Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución N° 585-2006- SUNARP-TR-L
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Durante la vida de una sociedad, ésta puede realizar diversos actos que
considere necesarios para su mejor y adecuado desarrollo. Uno de estos actos
es el de reorganización societaria, pudiendo ser de fusión, escisión,
reorganización simple, transformación, entre otros. En el desarrollo del presente
informe, nos centraremos específicamente en la figura de la escisión, abordando
los tipos de esta figura para aterrizar en el análisis de la escisión parcial.
Dentro de este análisis, la pregunta principal que trataremos de resolver es la
referente a cuál es la afectación que tiene el desarrollo de una escisión parcial
en la sociedad escindida, más específicamente, si es que la sociedad escindida
se encuentra obligada a reducir su capital social; y de ser así, si dicha reducción
deberá guardar equivalencia con el valor del bloque patrimonial escindido. Con
la finalidad de dar respuesta a esta interrogante, hemos decidido segmentar
nuestro análisis en tres instituciones del derecho que se presentan en el caso en
concreto, las cuales son: la escisión; la modificación parcial de estatuto, en su
variación de reducción de capital; y, la constitución de una sociedad anónima.
Finalmente, haremos uso de la normativa peruana aplicable y doctrina nacional
que verse sobre las instituciones antes señaladas; de igual manera,
presentaremos una pequeña comparación entre nuestra normativa societaria y
otras de la región latinoamericana que nos permitirá evaluar el tratamiento que
se tiene a dichas figuras.
During the life of a company, it can perform various acts that considers necessary for its better and adequate development. One of these acts is the corporate reorganization, which can be merger, spin-off, simple reorganization, transformation, among others. In the development of this paper, we will focus specifically on the figure of the spin-off, we will address the types of this figure to land on the analysis of the partial spin-off. Within this analysis, the main question that we will try to solve is the one referring to the effect that the development of a partial spin-off has on the company that has been divided, more specifically, if the company that has been divided is obliged to reduce its capital stock; and if so, if such reduction must be equivalent to the value of the asset block. To answer this question, we have decided to segment our analysis in three legal institutions that are present in the specific case, which are: the spin-off; the amendment of the bylaws, in its capital reduction variation; and the incorporation of a new corporation. Finally, we will make use of the applicable Peruvian regulations and national doctrine on the aforementioned institutions; likewise, we will present a small legal comparison between our corporate regulations and others in the Latin American region that will allow us to evaluate the treatment given to such figures.
During the life of a company, it can perform various acts that considers necessary for its better and adequate development. One of these acts is the corporate reorganization, which can be merger, spin-off, simple reorganization, transformation, among others. In the development of this paper, we will focus specifically on the figure of the spin-off, we will address the types of this figure to land on the analysis of the partial spin-off. Within this analysis, the main question that we will try to solve is the one referring to the effect that the development of a partial spin-off has on the company that has been divided, more specifically, if the company that has been divided is obliged to reduce its capital stock; and if so, if such reduction must be equivalent to the value of the asset block. To answer this question, we have decided to segment our analysis in three legal institutions that are present in the specific case, which are: the spin-off; the amendment of the bylaws, in its capital reduction variation; and the incorporation of a new corporation. Finally, we will make use of the applicable Peruvian regulations and national doctrine on the aforementioned institutions; likewise, we will present a small legal comparison between our corporate regulations and others in the Latin American region that will allow us to evaluate the treatment given to such figures.
Derecho tributario--Perú, Escisión de sociedades--Perú, Sociedades anónimas--Perú
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