Análisis de ciclo de vida del proyecto de construcción de un taller de camiones en una unidad minera del Departamento de Ica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La minería es la segunda actividad económica en Perú, ocupando el segundo lugar en
producción de cobre, plata y zinc a nivel mundial, lo que refleja un inmenso potencial geológico,
con unidades mineras de importante impacto mundial. La región de Ica es una de las regiones que
tiene mayor inversión minera, generando grandes beneficios económicos y sociales, por lo que
requiere una infraestructura acorde a dicho fin. Sin embargo, esta actividad genera un gran impacto
ambiental dentro de la zona de ejecución durante todo su ciclo de vida, debido a varios factores
como el uso de una gran cantidad de recursos naturales y energéticos, movimiento de tierras,
destrucción de hábitats naturales, afectación de la calidad de vida de las comunidades cercanas,
que debe de ser analizado, con una visión más amplia y profunda que la exigida por la normativa
peruana. Por lo tanto, para el presente estudio se busca aplicar la herramienta de gestión ambiental
conocida como Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV), que permite cuantificar los impactos ambientales
de nuestro caso de estudio, que es la construcción de un taller de camiones, también conocido
como Truckshop, dentro de una unidad minera en la región de Ica. La unidad funcional utilizada
para este caso de estudio es 1 metro cuadrado (1 m2) de construcción. Para el inventario de ciclo
de vida se reunió información de manera directa por parte de la empresa contratista, y se utilizó la
metodología de cálculo ReCiPe 2016 para las categorías de impacto, como calentamiento global,
agotamiento del ozono estratosférico, radiación ionizante, formación de partículas finas, formación
de ozono, acidificación terrestres, eutrofización, ecotoxicidad terrestres y marina, toxicidad
cancerígena y no cancerígena, escases de recursos minerales, escasez de recursos fósiles y
consumo de agua.
El Estudio de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) es la herramienta que la normativa peruana exige
para todos los proyectos de inversión que pueden generar impactos negativos de carácter
significativo, con el fin de analizar, medir y prevenir los efectos de su realización, indicando las
medidas de prevención de la contaminación, usando diversas metodologías. Sin embargo, se
encontró tres diferencias obtenidas con respecto al resultado obtenido en un ACV: los resultados
se expresan de forma cualitativa, basándose principalmente en opiniones de expertos; solo analiza
los impactos producidos exclusivamente por las actividades del proyecto de construcción; se expresan para todo el proyecto y no para una Unidad Funcional, y por último es que los términos
de referencia dependen del criterio de evaluación de las autoridades pertinentes.
Los resultados obtenidos reflejan un gran costo ambiental durante todo el ciclo de vida del
proyecto para la zona donde se ejecutó, y tienen coherencia con la magnitud del mismo. En lo que
se refiere a cambio climático se liberaron 8.13 ton de CO2 equivalente por m2 de construcción,
producto de los efectos diversos del ciclo de vida del Truckshop. Cerca del 89% se encuentra en
la etapa de uso, por los materiales y la energía eléctrica necesarios para su uso y mantenimiento;
un 10.2% en la etapa de construcción y la diferencia en la etapa de fin de vida. Para las otras
categorías de impacto se observa una predominancia en la etapa de uso, debido a todo el tiempo
de vida útil que tiene la edificación de acuerdo al diseño especificado.
Los resultados obtenidos deben de servir como una herramienta de optimización de procesos
constructivos con el objetivo de reducir los niveles de impacto ambiental, mejorando técnicas y
con un proceso de mejora continua. El tema ambiental es muchas veces mermado por los intereses
económicos, por lo que se sugiere que exista un proceso de concientización sobre las
consecuencias generadas al medio ambiente.
Mining is the second largest economic activity in Peru, ranking second in copper, silver and zinc production worldwide, which reflects an immense geological potential, with mining units of significant global impact. The region of Ica is one of the regions with the greatest mining investment, generating great economic and social benefits, and therefore requires an infrastructure in line with this purpose. However, this activity generates a great environmental impact within the area of execution, because it uses a large amount of natural and energy resources throughout its life cycle, which must be analyzed with a broader and deeper vision than that required by Peruvian regulations. Therefore, for the present study we seek to apply the environmental management tool known as Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), which allows us to quantify the environmental impacts of our case study, which is the construction of a truck workshop within a mining unit in the region of Ica. The functional unit used for this case study is 1 square meter (1 m2) of construction. For the life cycle inventory, information was collected directly from the contractor company, and the ReCiPe 2016 calculation methodology was used for the impact categories, such as global warming, stratospheric ozone depletion, ionizing radiation, fine particulate matter formation, ozone formation, terrestrial acidification, eutrophication, terrestrial and marine ecotoxicity, human carcinogenic and non- carcinogenic toxicity, land use, mineral resource scarcity, fossil resource scarcity and water consumption The results obtained reflect a large environmental cost for the area where it was executed, and are consistent with the magnitude of the construction project on which it was based. In terms of climate change, 10.47 tons of CO2 equivalent per m2 of construction were released as a result of the various life-cycle effects of the truck shop. Nearly 89% is found in the use stage, due to the materials and electrical energy required for its use and maintenance; 10.2% in the construction stage and the difference in the end-of-life stage. For the other impact categories, a predominance is observed in the use stage, due to the useful life of the building according to the specified design. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is the tool required by Peruvian regulations for all investment projects that may generate significant negative impacts, in order to analyze, measure and prevent the effects of their implementation, indicating pollution prevention measures, using various methodologies. However, three differences were found with respect to the results obtained from an LCA: the results are expressed qualitatively, based mainly on expert opinions; it only analyzes the impacts produced exclusively by the activities of the construction project; and lastly, the terms of reference depend on the evaluation criteria of the relevant authorities. The results obtained should serve as a tool for the optimization of construction processes with the objective of reducing the levels of environmental impact, improving techniques and with a process of continuous improvement. The environmental issue is often diminished by economic interests, so it is suggested that there is a process of awareness of the consequences generated to the environment.
Mining is the second largest economic activity in Peru, ranking second in copper, silver and zinc production worldwide, which reflects an immense geological potential, with mining units of significant global impact. The region of Ica is one of the regions with the greatest mining investment, generating great economic and social benefits, and therefore requires an infrastructure in line with this purpose. However, this activity generates a great environmental impact within the area of execution, because it uses a large amount of natural and energy resources throughout its life cycle, which must be analyzed with a broader and deeper vision than that required by Peruvian regulations. Therefore, for the present study we seek to apply the environmental management tool known as Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), which allows us to quantify the environmental impacts of our case study, which is the construction of a truck workshop within a mining unit in the region of Ica. The functional unit used for this case study is 1 square meter (1 m2) of construction. For the life cycle inventory, information was collected directly from the contractor company, and the ReCiPe 2016 calculation methodology was used for the impact categories, such as global warming, stratospheric ozone depletion, ionizing radiation, fine particulate matter formation, ozone formation, terrestrial acidification, eutrophication, terrestrial and marine ecotoxicity, human carcinogenic and non- carcinogenic toxicity, land use, mineral resource scarcity, fossil resource scarcity and water consumption The results obtained reflect a large environmental cost for the area where it was executed, and are consistent with the magnitude of the construction project on which it was based. In terms of climate change, 10.47 tons of CO2 equivalent per m2 of construction were released as a result of the various life-cycle effects of the truck shop. Nearly 89% is found in the use stage, due to the materials and electrical energy required for its use and maintenance; 10.2% in the construction stage and the difference in the end-of-life stage. For the other impact categories, a predominance is observed in the use stage, due to the useful life of the building according to the specified design. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is the tool required by Peruvian regulations for all investment projects that may generate significant negative impacts, in order to analyze, measure and prevent the effects of their implementation, indicating pollution prevention measures, using various methodologies. However, three differences were found with respect to the results obtained from an LCA: the results are expressed qualitatively, based mainly on expert opinions; it only analyzes the impacts produced exclusively by the activities of the construction project; and lastly, the terms of reference depend on the evaluation criteria of the relevant authorities. The results obtained should serve as a tool for the optimization of construction processes with the objective of reducing the levels of environmental impact, improving techniques and with a process of continuous improvement. The environmental issue is often diminished by economic interests, so it is suggested that there is a process of awareness of the consequences generated to the environment.
Ciclo de vida, Camiones--Talleres mecánicos--Aspectos ambientales, Minas--Transporte--Aspectos ambientales
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