Proyecto de innovación para la creación de un centro cultural escolar en una institución educativa de nivel secundario de la ciudad de Arequipa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La escuela cumple un papel fundamental en la promoción de actividades culturales. Es
en ella donde se puede observar la vida cultural de una generación y cómo esta impacta
en los aprendizajes de sus estudiantes. El presente proyecto de innovación tiene como
objetivo general proponer la creación de un centro cultural escolar para una institución
educativa de nivel secundario ubicada en el Cercado de la provincia de Arequipa. Se
plantea dinamizar el consumo y las prácticas culturales en los estudiantes de educación
secundaria, así como establecer un conjunto de actividades que permitan movilizar los
recursos disponibles de la Institución Educativa en favor de ampliar el mundo cultural
de la comunidad escolar.
The school plays a fundamental role in the promotion of cultural activities. From them you can observe the cultural life of a generation and how it impacts on the learning of its students. The general purpose of this innovation project is to propose the creation of a school cultural center for a secondary educational institution located in the city of Arequipa. It aims to boost the consumption and cultural practices of secondary school students, as well as to establish a set of activities that allow mobilizing the available resources of the Educational Institution in favor of expanding the cultural world of the school community.
The school plays a fundamental role in the promotion of cultural activities. From them you can observe the cultural life of a generation and how it impacts on the learning of its students. The general purpose of this innovation project is to propose the creation of a school cultural center for a secondary educational institution located in the city of Arequipa. It aims to boost the consumption and cultural practices of secondary school students, as well as to establish a set of activities that allow mobilizing the available resources of the Educational Institution in favor of expanding the cultural world of the school community.
Antropología de la educación, Cultura
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