Cambio en el patrón relacional de un paciente con trastorno de pánico en el contexto de un proceso de psicoterapia breve de orientación psicoanalítica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El estudio tiene el propósito de analizar y comprender el cambio en el patrón relacional
de un paciente con sintomatología ansiosa entre la fase inicial y final de un proceso de
psicoterapia breve de orientación psicoanalítica. Se utilizó el CCRT-LU-S para la
delimitación de los episodios relacionales de las tres primeras y últimas sesiones; y a
partir de ellos, se procedió a utilizar el Eje II Relación del OPD-2. Correspondiente a la
fase inicial, se encontró que los ítems que conformaban el patrón relacional del
consultante eran de carácter disfuncional, siendo la necesidad de aferrarse al otro y tomar
distancia las temáticas centrales en su problemática. Se pudo obsevar que este patrón
maladaptativo provocaba en el consultante sentimientos de soledad y abandono por parte
de los otros, lo que provocaba que éste tome distancia de ellos y así, que el patrón se
repita. Se encontró también que el patrón relacional provocaba y mantenía la
sintomatología ansiosa, ya que los sentimientos de abandono y soledad en el consultante
funcionaban como gatillos para sus ataques de pánico. Respecto a la fase final, los
resultados evidenciaron un cambio en el patrón relacional del consultante, donde se
observó una mayor apertura a recibir ayuda, así como mantener distancias adecuadas en
la relación con los otros, lo que finalmente tuvo un impacto en la reducción de la
sintomatología ansiosa del consultante.
The purpose of this study is to analyze and comprehend the change in the relational patterns of a patient with anxious symptomatology between the initial and final phase of a brief psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The CCRT-LU-S was used to delimit the relational episodes of the first and last three sessions; and then, we proceeded to use the Axis II Relation of the OPD-2. Corresponding to the initial phase, it was found that the items that made up the consultant’s relational pattern were mainly dysfunctional, with the need to cling to others and take distance being the central themes in this pattern. It was observed that this maladaptive pattern provoked in the consultant feelings of loneliness and being abandoned by others, which caused him to distance himself from them and thus, the pattern repeats itself. It was also found that the relational pattern provoked and maintained the anxious symptomatology, since the feelings of abandonment and loneliness in the consultant acted as triggers for his panic attacks. Regarding the final phase, the results showed a change in the relational pattern of the consultant, where a greater openness to receiving help was observed, as well as maintaining adequate distances in the relationship with others, which overall had an impact on the reduction of the anxious symptomatology of the consultant.
The purpose of this study is to analyze and comprehend the change in the relational patterns of a patient with anxious symptomatology between the initial and final phase of a brief psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The CCRT-LU-S was used to delimit the relational episodes of the first and last three sessions; and then, we proceeded to use the Axis II Relation of the OPD-2. Corresponding to the initial phase, it was found that the items that made up the consultant’s relational pattern were mainly dysfunctional, with the need to cling to others and take distance being the central themes in this pattern. It was observed that this maladaptive pattern provoked in the consultant feelings of loneliness and being abandoned by others, which caused him to distance himself from them and thus, the pattern repeats itself. It was also found that the relational pattern provoked and maintained the anxious symptomatology, since the feelings of abandonment and loneliness in the consultant acted as triggers for his panic attacks. Regarding the final phase, the results showed a change in the relational pattern of the consultant, where a greater openness to receiving help was observed, as well as maintaining adequate distances in the relationship with others, which overall had an impact on the reduction of the anxious symptomatology of the consultant.
Psicoanálisis, Pánico, Ansiedad, Psicoterapia