Diagnóstico operativo de la empresa Reactivos Nacionales S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La propuesta de valor que propone RENASA es la calidad de sus diversos xantatos
que fabrica, logrando una ventaja competitiva con sus principales competidores y
posicionándose con una notable participación en el mercado de proyectos de inversiones
mineras, siendo la única prioridad competitiva que posee la calidad consistente y superior de
sus xantatos. Todavía no logra alcanzar nuevas prioridades competitivas, en ese sentido el
presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar oportunidades de mejora en
sus principales procesos operativos y apoyo, de tal manera que sirva como base para lograr
alcanzar flexibilidad y tiempo como nuevas prioridades competitivas.
Una de las frases más comunes e indiscutible en gestión es “lo que no se mide no se
controla y no se gestiona” encontramos relevante hallazgos, poseen escasos indicadores de
productividad en sus procesos de producción, calidad y mantenimiento entre otros, por otro
lado, su logística esta desarticulada entre los departamentos de producción y
comercialización, y la centralización de funciones entre la gerencia general y jefatura de
gestión de calidad, medioambiente, seguridad y salud en el trabajo.
Proponemos una óptima distribución de planta, mejoramiento de su proceso de secado
a 24 horas mediante la implementación de un sistema de enfriamiento, reestructuración de su
organización y un plan de mantenimiento preventivo para minimizar los tiempos de paradas
de planta entre otras oportunidades de mejora para aumentar su productividad en sus líneas de
Hay que mencionar, además que estas oportunidades de mejora servirían para mejorar
sus eficiencias operativas en adelante, resultarían permanente si van acompañado de objetivos
a corto y largo plazo mediante la implementación de estrategias y políticas y demás acciones
encaminadas al crecimiento del negocio
RENASA’s proposal of value is the quality of its xanthates, achieving a competitive advantage in comparison to RENASA’s principal competitors and positioning RENASA with a notable participation in the investment mining projects market. Being this superior and consistent quality the only competitive priority of RENASA. It has not reached other competitive priorities yet; therefore, this investigation paper is intended to determine improvements opportunities, which will serve as foundation to achieve flexibility and time as new competitive priorities. One of the most common and indisputable quotes in management is “What is not measured is not controlled and is not managed". We found relevant findings such as the lack of productivity KPIs in the production process, quality, and maintenance, among others. On the other hand, RENASA’s logistics is split between the production and commercial departments; furthermore, its functions are centralized between the General Manager and the Quality, Environment and Safety heads. We propose the following: an optimal plant distribution, an improvement in RENASA’s dry process to 24 hours by implementing a cooling system, an organizational change, and a preventive maintenance program to decrease the time in the overhaul maintenance of the plant. Our objective is to increase the productivity of RENASA in its production lines. In addition, these improvements opportunities will enhance RENASA’s operational efficiencies onwards. These improvements would be permanent if they are implemented with short and long term objectives through the implementation of strategies, policies and other actions aimed to the business growth
RENASA’s proposal of value is the quality of its xanthates, achieving a competitive advantage in comparison to RENASA’s principal competitors and positioning RENASA with a notable participation in the investment mining projects market. Being this superior and consistent quality the only competitive priority of RENASA. It has not reached other competitive priorities yet; therefore, this investigation paper is intended to determine improvements opportunities, which will serve as foundation to achieve flexibility and time as new competitive priorities. One of the most common and indisputable quotes in management is “What is not measured is not controlled and is not managed". We found relevant findings such as the lack of productivity KPIs in the production process, quality, and maintenance, among others. On the other hand, RENASA’s logistics is split between the production and commercial departments; furthermore, its functions are centralized between the General Manager and the Quality, Environment and Safety heads. We propose the following: an optimal plant distribution, an improvement in RENASA’s dry process to 24 hours by implementing a cooling system, an organizational change, and a preventive maintenance program to decrease the time in the overhaul maintenance of the plant. Our objective is to increase the productivity of RENASA in its production lines. In addition, these improvements opportunities will enhance RENASA’s operational efficiencies onwards. These improvements would be permanent if they are implemented with short and long term objectives through the implementation of strategies, policies and other actions aimed to the business growth
Planificación de la producción, Administración de empresas