Informe Jurídico de la sentencia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República sobre la Consulta Expediente N. ° 14442-2021 Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico versa sobre una de las sentencias más importantes de la Corte
Suprema de Justicia de la República de los últimos años, relativo a la Consulta Expediente
N. ° 14442-2021 Lima, ya que reconoce por primera vez en el Perú el derecho a morir
dignamente e inaplica el artículo 112 del Código Penal para el caso en particular. El objetivo
del presente trabajo es resolver los principales problemas jurídicos planteados en la presente
sentencia, así como analizar los criterios, argumentos y posturas tomadas en cuenta por la
Corte Suprema.
Del análisis de dichos puntos se concluye principalmente lo siguiente: i) era necesario realizar,
en la presente sentencia, un mejor desarrollo del derecho a morir dignamente, evitando
contradicciones y/o incongruencias en la fundamentación del fallo, a fin de que muchas más
personas puedan acceder a este derecho; ii) el reconocimiento del derecho a morir
dignamente es un derecho que encuentra su fundamento en el artículo 3 de la Constitución
Política del Perú, en la dignidad humana, y en otros derechos fundamentales reconocidos
expresamente por nuestra Constitución como el derecho a la vida, al libre desarrollo de la
personalidad y a no sufrir tratos crueles e inhumanos; y, finalmente que iii) no existe una
contradicción entre el derecho a la vida y el derecho a morir dignamente.
This legal report deals with one of the most important judgments of the Republic’s Supreme Court of Justice in recent years, regarding Consultation File No. 14442-2021 Lima, since it recognizes for the first time in Peru the right to die with dignity and does not apply article 112 of the Penal Code for the particular case. The objective of this paper is to resolve the main legal problems raised in this judgment, as well as to analyze the criteria, arguments and positions taken into account by the Supreme Court. From the analysis of these points, the following is mainly concluded: i) it was necessary to carry out, in the current judgment, a better development of the right to die with dignity, avoiding contradictions and/or inconsistencies in the grounds of the ruling, so that many more people can access this right; ii) the recognition of the right to die with dignity is a right that finds its foundation in Article 3 of the Political Constitution of Peru, in human dignity, and in other fundamental rights expressly recognized by our Constitution such as the right to life, to the free development of the personality and not to suffer cruel and inhuman treatment; and, finally, that iii) there is no contradiction between the right to life and the right to die with dignity.
This legal report deals with one of the most important judgments of the Republic’s Supreme Court of Justice in recent years, regarding Consultation File No. 14442-2021 Lima, since it recognizes for the first time in Peru the right to die with dignity and does not apply article 112 of the Penal Code for the particular case. The objective of this paper is to resolve the main legal problems raised in this judgment, as well as to analyze the criteria, arguments and positions taken into account by the Supreme Court. From the analysis of these points, the following is mainly concluded: i) it was necessary to carry out, in the current judgment, a better development of the right to die with dignity, avoiding contradictions and/or inconsistencies in the grounds of the ruling, so that many more people can access this right; ii) the recognition of the right to die with dignity is a right that finds its foundation in Article 3 of the Political Constitution of Peru, in human dignity, and in other fundamental rights expressly recognized by our Constitution such as the right to life, to the free development of the personality and not to suffer cruel and inhuman treatment; and, finally, that iii) there is no contradiction between the right to life and the right to die with dignity.
Derecho a morir, Dignidad, Eutanasia--Perú
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