Relación entre estrés académico y regulación emocional en estudiantes universitarios de Lima, Cajamarca y Arequipa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación forma parte del proyecto “La salud en estudiantes universitarios
peruanos” dirigido por la Mg. Mónica Cassaretto y la Mg. Patty Vilela. El propósito del estudio
fue analizar la relación entre el estrés académico y la regulación emocional en estudiantes
universitarios de Lima, Cajamarca y Arequipa. Con este fin, se evaluó a 1207 estudiantes
universitarios, cuyas edades oscilaban entre los 17 y 32 años (M= 20.51; DE= 2.3). Se utilizó
el Inventario SISCO de estrés académico en su versión original diseñada por Barraza (2007) y
el Cuestionario de Regulación Cognitiva de las emociones (CERQ) en su versión validada en
el Perú (Domínguez & Medrano, 2016). Los resultados sugieren que los estudiantes, en
promedio, presentan niveles de estrés académico medianamente altos, siendo las mujeres
quienes muestran mayor intensidad del mismo. Asimismo, se observaron diferencias
significativas en cuanto al tipo de universidad, aquellas universidades que se encontraban en
los primeros puestos del ranking universitario, presentaban mayores niveles de estrés
académico. Por otro parte, se encontraron múltiples correlaciones entre los indicadores de
estrés académico y diversas estrategias de regulación emocional. Posteriormente, se realizaron
análisis de regresión para cada indicador del estrés académico, encontrando que las estrategias
de culpar a otros, autoculparse, catastrofización y focalización positiva predecían el modelo de
intensidad del estrés (R2 =.16, p< .001). Mientras que el modelo de reacciones globales (R2 =.22,
p< .001) era predicho únicamente por la estrategia de aceptación.
The present research is part of the project "Health in Peruvian university students" led by Mg. Monica Cassaretto and Mg. Patty Vilela. The aim of the study is to analyze the possible relationship between academic stress and emotional regulation in university students of Lima, Cajamarca y Arequipa. With this purpose, this study evaluated 1207 college students, between the ages 17 and 30 years old (M= 20.51; DE= 2.3). The SISCO Inventory of academic stress in its original version designed by Barraza (2007) and the Cognitive Emotional Regulation Questionnarie (CERQ) validated in its spanish version in Peru (Domínguez & Medrano, 2016) were used for the measurement. Results, revealed that the students show fairly high levels of academic stress, with women showing higher levels. Likewise, significant differences were observed based on the university ranking. In this sense, those who were in the top positions, showed higher levels of academic stress. On the other hand, multiple correlations between indicators of academic stress and different emotional regulation strategies were found. Subsequently, linear regression models were assessed for academic stress. Results showed that other blame, self-blame, catastrophizing and positive refocusing influenced the intensity model (R2 =.16, p< .001) of the academic stress. Meanwhile, global reactions model (R2 =.22, p< .001) was influenced only by acceptance.
The present research is part of the project "Health in Peruvian university students" led by Mg. Monica Cassaretto and Mg. Patty Vilela. The aim of the study is to analyze the possible relationship between academic stress and emotional regulation in university students of Lima, Cajamarca y Arequipa. With this purpose, this study evaluated 1207 college students, between the ages 17 and 30 years old (M= 20.51; DE= 2.3). The SISCO Inventory of academic stress in its original version designed by Barraza (2007) and the Cognitive Emotional Regulation Questionnarie (CERQ) validated in its spanish version in Peru (Domínguez & Medrano, 2016) were used for the measurement. Results, revealed that the students show fairly high levels of academic stress, with women showing higher levels. Likewise, significant differences were observed based on the university ranking. In this sense, those who were in the top positions, showed higher levels of academic stress. On the other hand, multiple correlations between indicators of academic stress and different emotional regulation strategies were found. Subsequently, linear regression models were assessed for academic stress. Results showed that other blame, self-blame, catastrophizing and positive refocusing influenced the intensity model (R2 =.16, p< .001) of the academic stress. Meanwhile, global reactions model (R2 =.22, p< .001) was influenced only by acceptance.
Stress (Psicología), Emociones, Estudiantes universitarios--Investigaciones
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