Características en la producción del habla en niños de 6 a 12 años de dos instituciones educativas del nivel primaria de Arequipa y Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación es de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo, cuyo objetivo principal es identificar las características en la producción del habla en niños de 6 a 12 años de dos instituciones educativas del Nivel Primaria de Arequipa y Lima. El instrumento utilizado fue una Ficha de Recolección de Datos para la Evaluación del Habla, extraída del Examen Miofuncional Orofacial- MBGR (2014). Se trabajó con una muestra de 215 niños de ambas instituciones educativas. Los resultados evidencian que un 94,5% de niños en la ciudad de Arequipa y un 28,2% de niños de la ciudad de Lima, presentan alteraciones en las estructuras articulatorias, observándose mayor incidencia de maloclusiones (45,6%). Se encontró que un 69,8% de los niños evaluados, presentan el habla alterada, siendo el porcentaje de casos similares en ambas ciudades (Arequipa= 68,3%; Lima= 70,4%). La incidencia de alteraciones del habla es mayor en niños de 6 y 7 años, mientras que los tipos de alteración con mayor incidencia son las distorsiones y las sustituciones de sonidos. Se encontró que un 42,4% de niños presentan abertura reducida de la boca durante el habla, un 36,9% proyecta la lengua y un 38,3% presenta saliva en las comisuras y en el labio inferior. Respecto al repertorio fonético, se encontró mayor incidencia de dificultades en la producción de los fonos /r/ rótica percusiva, /r/ rótica vibrante, grupos consonánticos laterales /l/ y grupos consonánticos centrales /r/.
The present research is of quantitative approach, type of descriptive design, whose main objective is to identify the characteristics in the production of speech in children from 6 to 12 years of two educational institutions of the Nivel Primaria of Arequipa and Lima. The instrument used was a Data Collection Sheet for Speech Assessment, extracted from the Orofacial Myofunctional Examination - MBGR (2014). We worked with a sample of 215 children from both educational institutions. The results show that 94.5% of children in the city of Arequipa and 28.2% of children in the city of Lima, present alterations in the articulatory structures, observing a higher incidence of malocclusions (45.6%). Itfound that 69.8% of the children evaluated presented altered speech, with a similar percentage of cases in both cities (Arequipa= 68.3%; Lima= 70.4%). The incidence of speech disturbances is higher in children aged 6 and 7 years, while the types of alteration with the highest incidence are distortions and sound substitutions. It was found that 42.4% of children have reduced mouth opening during speech, 36.9% project the tongue and 38.3% have saliva at the corners and lower lip. Regarding the phonetic repertoire, a higher incidence of difficulties was found in the production of the phones /r/ percussive rhotic, /r/ vibrating rhotic, lateral consonant clusters /l/ and central consonant clusters /r/.
The present research is of quantitative approach, type of descriptive design, whose main objective is to identify the characteristics in the production of speech in children from 6 to 12 years of two educational institutions of the Nivel Primaria of Arequipa and Lima. The instrument used was a Data Collection Sheet for Speech Assessment, extracted from the Orofacial Myofunctional Examination - MBGR (2014). We worked with a sample of 215 children from both educational institutions. The results show that 94.5% of children in the city of Arequipa and 28.2% of children in the city of Lima, present alterations in the articulatory structures, observing a higher incidence of malocclusions (45.6%). Itfound that 69.8% of the children evaluated presented altered speech, with a similar percentage of cases in both cities (Arequipa= 68.3%; Lima= 70.4%). The incidence of speech disturbances is higher in children aged 6 and 7 years, while the types of alteration with the highest incidence are distortions and sound substitutions. It was found that 42.4% of children have reduced mouth opening during speech, 36.9% project the tongue and 38.3% have saliva at the corners and lower lip. Regarding the phonetic repertoire, a higher incidence of difficulties was found in the production of the phones /r/ percussive rhotic, /r/ vibrating rhotic, lateral consonant clusters /l/ and central consonant clusters /r/.
Niños--Lenguaje, Trastornos del habla en niños, Fonología, Educación primaria--Perú--Investigaciones
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