Modelo prolab: Mayoreo, una propuesta de solución digital que transforma el aprovisionamiento de comerciantes minoristas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En los mercados de abastos de Lima Centro, los comerciantes minoristas realizan un
proceso de aprovisionamiento de bienes perecibles (para la presente investigación, verduras)
desde el Gran Mercado Mayorista de Lima (GMML). Este sistema de compra se encuentra
rezagado respecto al empleado por los supermercados y tiendas de conveniencia. El mismo
requiere que los minoristas realicen el proceso de forma presencial, desplazándose distancias
considerables, lidien con aglomeraciones y enfrenten la incertidumbre de contar con un
transporte adecuado. Debido a ello, los comerciantes minoristas necesitan contar con una
plataforma virtual que les brinde la posibilidad de concretar sus transacciones sin malgastar
sus recursos en el proceso. Además, el sistema también representará un beneficio al generar
predictibilidad en las órdenes de pedido a los comerciantes mayoristas del GMML,
estibadores y transportistas dispuestos a involucrarse en un modelo más eficiente que el
Esta investigación aplica la metodología Design Thinking. A través de entrevistas y
encuestas se ha logrado obtener insights de los comerciantes minoristas, considerando sus
preferencias para generar un proceso óptimo. Es así que la propuesta de valor planteada busca
integrar digitalmente a los comerciantes minoristas con sus principales stakeholders
(comerciantes mayoristas, estibadores y transportistas) en el proceso de compra, buscando
garantizar la calidad deseada en los productos, despacho eficiente y un transporte que se
ajuste al precio ofertado por el comerciante.
La propuesta de negocio generará beneficios: i) sociales, impactando en los Objetivos
de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) debido al ahorro de tiempo generado a los agentes
involucrados, lo que eleva su productividad, reflejado en un VAN social de S/2,228,306; y ii)
económicos, resultando un VAN de S/ 2,346,704 con una TIR de 142.7 %, ambos en un
período de 5 años.
In traditional food markets located in Lima Centro, retailers engage in the supply of perishable goods (vegetables for this investigation) sourced from the Great Wholesale Market of Lima (GMML, in Spanish). This purchasing system falls behind the methods performed by supermarkets and convenience stores. It requires retailers to personally undertake the process, involving significant distances, dealing with crowds, and facing uncertainties regarding transportation availability. Consequently, retailers require a virtual platform that enables them to complete their transactions efficiently, without wasting their resources in the process. Moreover, implementing such a system would bring predictability in purchase orders for GMML wholesalers, stevedores service, and shippers willing to get involved in a more efficient model than the current one. This research applies the Design Thinking methodology. Through interviews and surveys, significant insights from retailers have been obtained, considering their preferences to establish an optimal process. Thus, the proposed value proposition aims to digitally integrate retailers with their main stakeholders (wholesalers, stevedores, and shippers) in the purchase process, guaranteeing the desired product quality, efficient dispatch, and transportation that aligns with the merchant’s offered price. This business proposal generates benefits as: i) socials, impacting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), due time savings for the involved parties, thereby increasing their productivity reflected in a social NPV of S/ 2,228,306; and ii) economics, resulting in a NPV of S/ 2,346,704 with an IRR of 142.7%, over a 5- year period.
In traditional food markets located in Lima Centro, retailers engage in the supply of perishable goods (vegetables for this investigation) sourced from the Great Wholesale Market of Lima (GMML, in Spanish). This purchasing system falls behind the methods performed by supermarkets and convenience stores. It requires retailers to personally undertake the process, involving significant distances, dealing with crowds, and facing uncertainties regarding transportation availability. Consequently, retailers require a virtual platform that enables them to complete their transactions efficiently, without wasting their resources in the process. Moreover, implementing such a system would bring predictability in purchase orders for GMML wholesalers, stevedores service, and shippers willing to get involved in a more efficient model than the current one. This research applies the Design Thinking methodology. Through interviews and surveys, significant insights from retailers have been obtained, considering their preferences to establish an optimal process. Thus, the proposed value proposition aims to digitally integrate retailers with their main stakeholders (wholesalers, stevedores, and shippers) in the purchase process, guaranteeing the desired product quality, efficient dispatch, and transportation that aligns with the merchant’s offered price. This business proposal generates benefits as: i) socials, impacting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), due time savings for the involved parties, thereby increasing their productivity reflected in a social NPV of S/ 2,228,306; and ii) economics, resulting in a NPV of S/ 2,346,704 with an IRR of 142.7%, over a 5- year period.
Comercio minorista--Perú--Lima, Mercados de abasto--Perú--Lima, Alimentos--Comercialización--Perú--Lima, Aplicaciones--Dispositivos móviles, Comercio electrónico
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