Diseño de un modelo de negocio de un servicio de gestión del conocimiento para empresas de TIC de Lima Metropolitana
Echevarria Laureano, Keshia Mary
Flores Bernal, Christian Raul
Huapaya Bardi, Pablo Mario
Ramirez Guevara, Carla Nicole
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La pérdida de la rentabilidad viene siendo un problema que aqueja a las empresas
peruanas que afrontan el impacto del surgimiento de nuevas tecnologías, entre ellas, las
tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Antes y luego del inicio de la pandemia de
la COVID-19, los directivos han buscado medidas que contribuyan a disminuir el impacto
negativo en sus resultados financieros y, a su vez, aseguren la continuidad de sus negocios.
La presente tesis busca justificar la viabilidad de la implementación de un modelo de
negocio basado en un servicio de gestión del conocimiento, ITwasi, describiendo los
principales aspectos que sustentan su exponencialidad, disruptividad y sostenibilidad social y
económica financiera. Dicho servicio está dirigido a las pequeñas y medianas empresas
prestadoras de servicios de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) de Lima
Metropolitana, y responde al problema de negocio identificado en un estudio propio: las
empresas del sector de TIC necesitan alinear sus procesos de documentación y transferencia
del conocimiento entre sus técnicos en TIC a la gestión del conocimiento, porque los errores
humanos y la falta de mejora en sus procesos afectan la productividad y la calidad en la
prestación de sus servicios, disminuyendo su rentabilidad y poniendo en riesgo la continuidad
de sus negocios.
El servicio de gestión del conocimiento de ITwasi se compone de las seis etapas: (1) la
identificación del conocimiento clave para el negocio de acuerdo con las expectativas del
mercado, (2) la detección del conocimiento faltante, (3) la identificación de las fuentes clave
de dicho conocimiento, (4) la organización del conocimiento clave existente en la empresa; (5)
la distribución de dicho conocimiento clave entre los trabajadores, y (6) la capacitación en
Design Thinking como herramienta para la utilización del conocimiento clave en la creación
de nuevos productos y servicios que respalden la continuidad del negocio frente a los cambios
The loss of profitability is a problem that afflicts Peruvian companies that face the impact of the emergence of new technologies, including information and communication technologies. Before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, managers have looked for mechanisms to reduce the negative impact on their financial results as well as ensure the continuity of their businesses. This thesis seeks to justify the feasibility of implementing a business model based on a Knowledge Management service, ITwasi, describing the main aspects that support its exponentiality, disruptiveness and social and economic sustainability. This service is focused on small and medium-sized companies that provide information and communication technology (ICT) services in Metropolitan Lima, and address the business problem identified as a result of an own study: companies of the ICT sector need to align their processes of documentation and transfer of knowledge between its ICT technicians with Knowledge Management, because human errors and the lack of improvements in its processes reduce productivity and quality in the provision of its services, reducing its profitability and putting its business continuity at risk. ITwasi's knowledge management service consists of six steps: (1) identification of key knowledge for the business in accordance with market expectations, (2) detection of missing knowledge, (3) identification of key sources of this knowledge, (4) the organization of the existing key knowledge in the company; (5) the distribution of the key knowledge among workers, and (6) training in Design Thinking as a tool through which the key knowledge is used in the creation of new products and services that support business continuity in response to technological changes.
The loss of profitability is a problem that afflicts Peruvian companies that face the impact of the emergence of new technologies, including information and communication technologies. Before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, managers have looked for mechanisms to reduce the negative impact on their financial results as well as ensure the continuity of their businesses. This thesis seeks to justify the feasibility of implementing a business model based on a Knowledge Management service, ITwasi, describing the main aspects that support its exponentiality, disruptiveness and social and economic sustainability. This service is focused on small and medium-sized companies that provide information and communication technology (ICT) services in Metropolitan Lima, and address the business problem identified as a result of an own study: companies of the ICT sector need to align their processes of documentation and transfer of knowledge between its ICT technicians with Knowledge Management, because human errors and the lack of improvements in its processes reduce productivity and quality in the provision of its services, reducing its profitability and putting its business continuity at risk. ITwasi's knowledge management service consists of six steps: (1) identification of key knowledge for the business in accordance with market expectations, (2) detection of missing knowledge, (3) identification of key sources of this knowledge, (4) the organization of the existing key knowledge in the company; (5) the distribution of the key knowledge among workers, and (6) training in Design Thinking as a tool through which the key knowledge is used in the creation of new products and services that support business continuity in response to technological changes.
COVID-19 (Enfermedad), Tecnología de la información--Administración, Tecnología de la información--Control de calidad, Pequeñas y medianas empresas--Perú, Plan de negocios
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