Facilidad para negociar en el Perú a nivel de la Ciudad del Callao - Callao
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación tiene como propósito determinar de manera cuantitativa las
brechas que existen en la facilidad para hacer negocios en la Ciudad de Callao, contrastando
la regulación vigente de las instituciones públicas con la realidad experimentada por los
empresarios, abogados, ingenieros, gerentes generales, notarios y profesionales entendidos en
la materia. Las variables más importantes consideradas para el presente estudio son el costo y
el tiempo invertidos por las empresas durante el proceso de implementación del negocio, los
cuales suelen promover o desalentar el emprendimiento en una ciudad.
Se utilizó la metodología del Doing Business, desarrollada por el Banco Mundial,
para lo cual se llevaron a cabo entrevistas a profundidad tanto a los funcionarios de las
entidades públicas como a los profesionales involucrados y expertos en el proceso de
implementación y operación de las empresas; dichos cuestionarios fueron elaborados y
clasificados en cinco pilares pre-seleccionados: (a) apertura de empresa, (b) manejo de
permisos de construcción, (c) obtención de electricidad, (d) registro de propiedad y (e)
cumplimiento de contratos; estos permitieron realizar el análisis y comparación de los
resultados tanto para medir la distancia a la frontera con las ciudades de otros países, como la
medición del ranking en la facilidad para hacer negocios en la Ciudad del Callao.
Por tanto, el estudio del Doing Business para la Ciudad del Callao provee a la
comunidad académica y profesional, pública y privada, una herramienta que mide de manera
objetiva la normativa legal que regula la facilidad para iniciar y operar un negocio. Estos
mismos resultados sirven a su vez para generar competencia entre los países estudiados,
porque sus funcionarios, con capacidad de legislar y administrar los recursos públicos, buscan
realizar cambios con el objetivo de atraer a la inversión privada para que generen un mayor
desarrollo económico y social en sus ciudades.
Finalmente, luego de los análisis y las conclusiones respectivas, se brindaron las
recomendaciones adecuadas con el objetivo de aportar alternativas que favorezcan a reducir
las brechas encontradas con las regulaciones actuales, así como también eliminar los
obstáculos que no permiten colocar a la Ciudad del Callao en una mejor posición en el
indicador de distancia a la frontera
The purpose of this study is to determine quantitatively the exits gaps in the facility to make business in Callao City, between the current regulation and the reality in that city. The most important variables considered for the present study are the cost and the time invested by the companies during the process of implementation a new business; which often promote or discourage entrepreneurship in a city. We used the Doing Business methodology, developed by the World Bank. For this investigation we interviewed public officials, professionals and experts involved in the process of starting and operating new business; for this investigation we use questionnaires prepared by the Doing Business methodology classified in five pre-selected pillars: (a) business start-up, (b) construction permit management, (c) electricity procurement, (d) ownership registration, and (e) contract compliance. Whit this information we made the analysis and comparison of the results to measure the distance to the border with other cities and the measurement of the ranking in the facility to do business in the city of Callao. Therefore, the Doing Business study for the city of Callao provides academic and professional community, and strong tool that objectively measures the legal regulation that regulates the facility to start and operate a business. These results will allow to generate competition between the studied countries, in addition allows Mayors and authorities that manage public resources seek to make changes in order to bring in private investment to generate greater economic and social development in their countries and Citizens. Finally, important and forceful recommendations were made with the objective to provide strong tolls to reduce the gaps with current regulations and the reality, as well as eliminate obstacles that do not allow the city of Callao to be placed in a better position in the index
The purpose of this study is to determine quantitatively the exits gaps in the facility to make business in Callao City, between the current regulation and the reality in that city. The most important variables considered for the present study are the cost and the time invested by the companies during the process of implementation a new business; which often promote or discourage entrepreneurship in a city. We used the Doing Business methodology, developed by the World Bank. For this investigation we interviewed public officials, professionals and experts involved in the process of starting and operating new business; for this investigation we use questionnaires prepared by the Doing Business methodology classified in five pre-selected pillars: (a) business start-up, (b) construction permit management, (c) electricity procurement, (d) ownership registration, and (e) contract compliance. Whit this information we made the analysis and comparison of the results to measure the distance to the border with other cities and the measurement of the ranking in the facility to do business in the city of Callao. Therefore, the Doing Business study for the city of Callao provides academic and professional community, and strong tool that objectively measures the legal regulation that regulates the facility to start and operate a business. These results will allow to generate competition between the studied countries, in addition allows Mayors and authorities that manage public resources seek to make changes in order to bring in private investment to generate greater economic and social development in their countries and Citizens. Finally, important and forceful recommendations were made with the objective to provide strong tolls to reduce the gaps with current regulations and the reality, as well as eliminate obstacles that do not allow the city of Callao to be placed in a better position in the index
Nuevas empresas, Investigación cuantitativa
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