
particular de Río Blanco, y tiene por objetivo analizar y demostrar los enfoques y las
estrategias inadecuados aplicados por el titular de capital chino en su gobierno
corporativo y estrategia de responsabilidad social después de adquirir el proyecto Río
Blanco que ya contaba con un “pasivo social” existente, por lo que se traducen en la
falta de aceptación y legitimidad social para desarrollar el proyecto minero. Para ello se
valdrá de herramientas teóricas así como entrevistas hechas a los diversos actores de
interés, y se expondrá los argumentos para validad la hipótesis del caso, que además
pueden ser extrapolables para otros proyectos del sector.
In this research work, an in-depth analysis is carried out on policies and behaviors, from the perspective of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility, of the last owner of the Río Blanco project, the Xiamen Zijin Tongguan Investment Development Corporation consortium, since the year of acquisition 2007 through 2019. This article seeks to contribute to the corporate and social responsibility strategy in the mining sector of Peru through the particular case of Río Blanco, and aims to analyze and demonstrate the inappropriate approaches and strategies applied by the Chinese capital holder in its corporate governance and social responsibility strategy after acquiring the Río Blanco project, which already had an existing “social liability”, resulting in a lack of acceptance and social legitimacy to develop the mining project. For this, I will use theoretical tools as well as interviews that have taken place from various stakeholders, and will present the arguments to validate the hypothesis of the case, which can also be extrapolated to other projects in this sector.
In this research work, an in-depth analysis is carried out on policies and behaviors, from the perspective of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility, of the last owner of the Río Blanco project, the Xiamen Zijin Tongguan Investment Development Corporation consortium, since the year of acquisition 2007 through 2019. This article seeks to contribute to the corporate and social responsibility strategy in the mining sector of Peru through the particular case of Río Blanco, and aims to analyze and demonstrate the inappropriate approaches and strategies applied by the Chinese capital holder in its corporate governance and social responsibility strategy after acquiring the Río Blanco project, which already had an existing “social liability”, resulting in a lack of acceptance and social legitimacy to develop the mining project. For this, I will use theoretical tools as well as interviews that have taken place from various stakeholders, and will present the arguments to validate the hypothesis of the case, which can also be extrapolated to other projects in this sector.
Sociedades mineras--China, Gobierno corporativo--Perú--Piura, Responsabilidad social de la empresa--Perú--Piura, Conflicto social--Perú--Piura