Modelo prolab: Caxaplast ladrillos ecológicos en base a plástico PET
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La necesidad de construcción con materiales resistentes y vivir en un ambiente libre de
contaminación son a veces difíciles de compatibilizar, ya que la sola construcción de un millar de
ladrillos tipo III, IV y/o V reglamentado por NTP E.70, puede producir alrededor de media
tonelada de CO2 en el aire, según autores como Apaza, Portugal, & Tirado (2021). Por tanto, se
busca presentar una opción que pueda satisfacer las demandas de construcción, procurando la
utilización de tecnologías limpias con valor agregado de sostenibilidad atractivo a potenciales
Para ello, se realizó un contexto ambiental del Perú, donde se arroja que el país tiene una
reputación negativa de calidad de aire de 26 de 117 países más contaminado en dicho ítem, así
mismo, se procedió a realizar aproximaciones de la industria del ladrillo, el cual se estima una
demanda de alrededor 9 millones de ladrillos convencionales durante el año 2019. Por otro lado,
dentro de un análisis PESTE se observan factores negativos en dicho mercado, como la
informalidad de ladrillos la cual no es atacada desde autoridades políticas, la recuperación
económica que aún no alcanza niveles industriales previos a la pandemia, aunque también se
observan factores positivos como la mayor conciencia del medio ambiente que poseen las
empresas y consumidores potenciales.
Posteriormente, se desarrolló una investigación estudio de potenciales clientes de un
ladrillo ecológico, mediante entrevistas focalizadas en ingenieros civiles con experiencia en el
mercado del ladrillo, donde se observaron que atributos son esenciales en su quehacer
profesional, cuyos resultados destacan la importancia de realizar procesos amigables con el
medioambiente y el desconocimiento de productos como ladrillos ecológicos.
The need to build with resistant materials and living in a pollution-free environment are sometimes difficult to reconcile, since the construction of a thousand bricks type III, IV and/or V, regulated by NTP E.70, can produce around half a ton of CO2 in the air, according to authors such as Apaza, Portugal, & Tirado (2021). Therefore, it seeks to present an option that can satisfy the construction demands, looking for the use of clean technologies with added value of attractive sustainability to potential clients. To achieve this, an environmental context of Peru was carried out, revealing that the country has a negative air quality reputation ranking 26 out of 117 most polluted countries in this aspect. Likewise, approximations of the brick industry were carried out, which is estimated to have a demand of around 9 million conventional bricks during 2019. On the other hand, within a PESTE analysis, shows negative factors in this market, such as the informality in brick production which is not addressed by political authorities, and the economic recovery that has not yet reached pre-pandemic industrial levels, although positive factors are also observed, such as the greater awareness of the environment that companies and potential consumers have. Subsequently, an investigation study of potential clients of an ecological brick was developed, through interviews focused on civil engineers with experience in the brick market, where it was observed that attributes are essential in their professional work, whose results highlight the importance of carrying out friendly processes. with the environment and lack of awareness of products such as ecological bricks.
The need to build with resistant materials and living in a pollution-free environment are sometimes difficult to reconcile, since the construction of a thousand bricks type III, IV and/or V, regulated by NTP E.70, can produce around half a ton of CO2 in the air, according to authors such as Apaza, Portugal, & Tirado (2021). Therefore, it seeks to present an option that can satisfy the construction demands, looking for the use of clean technologies with added value of attractive sustainability to potential clients. To achieve this, an environmental context of Peru was carried out, revealing that the country has a negative air quality reputation ranking 26 out of 117 most polluted countries in this aspect. Likewise, approximations of the brick industry were carried out, which is estimated to have a demand of around 9 million conventional bricks during 2019. On the other hand, within a PESTE analysis, shows negative factors in this market, such as the informality in brick production which is not addressed by political authorities, and the economic recovery that has not yet reached pre-pandemic industrial levels, although positive factors are also observed, such as the greater awareness of the environment that companies and potential consumers have. Subsequently, an investigation study of potential clients of an ecological brick was developed, through interviews focused on civil engineers with experience in the brick market, where it was observed that attributes are essential in their professional work, whose results highlight the importance of carrying out friendly processes. with the environment and lack of awareness of products such as ecological bricks.
Plásticos en la construcción, Construcciones de ladrillo, Construcción sostenible
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