Modelo prolab: Dharma4, solución que brinda alternativas para reducir el estrés laboral en la población activa del Perú.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo presenta una solución de negocio que aborda el estrés laboral, un
problema social creciente en el país. Este tipo de estrés se expresa como un grupo de reacciones
emocionales, psicológicas, cognitivas y conductuales ante exigencias profesionales que
sobrepasan los conocimientos y habilidades del trabajador para desempeñarse de forma óptima.
Cerca del 60% de la población del Perú sufre estrés y el 70% de los trabajadores peruanos sufren
estrés laboral. Por ello, la solución Dharma4 se enfoca en el estrés laboral de las personas
económicamente activas de Lima Metropolitana, zona geográfica donde se mueve la mayor fuerza
laboral en el Perú.
Actualmente, en el mercado se ofrecen opciones para tratar el estrés con masajes,
coaching, yoga o videos en YouTube; sin embargo, cantidad no es sinónimo de calidad y los
usuarios sienten desconfianza de invertir dinero sin encontrar lo que necesitan realmente. De este
problema, nace la aplicación móvil Dharma4 que ofrecerá servicios donde el usuario descubra
distintas alternativas presenciales o virtuales de personal profesional certificado, para tratar el
estrés laboral según su disponibilidad, con un asesoramiento y acompañamiento efectivo que
reducirá los síntomas relacionados al estrés como tensión muscular, alta presión y ritmo cardiaco,
miedo, irritabilidad, depresión, enojo, ansiedad, entre otros, permitiendo mejorar el bienestar
mental de las personas, su calidad de vida, sus relaciones interpersonales y reducir las secuelas
La exponencialidad de la solución abarca los 11 atributos necesarios para calificar a una empresa
en este rubro. El impacto social estará alineado a cinco puntos de la ODS 3, con un factor IRS de
60%. Por último, es financieramente viable con una inversión inicial de S/229,500 soles y un
VAN en cinco años de S/3,644,894.54 soles y TIR de 116%
This paper presents a business solution where work stress is addressed, a growing social problem in the country. According to the WHO, this problem is identified as a group of emotional, psychological, cognitive and behavioral reactions to professional demands that exceed the knowledge and skills of the worker to perform optimally. About 60% of the Peruvian population suffers from stress and 70% of Peruvian workers suffer from occupational stress. For these reasons our Dharma4 solution focuses on the work stress of economically active people in Metropolitan Lima, where the largest workforce in Peru moves. Currently, there are options on the market to treat stress with massages, coaching, yoga or videos on YouTube; however, quantity is not quality, that’s why people who are looking for a solution are mistrustful or simply invest money without finding what they really need. From this problem, our Dharma4 mobile application was born, which will offer services where the user discovers different face-to-face or virtual alternatives of certified professional personnel, to treat work stress according to their availability, with effective advice and support that will reduce stress-related symptoms such as tension. muscle, high blood pressure and heart rate, fear, irritability, depression, anger, anxiety, among others, allowing to improve the mental well-being of people, their quality of life, their interpersonal relationships and reduce negative sequels. The exponentiality of the solution covers the 11 attributes necessary to qualify a company in this area. The social impact will be aligned to the five points of SDG 3, clearly demonstrated through the IRS factor. Lastly, it is financially viable with an initial investment of S/229,500 soles and a NPV in five years of S/4,088,398.26 soles and an IRR of 116%.
This paper presents a business solution where work stress is addressed, a growing social problem in the country. According to the WHO, this problem is identified as a group of emotional, psychological, cognitive and behavioral reactions to professional demands that exceed the knowledge and skills of the worker to perform optimally. About 60% of the Peruvian population suffers from stress and 70% of Peruvian workers suffer from occupational stress. For these reasons our Dharma4 solution focuses on the work stress of economically active people in Metropolitan Lima, where the largest workforce in Peru moves. Currently, there are options on the market to treat stress with massages, coaching, yoga or videos on YouTube; however, quantity is not quality, that’s why people who are looking for a solution are mistrustful or simply invest money without finding what they really need. From this problem, our Dharma4 mobile application was born, which will offer services where the user discovers different face-to-face or virtual alternatives of certified professional personnel, to treat work stress according to their availability, with effective advice and support that will reduce stress-related symptoms such as tension. muscle, high blood pressure and heart rate, fear, irritability, depression, anger, anxiety, among others, allowing to improve the mental well-being of people, their quality of life, their interpersonal relationships and reduce negative sequels. The exponentiality of the solution covers the 11 attributes necessary to qualify a company in this area. The social impact will be aligned to the five points of SDG 3, clearly demonstrated through the IRS factor. Lastly, it is financially viable with an initial investment of S/229,500 soles and a NPV in five years of S/4,088,398.26 soles and an IRR of 116%.
Negocios--Planificación, Stress en el trabajo, Trabajo--Aspectos psicológicos, Aplicaciones--Dispositivos móviles, Servicios digitales, Satisfacción en el trabajo
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