Twitter como herramienta discursiva: el caso del excandidato presidencial Rafael López Aliaga en las elecciones generales de 2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La violencia política se manifiesta de muchas formas y se disfraza de muchas
maneras. Lo mismo ocurre con los discursos de odio y la comunicación violenta. Como en el
mundo físico, las manifestaciones de odio en el mundo virtual atacan a grupos históricamente
discriminados, los más vulnerables a sufrir racismo, xenofobia, discriminación ideológica y
otras agresiones por su condición de individuos marginados.
Esta investigación explora cómo se manifiesta la comunicación política que incita al
odio o a la violencia en las redes sociales, estudiando de manera particular el discurso político
en Twitter del excandidato a la presidencia del Perú, Rafael López Aliaga. Para tal fin se hizo
un análisis de los tuits publicados por el dirigente político en el contexto de las elecciones
generales de 2021. En específico, se analizaron los mensajes en Twitter de López Aliaga
entre el 11 de abril y el 6 de junio de 2021, fechas de la primera y segunda vuelta electoral en
A partir de un Análisis Crítico del Discurso se identificó en los tuits del entonces
candidato del partido político conservador Renovación Popular, características que hacen
referencia directa o encubierta a diferentes tipos de discurso de odio, al “terruqueo” o a una
teoría de fraude electoral. De esta manera, se profundiza en las características del discurso
de Rafael López Aliaga en Twitter y a qué tipo de prácticas discursivas y socioculturales
responde en un momento de crisis de representación y violencia exacerbada en época de
campañas políticas.
Political violence manifests itself in many forms and is disguised in many ways. The same goes for hate speech and violent communication. As in the physical world, the manifestations of hate in the virtual world attack groups that have historically been discriminated against, the most vulnerable to suffer racism, xenophobia, ideological discrimination and other attacks due to their condition as marginalized individuals. This research explores how political communication that incites hatred or violence manifests itself on social networks, studying in particular the political discourse on Twitter of the former candidate for the presidency of Peru, Rafael López Aliaga. To this end, an analysis was made of the tweets published by the political leader in the context of the 2021 general elections. Specifically, López Aliaga's Twitter messages between April 11 and June 6, 2021, dates of the first and second round of elections in Peru, were analyzed. Based on a Critical Discourse Analysis, characteristics that make direct or covert reference to different types of hate speech, to “terruqueo” or to a theory of electoral fraud were identified in the tweets of the then candidate of the conservative political party Renovación Popular. In this way, we delve into the characteristics of Rafael López Aliaga's discourse on Twitter and what type of discursive and sociocultural practices he responds to at a time of crisis of representation and exacerbated violence during political campaigns.
Political violence manifests itself in many forms and is disguised in many ways. The same goes for hate speech and violent communication. As in the physical world, the manifestations of hate in the virtual world attack groups that have historically been discriminated against, the most vulnerable to suffer racism, xenophobia, ideological discrimination and other attacks due to their condition as marginalized individuals. This research explores how political communication that incites hatred or violence manifests itself on social networks, studying in particular the political discourse on Twitter of the former candidate for the presidency of Peru, Rafael López Aliaga. To this end, an analysis was made of the tweets published by the political leader in the context of the 2021 general elections. Specifically, López Aliaga's Twitter messages between April 11 and June 6, 2021, dates of the first and second round of elections in Peru, were analyzed. Based on a Critical Discourse Analysis, characteristics that make direct or covert reference to different types of hate speech, to “terruqueo” or to a theory of electoral fraud were identified in the tweets of the then candidate of the conservative political party Renovación Popular. In this way, we delve into the characteristics of Rafael López Aliaga's discourse on Twitter and what type of discursive and sociocultural practices he responds to at a time of crisis of representation and exacerbated violence during political campaigns.
Discurso del odio, Discriminación racial--Perú, Candidatos presidenciales--Perú--2021, Redes sociales en línea
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