Calidad de las empresas peruanas en el sector banca en Lima, 2014
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Administración de la Calidad Total en las Empresas promueve la mejora continua
en el desempeño de sus funciones en las diferentes áreas a través del uso de buenas prácticas
de calidad. Reconocidos autores en este campo como Demming, Crosby, Feigenbaum, Juran
e Ishikawa contribuyeron al desarrollo de éstas prácticas y propusieron que pueden ser
aplicadas a todo tipo de empresas.
En la presente investigación cuantitativa se analizó el nivel de cumplimiento en los
nueve factores de éxito de la Administración de la Calidad Total (TQM por sus siglas en
inglés) en las empresas del Sector Banca en Lima. No se conocen publicaciones académicas
que hayan analizado el nivel de cumplimiento de los nueve factores del TQM en dicho sector,
y en ello consiste la originalidad del presente estudio.
El instrumento empleado para la recolección de datos fue la encuesta desarrollada por
Benzaquen (2013) que consta de 35 preguntas relacionadas a cada uno de los nueve factores
de éxito del TQM, el estudio se aplicó sobre una muestra de 138 encuestas realizadas a los
gerentes de agencia o jefes de departamento de las agencias bancarias de Lima. Los
resultados obtenidos indicaron que el sector banca en Lima, tiene un valor promedio del nivel
de calidad de 4.33 frente al 3.75 obtenido por Benzaquen (2013), esto indica que el sector
desarrolla prácticas de calidad, confirmando que las empresas vienen realizando gestiones
para consolidación de procesos que permitan obtener una mejora en la calidad.
Finalmente, consideramos no hay una receta sobre cómo hacer que un sistema de
calidad funcione para una organización, es un trabajo que cada organización debe asumir, con
sus particularidades, adhiriéndolo a su gestión y a su cultura, buscando la mejora continua y
enfocados en cumplir con los requisitos de sus clientes. Las entidades bancarias en Lima
deben trabajar en fortalecer su gestión de calidad para mantener la línea de crecimiento que
han experimentado en los últimos diez años.
The Total Quality Management promotes continuous improvement in the performance of their duties in different areas through the use of good practices of quality. Recognized authors in this field as Demming, Crosby, Feigenbaum, Juran and Ishikawa contributed to the development of these practices and proposed that can be applied to all types of businesses. In this quantitative research the degree of compliance was analyzed the nine success factors of Total Quality Management in Banking Sector companies in Lima. There are not known academic publications that have analyzed the level of fulfillment of nine factors of the TQM. The instrument used for the compilation of information was the survey developed by Benzaquen (2013) that consists of 35 questions related to each of nine factors of success of the TQM, the study was applied on a sample of 138 surveys realized to the managers of agency or chiefs of department of the bank agencies of the province of Lima. The obtained results indicated that the sector pays in Lima, it has an average value of the qualit level of 4.33 opposite to 3.75 obtained as Benzaquen (2013), confirming that the companies of the sector come realizing negotiations for the implementation and process consolidation that they allow to obtain an improvement in the quality. Finally, we consider there is no a recipe on how to do that a quality system works for an organization, is a work that every organization must assume, with its particularities, by adhering to its management and culture, looking for the improvement continues and focused in expiring with the requirements of its clients. The bank companies at Lima must be employed in strengthening its management of quality to support the line of growth that they have experienced in the last ten years.
The Total Quality Management promotes continuous improvement in the performance of their duties in different areas through the use of good practices of quality. Recognized authors in this field as Demming, Crosby, Feigenbaum, Juran and Ishikawa contributed to the development of these practices and proposed that can be applied to all types of businesses. In this quantitative research the degree of compliance was analyzed the nine success factors of Total Quality Management in Banking Sector companies in Lima. There are not known academic publications that have analyzed the level of fulfillment of nine factors of the TQM. The instrument used for the compilation of information was the survey developed by Benzaquen (2013) that consists of 35 questions related to each of nine factors of success of the TQM, the study was applied on a sample of 138 surveys realized to the managers of agency or chiefs of department of the bank agencies of the province of Lima. The obtained results indicated that the sector pays in Lima, it has an average value of the qualit level of 4.33 opposite to 3.75 obtained as Benzaquen (2013), confirming that the companies of the sector come realizing negotiations for the implementation and process consolidation that they allow to obtain an improvement in the quality. Finally, we consider there is no a recipe on how to do that a quality system works for an organization, is a work that every organization must assume, with its particularities, by adhering to its management and culture, looking for the improvement continues and focused in expiring with the requirements of its clients. The bank companies at Lima must be employed in strengthening its management of quality to support the line of growth that they have experienced in the last ten years.
Calidad total, Bancos--Perú, Investigación cuantitativa
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