Estrategias pedagógicas para favorecer el pensamiento computacional desenchufado en educación inicial – 5 años
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Pensamiento Computacional Desenchufado desarrolla habilidades que son
fundamentales para ser ciudadanos empoderados y capaces de comprender el mundo
dónde vivimos, y el ser humano es un agente capaz de simplificar situaciones y/o
problemáticas y representar sus soluciones como lo haría una computadora o
dispositivo electrónico. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo, analizar las
estrategias que desarrolla la docente para favorecer las habilidades del pensamiento
computacional desenchufado en niños de 5 años. Y este, a su vez se desglosa en dos
objetivos específicos: (i) Describir las estrategias que desarrolla la docente para
favorecer el pensamiento computacional desenchufado. (ii) Identificar las habilidades
que desarrollan los niños de 5 años en relación al pensamiento computacional
desenchufado. El estudio es de carácter descriptivo y tiene un enfoque cualitativo, por
lo que se ha construido a partir de la información recopilada a través de las técnicas
de entrevista semiestructurada y la observación participante. Se ha considerado como
informantes, a la docente y estudiantes de un aula de 5 años. Los resultados obtenidos
evidencian el impacto e importancia que tienen las estrategias pedagógicas docentes
para potenciar habilidades en los estudiantes. Asimismo, el Pensamiento
Computacional Desenchufado ofrece diversos beneficios, se puede integrar en
cualquier área curricular, es útil dentro de las actividades académicas, pero también
en situaciones cotidianas y reales.
Unplugged Computational Thinking develops skills that are fundamental to be empowered citizens capable of understanding the world we live in, and the human being is an agent capable of simplifying situations and/or problems and representing their solutions as a computer or electronic device would. The objective of this research is to analyze the strategies developed by the teacher to favor unplugged computational thinking skills in 5-year-old children. And this, in turn, is broken down into two specific objectives: (i) To describe the strategies developed by the teacher to promote unplugged computational thinking. (ii) To identify the skills developed by 5-year-old children in relation to unplugged computational thinking. The study is descriptive and has a qualitative approach, so it has been built from the information collected through semi-structured interview techniques and participant observation. The informants considered were the teacher and students of a 5-year-old classroom. The results obtained show the impact and importance of the pedagogical strategies used by teachers to enhance students skills. Likewise, Unplugged Computational Thinking offers several benefits, it can be integrated in any curricular area, it is useful in academic activities, but also in everyday and real situations.
Unplugged Computational Thinking develops skills that are fundamental to be empowered citizens capable of understanding the world we live in, and the human being is an agent capable of simplifying situations and/or problems and representing their solutions as a computer or electronic device would. The objective of this research is to analyze the strategies developed by the teacher to favor unplugged computational thinking skills in 5-year-old children. And this, in turn, is broken down into two specific objectives: (i) To describe the strategies developed by the teacher to promote unplugged computational thinking. (ii) To identify the skills developed by 5-year-old children in relation to unplugged computational thinking. The study is descriptive and has a qualitative approach, so it has been built from the information collected through semi-structured interview techniques and participant observation. The informants considered were the teacher and students of a 5-year-old classroom. The results obtained show the impact and importance of the pedagogical strategies used by teachers to enhance students skills. Likewise, Unplugged Computational Thinking offers several benefits, it can be integrated in any curricular area, it is useful in academic activities, but also in everyday and real situations.
Educación preescolar--Investigaciones, Aprendizaje (Educación), Constructivismo (Educación), Enseñanza--Metodología
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