Transparencia corporativa en las compañías generadoras de energía eléctrica en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La transparencia corporativa constituye una herramienta efectiva para la lucha contra
la corrupción al reducir los espacios y oportunidades en los que puedan ocurrir actividades
ilícitas. Esto sucede porque las compañías transparentes hacen de conocimiento público
información relevante y oportuna acerca de sus actividades, situación económica y gobierno
corporativo, y la someten al escrutinio de todas las partes interesadas o stakeholders. La
transparencia corporativa también incide en el crecimiento sostenible de las organizaciones,
pues genera confianza en su entorno, que se traduce en licencia social para operar, mejores
condiciones de financiamiento, mejor administración o gobernanza, y mejores resultados
económicos en una suerte de círculo virtuoso. En vista del contexto político que atraviesa el
Perú producto de la falta de ética en los negocios, resulta particularmente propicio el estudio
de la transparencia corporativa y su aplicación en el país, con la finalidad de difundir sus
beneficios y promover su utilización en todos los ámbitos de la actividad económica.
La presente investigación aborda la transparencia corporativa en las compañías
generadoras de energía eléctrica que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima. En este sentido,
es preciso mencionar que la energía eléctrica constituye un recurso fundamental para el
desarrollo social y económico del país. Además, las empresas de generación eléctrica
reportan las mayores inversiones del sector y aquellas listadas en bolsa concentran más de la
mitad de los ingresos del rubro energético en el país (Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión
en Energía y Minería [Osinergmin], 2017). La investigación contempla un diseño cuantitativo
con enfoque descriptivo y correlacional, puesto que se busca analizar la transparencia en el
sector indicado y determinar las relaciones que establece con factores organizacionales. El
trabajo incluyó la construcción de una herramienta de medición ad hoc denominada Índice de
Transparencia Corporativa en Internet (ITCI), desarrollada sobre la base de instrumentos
válidos seleccionados por su pertinencia para la investigación. La confiabilidad de esta herramienta fue medida mediante el Alfa de Cronbach y el coeficiente KR-20 de Kuder y
Richardson. Por otro lado, el análisis correlacional se validó con la prueba del valor crítico
del coeficiente de correlación de Spearman, a un nivel de significancia de 0.05.
Un ITCI de 58.20% evidencia, como resultado, un potencial de mejora importante,
especialmente en la transparencia de aspectos de gobierno corporativo y herramientas para
inversionistas. Asimismo, el análisis correlacional entre la transparencia y variables
organizacionales como el tamaño, rentabilidad, endeudamiento y propiedad del capital
(estatal o privado), reveló que el tamaño de la compañía presentaba una correlación positiva
media con el nivel de transparencia corporativa en las empresas estudiadas. Ambos resultados
son consistentes con las investigaciones académicas que dan cuenta de los niveles bajos de
transparencia corporativa en América Latina y que señalan al tamaño de la organización
como un determinante organizacional de la transparencia.
La contribución de este trabajo de investigación se refleja en lo siguiente: (a) la
revisión de la literatura, que sirve como una referencia para el entendimiento de la
transparencia corporativa; (b) el desarrollo de una herramienta de medición de la
transparencia corporativa adaptada para el sector en particular; (c) los resultados descriptivos
de la transparencia en las empresas en estudio, que sirven como referencia para
investigaciones más profundas en el mismo sector o similares; (d) los resultados del análisis
correlacional, a fin de entender qué factores organizacionales se vinculan a la transparencia
en el sector; y (e) la difusión de la importancia, utilidad y beneficios de la transparencia
Corporate transparency is an effective tool in the fight against corruption by reducing the spaces and opportunities where illicit activities can occur. This is because transparent companies make of public knowledge relevant and timely information about their activities, economic situation and corporate governance, and subject it to the scrutiny of all interested parties or stakeholders. Corporate transparency also affects the sustainable growth of organizations since it generates confidence in their environment and this translates into a social license to operate, better financing conditions, better administration or governance and, finally, better economic results in a sort of virtuous circle. In view of the political context that the country is going through because of the lack of ethics in the business, it is particularly propitious to study corporate transparency and its application in the country with the purpose of disseminating its benefits and promoting its use in all fields of the economic activity. This research deals with corporate transparency in electrical energy generating companies listed on the Lima Stock Exchange. In this sense, it is necessary to mention that electrical energy is a fundamental resource for the social and economic development of the country. In addition, electrical energy generating companies in Peru concentrated most of the investments in the sector and those listed on the stock exchange represented more than the half of the item's turnover (Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Energía y Minería [Osinergmin], 2017). The research contemplates a quantitative design with descriptive and correlational approaches, since it analyzes transparency in the indicated sector and identifies relationships between organizational factors and transparency. This work comprised the development of an ad hoc measurement tool called the Corporate Transparency Index on the Internet (ITCI, as per acronym in Spanish), which was created based on valid instruments chosen for their relevance to this research. The reliability of this tool was measured using Cronbach's Alpha and Kuder and Richardson’s KR-20 coefficient. On the other hand, the correlational analysis was validated by testing the critical value of the Spearman correlation coefficient at a significance level of 0.05. With an ITCI of 58.20%, the results show that there is much room for improvement, especially in the transparency of aspects of corporate governance and tools for investors. Likewise, the correlation analysis between the ITCI and organizational variables such as size, profitability, indebtedness and ownership of capital (state or private), showed that the size of the company, presented an average positive correlation with the level of corporate transparency in the companies studied. These results are congruent with academic research that shows the low level of transparency in Latin America and the size of the organization as an internal determinant of the company's level of transparency. The contribution of this research work is reflected in the following: (a) the review of the literature, which serves as a reference for the understanding of corporate transparency; (b) the development of a corporate transparency measurement tool especially tailored for the analyzed sector; (c) the descriptive results of transparency in the companies under study, which serve as a reference for more in- depth studies in the same or similar sectors; (d) the results of correlational analysis, in order to understand which organizational factors relate to transparency in the sector; and (e) the dissemination of the importance, usefulness and benefits of corporate transparency.
Corporate transparency is an effective tool in the fight against corruption by reducing the spaces and opportunities where illicit activities can occur. This is because transparent companies make of public knowledge relevant and timely information about their activities, economic situation and corporate governance, and subject it to the scrutiny of all interested parties or stakeholders. Corporate transparency also affects the sustainable growth of organizations since it generates confidence in their environment and this translates into a social license to operate, better financing conditions, better administration or governance and, finally, better economic results in a sort of virtuous circle. In view of the political context that the country is going through because of the lack of ethics in the business, it is particularly propitious to study corporate transparency and its application in the country with the purpose of disseminating its benefits and promoting its use in all fields of the economic activity. This research deals with corporate transparency in electrical energy generating companies listed on the Lima Stock Exchange. In this sense, it is necessary to mention that electrical energy is a fundamental resource for the social and economic development of the country. In addition, electrical energy generating companies in Peru concentrated most of the investments in the sector and those listed on the stock exchange represented more than the half of the item's turnover (Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Energía y Minería [Osinergmin], 2017). The research contemplates a quantitative design with descriptive and correlational approaches, since it analyzes transparency in the indicated sector and identifies relationships between organizational factors and transparency. This work comprised the development of an ad hoc measurement tool called the Corporate Transparency Index on the Internet (ITCI, as per acronym in Spanish), which was created based on valid instruments chosen for their relevance to this research. The reliability of this tool was measured using Cronbach's Alpha and Kuder and Richardson’s KR-20 coefficient. On the other hand, the correlational analysis was validated by testing the critical value of the Spearman correlation coefficient at a significance level of 0.05. With an ITCI of 58.20%, the results show that there is much room for improvement, especially in the transparency of aspects of corporate governance and tools for investors. Likewise, the correlation analysis between the ITCI and organizational variables such as size, profitability, indebtedness and ownership of capital (state or private), showed that the size of the company, presented an average positive correlation with the level of corporate transparency in the companies studied. These results are congruent with academic research that shows the low level of transparency in Latin America and the size of the organization as an internal determinant of the company's level of transparency. The contribution of this research work is reflected in the following: (a) the review of the literature, which serves as a reference for the understanding of corporate transparency; (b) the development of a corporate transparency measurement tool especially tailored for the analyzed sector; (c) the descriptive results of transparency in the companies under study, which serve as a reference for more in- depth studies in the same or similar sectors; (d) the results of correlational analysis, in order to understand which organizational factors relate to transparency in the sector; and (e) the dissemination of the importance, usefulness and benefits of corporate transparency.
Transparencia corporativa--Perú, Indicadores sociales--Perú, Indicadores económicos--Perú, Sector energético--Perú, Investigación cuantitativa
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