PEA Estratégico aplicado para el Banco Regional
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente Plan Estratégico Anual (PEA) fue elaborado de un reconocido banco del
mercado peruano, que por motivos de confidencialidad pasaremos a llamar en adelante:
Banco Regional. Este PEA nos muestra un análisis detallado y estructurado de su situación
actual a través de análisis internos, análisis externos, análisis de sus objetivos de corto y largo
plazo, correlacionados con el proceso, implementación y evaluación estratégica de la
organización, además de su competitividad como organización.
A nivel financiero, Banco Regional se encuentra en una buena posición dentro de la
industria de la banca, pero aún lejos de los principales referentes de esta.
Este plan se ha desarrollado con información pública y entrevistas a dos gerentes de
departamentos de las áreas de producto, utilizando el método de modelo secuencial propuesto
por D’Alessio (2015). Se concluye que Banco Regional se encuentra en una zona de
interrogación, por lo que es vital para el banco dar una continuidad a las políticas de riesgo
que maneja para poder asegurar la viabilidad de otorgar tanto préstamos como tarjetas a
clientes poco riesgosos, además de fidelizar y contener la cartera activa de clientes con el fin
de mantener una participación representativa en el mercado.
Banco Regional gestiona de manera adecuada, y mejor que las empresas de este
mercado, sus oportunidades, amenazas, fortalezas y debilidades. Sin embargo, aún debe
mejorar esta gestión ya que, comparada con empresas líderes a nivel mundial, solo tiene un
desempeño promedio aceptable mas no competitivo.
En base a este análisis, se han establecido objetivos de largo plazo alineados a los
intereses de Banco Regional. Estos objetivos se enfocan principalmente en incrementar la
venta de sus productos asociados a préstamos personales y disposición de efectivo, para
asegurar una buena rentabilidad además de tener una alta tasa de automatización de procesos
con un buen clima laboral.
The current Annual Strategic Plan (PEA) was developed for a renowned bank in the Peruvian market, which for confidentiality reasons we are going to call from now on: Banco Regional. This PEA shows us a detailed and structured analysis of its current situation through internal analysis, external analysis, analysis of its short and long-term objectives, correlated with the process, implementation and strategic evaluation of the organization, in addition to its competitiveness as organization. On a financial level, Banco Regional is in a good position within the banking industry, but it is still far from the main benchmarks of this. This plan has been developed with public information and interviews with two department managers from the product areas, using the sequential model method proposed by D’Alessio (2015). It is concluded that Banco Regional is in an interrogation zone, so it is vital for the bank to give continuity to the risk policies it manages in order to ensure the viability of granting both loans and cards to low risk clients, in addition to building loyalty. and contain the active portfolio of clients to maintain a representative participation in the market. Banco Regional manages its opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses in an adequate way, and better than the companies in this market. However, this management must still improve since, compared to leading companies worldwide, it only has an acceptable but non-competitive average performance. Based on this analysis, long-term objectives have been established in line with the interests of Banco Regional. These objectives are mainly focused on increasing the sale of its products associated with personal loans and cash availability, to ensure good profitability as well as having a high rate of process automation with a good working environment.
The current Annual Strategic Plan (PEA) was developed for a renowned bank in the Peruvian market, which for confidentiality reasons we are going to call from now on: Banco Regional. This PEA shows us a detailed and structured analysis of its current situation through internal analysis, external analysis, analysis of its short and long-term objectives, correlated with the process, implementation and strategic evaluation of the organization, in addition to its competitiveness as organization. On a financial level, Banco Regional is in a good position within the banking industry, but it is still far from the main benchmarks of this. This plan has been developed with public information and interviews with two department managers from the product areas, using the sequential model method proposed by D’Alessio (2015). It is concluded that Banco Regional is in an interrogation zone, so it is vital for the bank to give continuity to the risk policies it manages in order to ensure the viability of granting both loans and cards to low risk clients, in addition to building loyalty. and contain the active portfolio of clients to maintain a representative participation in the market. Banco Regional manages its opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses in an adequate way, and better than the companies in this market. However, this management must still improve since, compared to leading companies worldwide, it only has an acceptable but non-competitive average performance. Based on this analysis, long-term objectives have been established in line with the interests of Banco Regional. These objectives are mainly focused on increasing the sale of its products associated with personal loans and cash availability, to ensure good profitability as well as having a high rate of process automation with a good working environment.
Bancos--Perú, Planificación estratégica